Sunday, January 22, 2012

Carved Heart Embroidery

Nerd alert: when I was a little kid, I loved doing embroidery and cross-stitching. I have vivid, happy memories of my mom helping me trace pictures from the Friend (a Christian kids’ magazine I loved) onto muslin to embroider, and I spent hours stitching away. (Maybe this is what’s wrong with kids these days . . . they don’t know how to cross stitch. I cross stitched, and I turned out swimmingly, ergo, today’s children should be cross stitching more. Embroider today for a brighter tomorrow!)

Unfortunately, I lost interest in it as time went on, and other hobbies stepped in to take needlework’s place. But a deep, beautiful, slightly inappropriate love affair with Allison’s embroidery on Little Lovelies (here are some of my favorites from her blog) made me want to pick it up again. Then I saw this project at Miss Lovie a few weeks before Christmas—a little heart carved in a tree, complete with initials. It seemed like exactly the sort of Christmas gift I could spend hours making for Jeff, who would not appreciate it at all. And I was right!

carved heart embroidery 001

Isn’t that sweet? I normally don’t go for the cutesy-pootsy “we’re so in love”-type projects, but I thought this one was cute without making me want to gag at its hormonal teenaged romanticism.

carved heart embroidery 003

The original tutorial includes a printable pattern that you can trace onto your fabric to stitch over. Someone--and I don’t want to name names, but someone in this house who has an absurd obsession with electronic gadgets and is about 2 feet tall--broke our printer, so I couldn’t take advantage of the pattern. I just sketched out something that looked vaguely similar to the pictures and got to work. Mine is also much larger than the one in the tutorial—something like 5 inches across instead of ornament-sized.

I really love how it came out. I’m not entirely certain what to do with a single piece of embroidery art . . . I think I may want to start embroidering again, make some more little pieces, and cluster them together on a wall somewhere. This little project revived a long-dormant interest in a hobby that I had all but forgotten about. But for now, there’s just the one, and it’s perched awkwardly on Jeff’s nightstand. Three cheers for useless Christmas gifts!


  1. Lol Rachel, you kill me! I totally agree. I remember cross stitching on the bus in the mornings on the way to school. (What? I didn't have many friends? ; )

    Kids today need to learn how to embroider. Lets start a campaign to make it a new kindergarten subject!

  2. This is too cute! I love it! I think making some more and clustering them on a wall is a wonderful idea.

  3. Embroider today for a brighter tomorrow - haha! You crack me up. I looove to cross stitch but they always end up in a junk drawer somewhere because cute little hedgehogs with balloons just don't go with my decor.
    Your embroidery turned out so good! I've never embroidered but I would really like to. Especially if I could make something as cute as yours that I could actually put up in my house :)

  4. Haha! I love useless Christmas gifts. Cheers! No but really, it's lovely. You did a fantastic job.

  5. Husbands just don't get old lady crafts. I don't understand.

    This is adorable!!

  6. Ahh I love it!! And I know I can always count on you to make me laugh at the silly things we all do.

  7. It's adorable! I've never embroidered anything, but I can appreciate the fact that men just don't get our need to craft useless things. :)

  8. Three cheers for gorgeous useless Christmas gifts!!

  9. LOVE IT RACHEL! You can tell because I made one too! Just posed it yesterday in fact! Mine isnt nearly as pretty as yours though. Great job!

  10. I cross stitched as a kid too, I loved doing it! Still do :) I love this piece, I've been wanted to make one exactly like this (I bought a hoop just for it months ago!)!! Thanks for pointing me to a pattern for it, if my printer will work, I might make one this week.

  11. It turned out so good! I love it! Thanks for all the shout outs :) I think my next embroidery piece will read "Embroider today for a brighter tomorrow."

  12. Ah I love it! I'm working on my own embroidery right now. It's only taking months to get myself to finish it hah

  13. I love embroidery. I have started doing in on everything. My diaper bag, my camera case, pillows - and it really does make for a brighter tomorrow. For me, at least.

  14. Adore this! Must make soon! Also, what a fabulous unconventional wedding gift!

  15. lol, their may be something to this cross stitching thing. My sisters and I all cross stitched and I think we managed to turn out ok. Our husbands however never did and they are quite... okay I'm gonna be quiet so I don't get in trouble.

  16. very sweet. I love this simple expression of love. I also cross-stitched until I discovered knitting and the cross-stitching fell by the wayside. I often see things that make me want to embroider, but no time yet to add another craft to my life.

  17. Love it!! I also loved embroidering things as a oldest daughter is following in my footsteps! ;) I may have her make a couple of these for her grandparents for their anniversaries! How fun would that be?

  18. I used to do a lot of cross stitching as a kid, too. It's so calming. Love your piece. What a great project.

  19. LOVE your embroidery!!! I think it turned out super cute!!
    If you don't want to hang the hoop on the wall, you could frame it or you could use it as the center of a pillow. It would look cute in anything!


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