Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are you there, Blog?

You know what always cracks me up? When I see a blog post that starts with, “I am SOOOO sorry I haven’t posted in like 4 whole days!!! I’m still alive, I promise, LOL! Don’t worry!!!” As if every reader has been gnawing at their fingernails, constantly refreshing the page to check for updates, wondering if they should send out the search and rescue squad to solve The Mystery of The Missing Blogger. I have rarely, if ever, noticed when the bloggers I stalk have taken a little break, so I’m going to assume that no one noticed (or fretted over) my week-long absence here.

I mostly haven’t had anything interesting to say or show you—the past week was an unusual mix of busy-ness (2 doctor’s appointments consisting of 3 long-overdue vaccinations for a very unhappy Forrest as well as some steroids for me . . . I can’t even describe the nerdy good-girl-turned-rebel glee I feel when I pop my steroid pills in the morning, even if it’s just to treat a wacky rash on my chest), and laziness (I read 3 books this week while languishing on the couch in a drug-induced stupor—what a nice change from watching Gossip Girl on Netflix). I even tried to crack a steroid joke with the pharmacist when picking up my prescription—I overestimated the extent of our friendship (I guess asking his advice on how to treat bronchitis because I didn’t want to pay for a doctor’s appointment a few months back did not forge as deep of a bond on his end as it did on mine), and he did not seem particularly amused by my ‘roid rage humor. I’ll win him over sooner or later, just you wait. I’m coming for you, Mr. Stony-Faced Pharmacist.

But there’s been another whisper of an underlying reason I didn’t post much this week . . . despite the busy-ness and tired-ness and rash-fighting-ness and lack-of-friendship-with-my-pharmacist-ness, I’d think about writing a post and realize something: I’m not really sure what my blog’s deal is anymore.

I mentioned that I often enjoy a little private laugh at bloggers who apologize for infrequent posting, as if they owe it to me, somehow, to be constantly dazzling me with new projects or amazing ideas or stylish outfits or gourmet recipes or hilarious anecdotes. Another blogger phenomenon I’ve giggled over in the past is bloggers posting some sort of poll or survey asking readers what they enjoy about the blog . . . “what kind of posts do you like to see? What keeps you coming back for more? What would you like to see more of here? What posts do you skip?” I used to see posts asking for such feedback and think to myself, “Good gracious, just write what you want. It’s your blog.” But I totally understand that now, and although I’m resisting the urge to make a survey and beg for your thoughts, I read through a few of my older posts recently and realized my blog has been going through a bit of an identity crisis—at first, all I posted was tutorials, sewing projects, my own craft ideas or other ladies’ projects that blew my mind. It was a craft blog and a venue to shamelessly promote my etsy shop (see how I resisted the shameless self-promotion there? no link!). I rarely wrote anything that was personal or not craft-related.

In recent months though, I haven’t come up with any new ideas or tutorials, and the only crafty projects I’ve shown have been things I’ve made using other people’s patterns/tutorials, but didn’t think up on my own. I feel fine about this—honestly, why come up with a new tutorial or idea when there are a zillion amazing patterns and instructions out there already?—but it almost leaves me a little uncertain about where this blog is headed, and where I want it to go. Do I want it to turn into a simple project gallery? Or a lifestyle blog with funny stories about my kid? Do I need to keep posting tutorials and craft ideas to keep readers coming back? Should I even care if readers keep coming back? And then there’s the occasional oddball post like my haircut pictures recently that gets, like, 400% more comments than anything else I ever write and I end up thinking, “Should I even pretend this is a craft blog anymore when the posts that get the most comments are about my hair?”

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m not positive where this blog is right now or where it’s going, but I think I’m just going to let it wander where it wants to wander. I’ve seen creative bloggers mention feeling pressured or competitive—if they don’t have new ideas, original tutorials, large-and-in-charge content, big events or changes always in the works, they’ll fall behind and seem boring or behind-the-times or unexciting. I have somehow avoided feeling any such pressure to perform, and am kind of enjoying just writing whatever comes to mind, even if it doesn’t necessarily fit what I thought this blog would be when I began. I can hardly call it a craft blog anymore since there’s an undeniable lack of original craft ideas, but I’m not sure what to call it instead. Just my blog, I guess? Maybe it doesn’t need a category. When I think of the blogs I most enjoy reading, I sort of have a hard time categorizing them . . . sure, I appreciate and want to read good content, but the blogs that have remained favorites of mine in the long run instead of just popping up and then being quickly forgotten are the ones whose writing really grabs me. I do care, to a degree, what they’re writing about, but I mostly just love reading what they have to say and how they say it. Maybe that’s where my blog belongs . . . somewhere in the “Is that girl still blabbing?” category.

And, without begging for it, this is me quietly wondering aloud why you read this blog, exactly, and what you enjoy about it? Because I kind of have no idea what any of you are doing here, if I’m being honest. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so glad to have fun readers that seriously feel like real-life friends (no matter how many times Jeff tells me I need to air-quote “friends” when I’m talking about blog friends) . . . but I’m not exactly sure what makes you want to subscribe or come back for more.

And since you’re already here and, quite frankly, are probably bored to tears if you’re still reading this, I’ll reward you with some pictures that will be getting their own posts sometime soon . . . a quick and adorable scarf I spent a whopping 15 minutes and $3 on . . . I’ll share the 3-step how-to in a day or two:

DSC_0463 And my sister and I pretending to be much more suave, sexy, and sophisticated than we actually are in a mini photo shoot featuring the darling clothing section at Bungalow Boutique . . . more photos to come later. I’m still sad every morning when I open my closet and it only has my regular old clothes inside instead of these ones:

bungalow1 Over and out.


  1. Blogs, like everything in life need to evolve to survive. Great job "keepin it fresh"!

  2. First, and foremost, I love your blog!! I first found your blog when I was working on some crocheting projects before Christmas. You're blog has been so helpful....I love your crafts. But don't stress about not having blog direction. It's your blog...write about your life, whether it be your hair, what you made for dinner, or what you crafted that week! Keep writing and enjoy yourself :)

  3. I think a well written blog sounds like the way to go, I enjoy your writing style and have unfollowed blogs that just don't grab my attention with the writing

    Reading your thoughts make me smile =]

    Oh and your hair is awesome :P

  4. You know, I've been having a lot of those same thoughts lately. Blogging just hasn't seemed quite so important lately. Which is probably what my husband was thinking all along, he was just too kind to say it out loud. And I read your blog because I like you. And because you have a way of saying exactly what I was thinking in some part of my mind but couldn't find the words for. And you're an interesting person. And your hair. {muaha.}

  5. Oh, Rachel...thank goodness you're back! I was starting to get worried about you...;)

    I read your blog because I adore the way you write. I love that I feel like I know you because of your stories, your projects, heck - your HAIR (well, not really your hair so much...although I do love your hair), your beautiful baby boy, everything! I love your posts, no matter what you write about...I think you're doing perfectly, just being you.

  6. I think that's what makes a great blog...when it evolves. You start out thinking you'll blog about something specific and then as you go, new ideas flow, other things interest you and it just kind of "goes." Blogs like yours are much more REAL than those who insist on making sure they have certain posts with certain ideas and content on certain days :)

    Annnd I have to jump on the "I love your hair" bandwagon because be short: I have a six month old, long hair doesn't cut it, I saw yours and said "THAT'S IT, that's my mommy cut" sooo...yeah"

    You rock :)

  7. I started reading your blog because of your craft projects and tutorials, but even if you didn't post another tutorial, or project, I'd still read it because you're hilarious. Your stories, your observations on life and the way you write make me smile and have a giggle, and I love that.

  8. I'm glad you posted this tonight because it lets me know that I am not alone in my blog "crisis identity." I've gone back and forth so many times on the real importance of having a certain number of followers, using that darn Google Friend Connect, and analyzing what my blog looks like in comparison to somebody else's. You hit the nail on the head--it's your blog, and NOT anyone else's! I think that, as a stay-at-home mama anyways, it's just nice to feel heard... and to have an outlet for sharing the good, the bad, the ugly, and the sometimes crafty with other like-minded women. Your blog has been that for me! As others have already said, your style of writing is sincere, honest, and downright entertaining. Of course, I adore your crochet skills and find much inspiration in your crafty side, but what keeps me coming back is the fun I find in following you... and not just the material things you've made. :) Wherever your blog is taking you, just go with it! We all obviously love it! ;)

  9. I came across your blog looking for a crochet pattern and just fell in love with it. To be honest I can not pinpoint what makes me want to read every single blogpost you do, I just want to! I love the honesty and reality in the writing of you posts. Thank You!

  10. Don't worry about your blog wandering from what you originally intended it for. My blog has completely evolved in the -- almost -- year that I've been writing. That's what we, as humans, do...or at least what we should do. I personally enjoy your style of writing, and that's what keeps bringing me back. But, it's your blog. Do what you will with it, and if you don't write anything for a little while, that's fine. It's not like a blog is a dog that needs to be fed and taken for a walk every day -- I honestly don't even take my dog for a walk every day. I'm actually glad that your life has taken over, and that you are not consumed by your blog. Here's to life, and sharing it with the world every once-in-a-while!

  11. Whoops, I guess I'm guilty on the "I'm still here" post. I feel silly about it now. You're totally right, no one really cares! It's funny how guilt for not posting anything new can consume me from time to time though. Thanks for helping me see it in a new perspective (;

    That being said, I've always thought the true beacon in your blog is your writing ability. Seriously girl, that's why I come back. Your posts always give me a good laugh. I say focus on that and whatever your little heart desires!

  12. I first joined this blog with your cal and you taught me how to crochet and I felt I got to know you and this blog and check up on it because it feels like catching up with a friend. As corny as that sounds. I read this whilst having a cuppa, and am generally thinking that blogs should be about what you want them to be about. I think its funny the more I think about that concept for my own blog Ive been getting more comments lately. I show my needle felted items and craft projects with a bit of real life stuff thrown in if I feel the need. Otherwise its just an outlet to show off felties haha. Hope you feel more inspired soon with your blog maybe think about a blog design makeover?

  13. I started reading your blog for the craft projects. You explain things in a way that's easy to follow. I read your blog even when you don't share "new" craft projects (I don't care if they're your original idea - which is almost impossible for one woman to have enough for a new project every day, or even every week) because you seem to unveil yourself without being pretentious. You never make me feel bad about the way I do things or don't do things. I haven't ever read a post from you that felt like a parade of superiority. I appreciate that you let us peek at your quirky moments, and adorable photos of your lil boy. Thanks for sharing. Write what/when you want, and I'll be here to read it when you do.

  14. I love your blog. It is probably my favorite blog to read. You're writing style is perfect! You make me laugh. I also love seeing all the cute stuff you make. And you don't have to air quote me if you ever refer to me as your friend since I actually knew you in person, not just over the internet. I do always have a twinge of regret when I read your blog that we never really hung out, even though we did frequently hide out together in the back row in Relief Society. Anyway, now I'm babbling. Write about whatever meets your fancy. I think that's what you are best at.

  15. I Intially came to your blog because of your crocheting, I love everything crochet! But once I got here I couldn't stop coming back. I LOVE your writing style, how u don't sugar coat anything. Your tell us about the good and the bad. This blog is real. I do love your tutorials and the tutorials you share by others. I will keep coming back no matter what you write about :)

  16. Rachel I read your blog because you are adorable. Your writing is real-life. Forrest is precious. Your crochet craftiness inspires. I consider you a "friend" (those are air quotes) even though I rarely comment. Keep doing what you do- if you want to!

  17. I know your having a bit of a blog identity crisis and I sympathise, I do, truly but I can't stop drooling over those red shoes your sister is wearing. I am seriously in love with them.

    Ok, your blog. Why do I come here? Well originally I came here after you commented on my bobble blanket and I liked what I saw and I keep coming back for more (wow, rapping). While I enjoy and marvel over your craft tutorials it's your writing and your life's anecdotes that I like the best. You frequently make me smile with your humour and your turn of phrase. I like how your blog looks too.

    I think you have a great blog with plenty for everyone. I know a heap of people enjoy it as much as me, you have a large following and thousands of page views per day. How do I know that? Because my blog gets a heap of traffic from your links to my blanket. So despite your "Where am I going?" wobble, there is plenty here to entertain whilst you have a think about things.

    I think you can't please everyone so just do what pleases you here, this is your blog after all.

    I did have a laugh at your "I'm so sorry for not posting...." comment, I know what the author is trying to convey with those sort of statements but I find them a bit arrogant. You're right, as if there are people over the world taking meds because a blogger hasn't posted. It hilarious really!

    Hope you get better soon. Hope the chest rash buggers off and hope the 'roids don't leave you with a hairy chin.


  18. Urgh. Just notice a few errors in my comment above. Notably "your" when I meant "you're"

  19. I only recently discovered your blog and I love it. I had gotten away from blogging and reading until a week or so ago, when I felt the urge to do more than just Facebook! Good luck with this lovely blog!

  20. I can't believe you didn't post for a whole week! I kept checking my google reader to see if you had posted an amazing tutorial for me (because after all that's all I read your blog for) but you hadn't! Don't you love me anymore?

    Only joking, I don't care when you post or what you post about, I love reading your blog. Maybe you should consider your blog just as a way of sharing your life with us "friends" far and wide including your crafts (and haircut!). There shouldn't be any pressure to blog for other people because then your writing becomes stilted and just not the lovely you that we enjoy reading. I never comment on your blog usually, so I'm sorry for that...I'm a very selfish reader :)

    Samantha xx

    p.s. hopefully I didn't offend you with my first sentence, I've just remembered not everyone gets British wit! Oops! Sorry x

  21. i love your blog just the way it is...random and all. i never know what you will post but i love it all! your blog is who you are, and that is what is most important:)

  22. Ok, so I got up early this morning with a deathly ill dog and finished up and posted a post that I'd been working on over the past few days (mostly it's just rambling, parenthesis, and bad grammar) but it's pretty similar in some ways and carries a few parallel thoughts. I checked my feed and read your blog (as I ALWAYS do) and just smiled at how eloquently you express yourself. I love your style and I think your blog is as great as they come... I think if I'd been more "personal" on mine, then I may have been more invested in it. Actually, I've completely lost the passion in mine... but I really love reading your blog. It's just so well-rounded. Yeah, well-rounded. You include a lot of aspects of your life and that's so nice... it's more like thoughts on motherhood and life with a few crafts tucked in. It's great.

  23. I actually DID wonder where you had been, but I honestly didn't realize how long you'd been gone. Then again I was crocheting at the time, and you happen to be the only "crochet girl" blog on my list, so I think it's understandable. (I was probably wondering who I could cry to if I totally screwed up my project ;)

    I enjoy reading your blog because I think you're quirky. (and you're quirky enough NOT to take that the wrong way!) Your projects are fun, your kid is cute, and the way that you write has a tendency to make me smile if not laugh outright. Plus it doesn't hurt that you actually write about things that I have been thinking. (Why am I trying to post everyday? No one in my tiny group of followers really cares THAT much!!!)

    We could totally be "friends" (air quotes or not) if we didn't live on opposite sides of the country :D

  24. I started reading your blog as a result of the ruffles and dots blanket that was featured on the blog of a friend. I enjoy your crochet tutorials because you explain things very clearly, and I keep reading your blog because I just love your writing style!

  25. I tend to subscribe to a lot of blogs and am not faithful in reading all of them. Yours, however, I never miss! I love your humor and whit.. (I'm not going to lie, I love when you post about your awesome hair, too!) :) I love your tutorials and being a mother of 2 little boys (wrecking balls) I love the pictures/stories of Forest. You're very relatable, so I'll keep on reading where ever your blog wanders off to!
    -Lisa :)

  26. I have been following for quite some time and am commenting because I wanted to let you know I love your crochet posts. I love to crochet, I have a 14 mo son and we both love short hair. What else is there!?! Keep crocheting and blogging about new projects and tutorials - I LOVE them! I mean, please. :)

  27. I love your style of writing! I just love your blog. I think I found it orginally because of a crochet project but became hooked once I was here.

  28. I read your blog because you make steroid jokes to a pharmacist.

    And you're funny.

    And you're crafty.

    And you're witty.

    Did I mention that you are funny and witty?

  29. I love your blog! I started following you for your crochet projects, but I just love your blog in general. You speak from the heart, you are funny and witty, and I too love your hair!! Ha Ha

    But seriously,you should write what you want to write about.. we will all still be here reading it!

  30. Hey, I thought someone kidnapped you. Don't blame me for being concerned. If I knew it was because you were popping roids all week I would have been all like, "Oh, ok. Have fun."

    Michelle pretty much summed it up for me. I read your blog because you're crafty, funny, and witty. And your kid is cute.

    Blog about whatever makes you happy. As long as the Maury show doesn't make you happy. (It just came on the TV and I had to change the channel. All that screaming. Agh!) I think people will love whatever you blog about because they like you, they really like you.

  31. charm (chärm)
    1. The power or quality of pleasing or delighting; attractiveness:
    2. A particular quality that attracts; a delightful characteristic: A mischievous grin was among the child's many charms.

  32. Oh thank God, I can call off the search party! lol

  33. Reading your blog makes me happy, whatever the content.

  34. I keep coming back to your blog because I really like the way you write. You are hilarious. I know that whatever the post is--be it about hair, crochet, chiropractors, or Forrest--it's going to be interesting and funny. I really enjoy your tutorials, too. I like that the projects you do are actually projects I could do and would want to do. I really don't like reading boring or poorly written craft blogs--or non-craft blogs--and really, your blog and your writing are refreshing.

  35. i just enjoy your blog i think a real blog is more interesting of . i like patterns every once and a while, but i think real life is better

  36. I read your blog because I like you :) You just seem like a real live person, who does real live stuff, and has a very entertaining way of writing about it. Write about whatever makes you happy (but I agree, NO MAURY!). I'll keep reading, I promise.

    AND, I'll pretty much love you forever because you taught me how to crochet! Thanks for that. You're the best! If I ever meet you in real life, remind me to hug you :)

  37. I agree with Samantha: I love the way you write! I've just started crocheting, so that's what brought me here, but I love any and all of your posts, whether they are a new craft or about your hair! I think your blog should primarily be for you!

  38. I don't worry about you after a week. Everybody deserves a vacation. But after a few months, I do worry about bloggers. I hope they are okay and away by choice.

    I like that you tell it like it is. I get tired of reading the perfect blog about the perfect life, with perfect pictures of their perfect projects on their perfect angel children. I like your attitude and your writing style.

    1. Oh, and I do love your hair (though it comes a shade too close to perfect for my tastes... I just don't have the face for a pixie cut).

  39. Like you told me, the blogs I like are the ones where you see the real person behind the blog, so you don't have to air-quote friends - if you knew each other in person, maybe you'd be friends in person. I read because you're down-to-earth, and quirky, and remind me of..well, me :-) Funny, I posted some of the same concerns just this morning. Anyways, keep it up!

  40. I don't know what this says about me, but....It did cross my mind that it had been a little longer than normal since I'd read a post of yours. No nail biting or page refreshing, but....

    I have a similar blog crisis, in a small-scale, no-one-actually-cares way...and I hate it.

    Personally though I've enjoyed just what you've been giving us readers---Whatever the heck you want! Because I like you and I like your writing style and I feel like we are "friends". :)

    1. annd... "are you there, god?" is it just me or is that what you were playing on? hahah I'm a crack head.

    2. Ha! You are right on. I originally titled it "Are you there, Blog? It's me, Margaret," and changed it at the last minute because I didn't want everyone to think I'm crazy(ier than they already think). Very nice observation ;-)

    3. You could have titled it, "Are you there, Blog? It's me, Matilda."

  41. I found you when I first starting crocheting back in October. I've kept coming because I think your cute... not in a creepy stocker weirdo way though. You have spunk and I like you. Again, not trying to be creepy. :)

  42. Like several of the blogs I read, I love your blog because of your writing style. You're so... real. Down to earth. You have feelings and passions and ideas and quirks and you have a marvelous way of expressing them. Truthfully, I read today's post with as much enjoyment as I did the post about your hair and your most recent craft post. I like uniqueness, and this little corner of blogdom is your own special little home cooked form of unique. Make it whatever you want. Like you said, it's YOUR blog. :)

  43. I love whatever you end up posting. I think your real life posts are my favorites though. What has drawn me to your blog is your writing style--so I guess it doesn't really matter what you write about, I just like the way you say it! I've noticed that the bloggers I'm drawn to most are fellow English degree holders :)
    I also think that we can't all expect ourselves to have creative genius thoughts at all times. I get bored with the bloggers who are always trying to be innovative and instead just end up showing a lot of lame projects. So thank you for simply sharing when the inspiration hits rather than out of obligation!

  44. I first found you because of your crochet projects. You helped me feel like crocheting wasn't something that only little old ladies did....I sort of feel like you helped me come out of my needlework closet....because if you, (who is hip and young) do it....than so can I (albeit much less hip and young)! I stayed around because I like the way you write....your honest....funny....and your son is so cute! I personally like that your blog is sort of all over the place....maybe because mine is too?!? Just seems more real that way....because we are all sort of all over the place in real life, aren't we?

  45. Funny...I am reading these super long comments and thinking "all those words aren't necessary. I read your blog because you keep it real!" This post is the epitome of why I read...REAL!!!

  46. You are completely and absolutely amazing at writing. That's what keeps us coming back for more Rachel. Keep doing what you're doing.

  47. One of the things I love most about your blog is the wandering... I wonder every time a new post comes into reader just what you will write about today. I love the randomness mixed with you doing what you enjoy. THAT is what a blog SHOULD be about.

  48. I keep coming back because you seem like a person I would hang out with. I love the way you write to your readers as friends. I love seeing your take on projects and hearing stories about Forrest. You have a great sense of humor and I appreciate that you don't pretend to have a perfect life or sorta pressure other crafters, but your also not self deprecating to the point that its snarky. I think you have a good balance of crafts, life, etc. to keep it interesting.

  49. Oh yes, I really hate bloggers who apologize in every blog post about a lack of time or posts. Whatever, post or don't post, but stop whining about it! I had the same thoughts about my blog last month, and also decided that it is MY blog, and that if readers don't like it they can just unsubscribe. But it does get to you, doesn't it? That feeling of having to deliver good quality content OR ELSE. Anyway, I really like your blog because of it's randomness and your personality!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. ROCK! I'm so glad that you're 'out there' putting things like this up on your blog. I love to read it because, I feel like I have a friend who is in the same boat! My blog goes through an identity crisis like, every three weeks! lol ;) Thanks for just being you. I like you! :)

  52. Oh my goodness you took what I have been thinking for the past few weeks and put it into words (much wittier words than I could manage). I have been feeling the same way. I started out with mainly crafts, making wreaths, a few recipes...this and that. I had a new apartment to decorate! But lately I've been doing outfit and fashion posts and it seems like that gets a way better response. And I don't feel very crafty anymore. So I don't really know where I'm going with my blog. I've caught myself wondering if I should post something based on whether I think people will read it. But I think people can tell when that happens and I totally don't wanna be that person. So I have basically resolved to post whatever I want because it is MY blog afterall.

    Gosh, sorry, I'm getting all mopey and self-centered. I read your blog because you are honest and refreshing and you are a great writer. I really get a kick out of your posts. What originally brought me here was the Crochet Along but your unique way with words and how genuine you are (genuine-ness?) is what keeps me coming back.

  53. I know you were asking about this subject in February, but I didn't know about your blog in February. I don't crochet (I'm teaching myself to knit, but it's painful) and I don't have much time to craft right now since I'm a new mom, and back at work as a psychiatrist and department head for a hospital, but I've been reading your blog because you're funny and down to earth. I initially ended up here from pinterest, while I was hunting for new haircut ideas, and liked your haircut that someone had pinned to their board. But now I've subscribed to your blog and plan to keep reading it. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for commenting!