Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How To Grow Out a Pixie Cut, start to 6 months

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For whatever reason, I've never been too frightened by the idea of cutting my hair. Drastically, sometimes. (Dyeing it, on the other hand, is another story. I'll cut it down to almost nothing, no problem, but am darn scared of color!)

Today, I want to share my pixie cut with you--probably the most fun haircut of my life so far--and show you how I grew it out when I decided it was time to move on to another style.

I was nervous at the idea of growing out such a short haircut--I imagined endless, torturous months of awkward in-between styles. You know, it wasn't as bad as I expected. If you get anything from this post, I hope it's a little encouragement that growing out a pixie cut doesn't need to be terrible!

The Pixie

I went from a long, layered cut to this super-short pixie shortly after my first baby was born. I loved the idea of a low-maintenance style (moms of newborns feel me on this--you just do not have the time to spend on hair), and my long hair started to feel like such a waste--I wasn't putting the time and work into making it look cute, so I figured, why keep it?

I kept it at this length for about a year, and I would totally recommend getting this haircut if even just a little teensy part of you has wanted to try it. I have always loved really short hair on other women, but had always felt a bit nervous to try it myself. Despite my nerves about such a drastic change, though, I loved having my hair this short. (And if you want to try a pixie but are scared, remember, it's only hair, it’ll grow back!)



(This is the closest I could find to a side view of this haircut . . . HA! Look at Forrest! He looks like a finger-sucking piglet!)



1. You will not believe all the compliments you’ll get on your hair. Most women seem downright terrified to try something different with their hair, and they’ll act like you’re a goddess for going pixie-short. Even my friends’ husbands, and husband’s friends, were telling me how much they liked it (and trust me, I have never gotten compliments from men on my hair before). And we’ve all been thinking men only like long hair. Long hair blends into the crowd, but short hair certainly makes you stand out!

2. It’s easy to style and incredibly low-fuss. Basically no effort required to style it, and you will never have to touch it up throughout the day or worry if the wind or rain is affecting your hair.

3. Your daily styling time is about 5 minutes. I never once used a blow dryer or hardly any products on it—just a little pomade or gel to spike some bits up and piece out the bangs. So fast (which is just what I needed, with a new baby!)

4. Even a bad hair day with the pixie cut (which, in my experience, were rare) leaves you looking more chic and pulled together than a greasy, sloppy ponytail does. This is a big part of why I was eager to try out this haircut—I didn't have the time or energy to put much effort into making my long hair look nice, and I figured I'd rather cut it off than wear a boring ponytail every single day.

5. You can cross it off your bucket list . . . if you're intrigued by the idea of a really short haircut, then you ought to be brave and try it rather than wondering for years and years how it would look on you!


(This picture above is what I would have considered a bad hair day for the pixie—a bit flat without much texture or style to it . . . but it’s still so much better than my bad hair days were with long hair.)


1. I hope you’ll love it . . .  if you don’t, however, it will take quite a while to grow back (but think of all the fun in-between styles you’ll get to try out as it grows!).

2. It requires daily work—no more relying on a ponytail when you don’t feel like doing your hair, and you will wake up every single day with insane Frankenstein hair. But the styling time is so incredibly short that this hardly counts as a con. Just get it wet, spike out some pieces, and you’re done.

3. It could get a little pricey to maintain . . . when I had my hair this short, I was getting trims every 6 or 7 weeks. But I also never spent a single penny on hair products or styling tools, so the price of frequent trims didn’t feel like a very big deal.

4. You don’t have as many styling options, so if you’re someone who loves to try new things with your hair, you might get frustrated with the lack of variety. This wasn’t really a big issue for me—I’m not very talented at styling my hair anyway, so I didn’t miss having options.

5. The biggest potential con I can see is that you can’t hide behind your long hair anymore. When people look at you, they will see you—your face, your bone structure, your expressions—not your hair. I was very surprised by how naked I felt for the first few days as I realized that people were really seeing ME and not just seeing my long hair. But that is also a very liberating, powerful feeling . . . I’ve never felt as confident and pretty as when I wasn’t depending on (or worrying about) my hair.

The Beiber: an unfortunate transitional stage

After about a year of the pixie cut, my husband started hinting that he’d love it if I grew it out again. And I was starting to get a tad envious of long-haired ladies and the many cute options they had--this was right when braids were getting super trendy and they were looking pretty fun to me!

I expected many months of really awkward-looking hair . . . it wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. The most awkward stage for me by far hit about 3 months into growing out my pixie cut. I call it the Beiber stage.

At this point, it was long enough to get wavy, but still a bit too short to be able to do anything with it. We were definitely venturing into mullet territory, and the length around the ears was really awkward (too short to leave out, but not quite long enough to stay tucked behind my ears).

It felt (and looked!!) really goofy and awkward, and I struggled to find a way to style it that helped hide the weird stage. Not surprisingly, there aren't many pictures of me during my Beiber stage . . . I definitely avoided the camera for a while.

DSC_0408-2 DSC_0412-1

The In-Betweener

A few weeks after those pictures, I went in for a trim. I asked the stylist to shape it so that it could grow into an A-line bob—shorter, stacked layers in the back with longer layers around the face. It was far from a traditional A-line bob in length, but it was at least shaped in a way that would allow it to grow into that style. This was about 4 months into my grow out.


Getting the mullet trimmed was enough to keep the back looking neat and stylish, and the layers around the front were finally long enough to do a little something with—they could stay tucked behind my ears, but I thought they looked cute flipped out around my face. I used a flat iron to smooth it out and flip the front layers outward.


The A-Line

Right now, I’m about 6 months into growing out my pixie cut—I’ve had about 3 trims to get rid of the neck layer that for some reason grows about twice as fast as everything else, and to shape it into an A-line cut. This is how it looks now (not my favorite pictures of myself, but they're what I've got!):

DSC_0422 DSC_0413
It’s at a point now (thankfully!) where I wouldn’t really consider it “grow-out” hair . . . it looks to me like I meant to cut it like this, not like I’m growing out a shorter cut. I really like it at this point, especially on day 2 or 3 after I’ve styled it.

I shampoo it every 3 or 4 days . . . the following picture shows how it looks on day 4 after my last shampoo/style. Each day, it gets a little pokier and flippier on its own, which I really like. A few people have asked how I styled it to get this sort of flippy look. I don't have a great answer for you--it gets pokey on its own! After I wash it, I use a round brush and flat iron to style it as shown in the picture above. But after 2 or 3 days of wearing it, sleeping on it, exercising, etc., it gets those little spikes on its own. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer to that question!

(I was actually taking this picture to show my sister a new lip color I bought and I feel a little silly about the dramatic expression . . . but it shows pretty well how this haircut really looks most of the time.)

There’s still a bit of a “hole” in the side—that shorter section that you can see right at my ear was once the shortest layer of the pixie cut over my ears, and it hasn't caught up to the rest of yet:

This haircut definitely takes more time to style than the pixie cut ever did (I definitely have to blow dry and straighten it, which I never had to do with the pixie), but it has the benefit of only requiring work every 3 or 4 days. One wash/styling lasts a few days for me, which definitely was not the case for my very short haircut.

With a little teasing/fluffing, I actually like it as much or more after 3-ish days than the day I originally styled it. Having some styling options is a bit fun (I like playing around with twisting and braiding the bangs). It’s crazy how long this haircut feels compared to my hair 6 months ago. I’m not sure anyone else would ever consider this a long style, but I keep walking past mirrors and going, "Who is that princess with the Rapunzel hair?!”

So there you have it—my hair, in all its glory. And, in case anyone else out there is working on growing out a pixie cut, here’s what I’ve learned to make it a little less painful and awkward:

1. Trim that mullet! When you decide to grow out a pixie, your instinct will be to boycott all haircuts so you can keep every new inch you grow, but a mullet is never your friend, and it will absolutely be the first and most noticeable new length. Trim that bad boy.

2. Focus on hair health. This, along with laziness, is the reason I only shampoo and style my hair every 4-ish days. Ifyou take good care of your hair, you won’t lose as much length to breakage and split ends, and you won't need to get as much trimmed off when you visit your hairstylist. So get regular trims (make sure your stylist knows you’re growing it out so she gives you just the teensiest of baby trims!) and try to avoid using heat very often to style it. Maybe you can get away with letting it air dry once in a while, or using a blow dryer but not a flat iron? Just go easy on your hair or you’ll be right back where you started.

3. Accessorize! Short hair looks adorable with headbands, bobby pins, cute clips . . . and they help so much to hide awkward pieces, mask a bad hair day, and make an in-between cut look more “on purpose.”  Forever 21 is my favorite place for cheap, cute hair accessories. I also love headwraps (like the ones in my shop!) and hats for awkward in-between stages and bad hair days, or for getting away with one more day before washing and styling.

4. Enjoy each new stage as it comes. It would be so easy to get frustrated that it’s taking so long to grow--hair only grows something like 1/2” per month, so you're in for a long haul! I’ve tried to focus on the fun points of each new length I reach. Even the Beiber with all its transitional awkwardness was a chance to crochet myself a few cute hats and shop for hairclips and headbands (which I’ll still be able to enjoy even when my hair is longer). There are so many fun stages you'll hit between a pixie and a long style--enjoy them!

(UPDATE! Find the next 6 months of growth HERE to see a full year post-pixie!)


  1. I think you should keep it like it is now! They all look great, but the way it is really compliments your face!

  2. I love your cut now! But it gorgeous on you all the ways you show here :)

  3. I love your hair now! So cute and I love your blog!!


  4. You make me laugh so hard. "don't be a weenie" and "mermaid fairy princess": awesome. You really pull all of the stages off so well. I really like how it looks now, too like I said before. SO cute. are kinda convincing me to cut mine short...................are you sure about men liking it?? I've mentioned the idea to my husband a few times, especially when I was in school because I tended to get "Scissor happy", and he says pixie cuts are for lesbians (no offense lol) and he strongly discourages it. Also I'm not so sure about my facial structure being so visible. Hmmmm....well, you've definitely put a thought in there, bouncing around. We'll see what happens. :)

  5. Kendra--well, there might be something to the lesbian hair . . . I'm actually crazy about Ellen's haircut ;-) I'm sure every guy has their own opinion, but Jeff really liked my hair short, and I was really surprised by how many guys were telling me they liked my hair. I don't think I've EVER had a guy tell me they liked my hair before. (Even a missionary in our ward in Iowa told me how much he loved it every time he saw me. A MISSIONARY.) And a lot of them acted surprised that they liked it . . . Jeff, for instance, didn't seem to care much whether I cut it or not, but for the first week or so after I did it he kept saying, "I didn't think I'd like it but I LOVE it!"

    And maybe this is obnoxiously feminist/women's-libby of me, but here's the thing: I feel like if you want to do it, just do it, even if you don't think your husband will like it. I've done a lot of things I wanted, even when Jeff didn't act psyched about it, and he's always just happy that I'm happy.

    And you DEFINITELY have the perfect face for it. Seriously. SER.I.OUS.LY. I really think it would look amazing on you :-)

  6. Oh my word, I love your hair so very much. You really rock it.

  7. My dad told me that when he married my mom he loved long hair. And then she cut it and then he decided he liked it short. He was always telling us to cut ours.

    I've been looking for some motivation to cut mine - it's been in a ponytail for months. Thanks! I'm headed out the door (well, almost.)

  8. First, the lipstick pic of you is gorgeous! Blow up and frame that sucker. Secondly, you can totally pull off a pixie. However, I cannot. With my curly hair I would look like Keri Russell- the bad years. She lost ratings when she cut her hair. I'd lose friends. And then I'd be sad.

  9. I really like how it is now! I'm in the awkward stage where it doesn't quite fit in a pony-tail, but I am frustrated with it and want to do something else. I'm on the edge of chopping it all of again, but I won't. What it really needs is one of those mullet trims :)

  10. I love the Pixie cut! Been a short haired girl on and off for 15 years now, whenever it gets past the shoulder it just looks so messy and not healthy at all, and short hair ALWAYS looks great. I'm THE BIEBER right now so I'm not super happy, but head bands, pins and big flowers always help. Your description of the stages is so accurate!

  11. Are you a model? You look like one! Such a cute do!!! I love it! I also love how it's growing in!

  12. You look adorable in all these pictures! You have a face that looks great in ANY hair lucky thing!!

  13. you look great with a pixie cut! but i'm sure there are some people that cannot pull off this type of haircut at all. I think it depends on the face of your shape. If your face is rounder, you probably wouldn't look as cute. And maybe kind of masculine? I wish I could cut my hair like this, but my round face would not go with it. I had a long a-line bob, but it was getting too hard to style (I'm super lazy with my hair) so now it's just in a ponytail until it grows out more (:

  14. You're so beautiful! I just hate you!! lol. Just kidding. Kind of. ;0)

    I personally LOVE the "awkward" in between style on you... It looks really pretty! I also love the a-line cut. Your face is great for all those shorter cuts... lucky girl!!

  15. LOVE your hair! I cut 12 inches off last fall- to a chin-length bob and now you have me wanting to go shorter! You and Becki of Whippy Cake might just make me do it! Oh, and I'm totally obsessed with Jennifer Goodwin's hair right now, too! Thanks!

  16. Okay, I'm seriously in LOVE with your hair! I've been thinking about cutting my hair off again, but haven't decided for sure. If so, I'll be taking your photo into the salon :) However, I cannot go 3 days without washing my hair! I can skip 1 day at most. My hair is SUPER thick and gets oily really fast. But seriously. Love love LOVE the hair!

  17. Thank you for answering my request for more hair pictures! I love you for that! You look awesome with the pixie, but like others, my favorite is the cut you have now. I am seriously considering printing your picture to take to my salon. But then I'm also realistic in saying that I just don't have a face for short hair. It's too chubby and round.

    And speaking of guys and hair. :D My husband just doesn't notice things like that. At all. I told him I had a dream that a black-haired friend of mine bleached it platinum blonde. His response, "What color of hair does she have?" We've known them for a couple of years now. :D Anyway, I can pretty much do whatever I want with it and he won't even notice. Now, ask him what kind of bike that guy who just rode past at 25 mph was on and he could totally tell you.

  18. I have been growing out my pixie cut for 2 years now, until a few months ago I kept getting to the Bieber stage and getting it chopped again, although not as short as originally! Now my hair is basically the same length as yours and until I read this thought it was too short to accessorise, you have proved me wrong :)

  19. Okay, first, your hair grew out so beautifully! (And I hate you a little bit for it). Just kidding, but seriously. I've had a pixie several times, and I never like it as much as I want to (and I have to avoid adorable pictures like yours or else I'll get it into my head again). And then it takes forever to grow out and never goes quite so well. AND my Beiber stage seems to go on forever. And what's so funny about that is that my fiancee called my Beiber the whole time. Ugh.

  20. You look awesome at any hair-length! I'm really loving your current do! And, I'm curious - do you have to wet your hair down in the morning? I'm at about the same length and I wash it everyday because ohmyLordie, it's horiffic in the morning. Like something out of a horror flick. ;)

  21. Your hair looks great in all your pictures! You're lucky enough to be able to have long and short hair and it looks fantastic!! Thanks for posting.

  22. you are too cute! i loved your short hair but i really like where it is now!

  23. I have had a short pixie cut since last August and I LOVE it! I hate taking a lot of time to mess with my hair (especially since my time in the morning is rather limited) and the pixie is so great for style and go. Sometimes I'm tempted to grow it out, however, so it's really nice to see how you have transitioned relatively smoothly from super short to a bob. Very helpful!

  24. I'm with Kim. How exactly do you get away with every 3-4 days? I'm intrigued!

    So I just whacked my hair to somewhere between your in-betweener and A-line. Nate tells me that it's not my cutest hair cut. Boys.

  25. Oh goodness. I haven't thought about cutting my hair short for quite a while - I've had it super long for ages. But this makes me consider going shorter. I don't know if I'm brave enough for a pixie cut yet, but maybe above the chin. Maybe...

  26. WHY? Why must you tempt me to chop my hair off, like your super-cute short hair? You truly look amazing and way sassy with your hair cut short, and you have the beautiful face to pull it off. I've had that haircut a few times myself, but can't do it gracefully b/c of my wacky wanna-be curly uncooperative hair texture. But I always want to try again after seeing someone like you do it so well. And I think men who don't like short hair on women are TOTAL cavemen. I'm one of the lucky ones whose husband thinks my hair looks cute no matter what I do to it. If your man doesn't like your hair, then it's time to get a new man!

  27. I have super short, 5 minute hair and LOVE it! It's surprising how many men compliment it. One day after my cut my hairdresser said 'there are some women who, the shorter their hair gets, the more feminine they look. And you're one of them'
    Despite this, I am almost ready to start the grow out, and dread the bieber stage! Your cute grow-out pics give me hope...

  28. You are such a beauty, you look really good in all the hair styles. I do love the Pixie cut. A couple of years ago, I had mine cut quite a bit shorter than yours is in the Pixie cut. I do love short hair. Mine is now about the length of the middle length. It is almost time for a trim again. I do like the fact that with my hair cut like it is, I can flip the back up or let it stay down. I think it does look dressier with the back flipped up, but I do like it both ways

    1. 2-17-2012

      OK, just got mine cut in a pixie. Hubby hates it, but I love it. My hair is now shorter than his is. LOL He does need a hair cut!

  29. I seriously love your blog. Even though I have long hair with absolutely no intention of chopping it off, I still enjoyed reading your post. You're a great writer.

    Out of curiosity, what length are you going for? Shoulders? Longer?

  30. You look so good with each hair style! A post like this almost tempts me into cutting my hair short again but I don't look very good with short hair, which is why I'm (slowly) growing it out!

  31. Dude Rachel...I just chopped my hair off. It got long and CRAZY while I was pregnant (probably because I didn't cut it the entire time....anyways).

    Here's the thing (since I'm sure you're dying to know about my hair)I chopped a lot off but now I am CONVINCED CONVINCED that I look like I have a mullet. And I think your post may have confirmed my fears that I didn't go short enough. Dang it. I may have fallen into your weenie catagory.

    CURSE YOU MAYBE MATILDA (and your stylish haircutting ways!)

  32. Looks awesome......and you really know how to rock the headband! You go!

  33. I love how it looks now. It looks so cute on you! You make me want to try it. I am one of those terrified women you spoke of, though. :)

  34. My husband, both my brothers, and my brother-in-law prefer short hair. Who knew? I've had a pixie multiple times but fill a bit naked in my own skin with it. My husband loves it and
    I do get a bazillion compliments. The growing out stage is so rough though. You've got me thinking. I do love the blonde from pinterest cut...

  35. I, like all your other readers, also adore the way your hair looks now. But I think you always manage to look amazing, so maybe I'm a bad judge!? ;) This post brought back SO many memories for me. Ah... the mullet trimming! YES! :) I might be stalker-creepy and save that side profile shot of your current (AMAZING) hair and ask my stylist to shop mine back off!

  36. I LOVE the last pictures of your hair now. Hot mama! Seriously you look so so good with your hair like that! And I've only seen your little sister briefly at some stake activities a long time ago but the picture with the lip guys look like twins!

  37. I was just looking at your recent post and thinking about how I liked your hair...low and behold I scroll down and see this! Both looks are stunning on you.

    Now I need to figure out what to do for me! HA!

    You are indeed very brave to go with the pixie cut!

  38. Rachael - You are 50 types of beautiful! Your hair (in all its lengths) is fabulous and always looks fresh and chic.

    I had been in ponytail limbo for ages - it was my go-to lazy (read grubby) look. At the end of Novemeber, I finally had had enough, and I marched on over to my hairstylist and chopped 95% of it off. I didn't go quite as short as your pixie cut, but it is very short in the back with longer bangs. It was quite the adjustment at first, but I LOVE IT. I get tons of compliments and I look more polished and professional then I ever did with long hair. I find I dress better and put a little more effort intohow I look (which makes no sense, because my hair takes so little effort now).

    I too don't wash my hair daily anymore. Usually its every second day if I have to go out, and every 3-4 days of I am staying home. (I work from home, so this is doable on a regular basis.)

    I remember reading somewhere on yoru blog that you use dry shampoo. Is this true? How often do you use it? I love how my hair acts after 3 days of no washing, but I always feel it is obviously greasy. Any suggestions or advice?

  39. Adrienne--you are so kind, thank you! And I'm so glad you love your new cut--I felt the same way, that it was easier and more fun to put some effort into other areas when my hair required less work to look nice.

    I am in love with dry shampoo . . . that's partly how I can get away with 3 or 4 or 5 days between washes. I've tried a few brands--Tresemme, Batiste (from Sally Beauty Supply), and the kind I have right now is called Pssssst! (goofy, I know; I got it at Walmart)--I don't feel like I can tell a big difference between the different brands, so I'm not very loyal to any one brand. But I start needing to use some on the 3rd day after a shampoo, and I just spray it at the roots along my part and on the layers right around my face, and it really helps freshen it up and hide the oil.

    I also use Aquage Uplifting Foam for volume (recommended by Kate from the Small Things Blog: and I think that product is awesome both for volume and even for the grease issue--even with dry shampoo, I used to feel like it needed a wash after about 3 days, but the Aquage seems to absorb the grease or something because it's only since I've started using it in the past few weeks that I can go 4 or 5 days easily without looking greasy. And it really helps give great volume . . . enough that even 4 or 5 days later, it's still pretty voluminous. My hair is VERY flat naturally, so it makes a huge difference! It's a little pricey and you can only get it from salons (I had to special-order it through a salon and it cost about $20) but I think it's worth it!

    Enjoy your new haircut :-)

  40. You are so stinkin' beautiful!! You've got to know least a little bit. I still haven't decided if I'm going to grow mine out for sure. Your new "do" looks really great!

  41. Oooh, thanks so much for this post! I've had a pixie cut once, but I haven't been as daring lately. Maybe I'll get off my butt and do something spectacularly crazy, and my husband of the "I love your long hair" philosophy will just have to deal.

  42. okay so the entire shebang of the show Charmed is on Netflix and I started watching it while knitting/crocheting and recently I got to the season where Phoebe has a pixie cut and I have been aching to try it like MAD. I was growing out my hair from a short bob, kind of what you have grown your hair out to, but then I got pregnant. When I get pregnant I get very aware of what happens AB. that is, After Baby. Which of course is where all my thick head of pregnancy grow-in starts to fall off and fill my bra and my drains with long hairs that give me the heebie jeebies. So when I get pregnant, eventually I cut my hair off, to minimize the heebiejeebie. Anyways, I've been thinking 'pixie'. and then I cut my bangs to try and hold myself off, which looks rad except when its styled less than perfectly. Oops.
    I think I may. I waaaant to. Superdupersupershort. The only thing is if I get bloaty from the preggers it will be twice as obvious. But I mean if I wear my hair in a pony from the lazies that come with the preggers then I look just as bloaty because I'm not hiding in my hair ANYWAYS.

    pixie cut... soon we shall be together.

  43. i absolutely LOVE this post! i have had short hair 99% of my whole life. i love it! yes the limited styling choices suck sometimes, i NEVER had hair past my shoulders. so i dont really know how to style longer hair, im just past your stage at the moment... i dont know why im growing it out - especially after looking at your pictures, its doesnt help that your STUNNING! coz i dont make my haircuts look that good! but id love these pics to continue so we can see more! oh i need to start a blog so i can share awesome things like this!!

  44. Ah, the power of the pixie. Rkpp9baq

  45. Thank you SO much for posting this! I am a momma to a wonderful 9 month old boy and I am pretty certain I have had my long (past my shoulders) hair in a pony every day since he was born. My husband claims to LOVE long hair, but only when I style it the way he likes. I refuse to get up at 4 am to style my hair only to have sweet potato and peas mushed into it by lunchtime :) I stumbled upon your blog and showed him this post and FINALLY got the go-ahead to chop it OFF! Made an appointment with my stylist friend for Wednesday and I cannot wait.

  46. thats it, im cutting this mop! the last picture is my favorite and the inspiration for the style, i want just want mine a little shorter though. thanks! im off to the hair dressers this afternoon!!

  47. I've love all of your hairstyles! I think by summer I'll be ready for a pixie cut of my own again! Thanks for sharing your ideas!! :D

  48. I just went to go get my hair cut like yours is now... and came home with the Bieber. Ugh! Oh well, judging by your experience, it'll look OK by summer.

  49. Bummer, I'm sorry! You know, it took me 3 different tries at 3 different salons before I had a Dixie cut that I really loved...the first 2 cuts were pretty hideous but then I finally really loved the 3rd attempt. You ought to keep trying if you really have a look in mind!

  50. Ha! I'm typing these on my phone...that Dixie is supposed to say pixie. I don't know what a Dixie cut looks like ;-)

  51. hi!! thanks for blogging this! i am also growing out my pixie!!!

  52. I just found your blog and I love it! I've been pixie the majority of my life, and you describe the growing stages perfectly. You're also right on about other women treating you like a goddess for going short. I've been told so, so, so many times "I wish I could go short!" and "If I looked as good as you do with short hair I'd go short in a second." My hubby loves it "either really short, or long. No in-between stuff." His words. Well, dang. That means I can't grow it out again. I don't even want to! LOL

  53. I was just texting my daughter (who talked me into a pixie cut in the first place) this morning in anguish about my hair appointment next week...secretly wanting to grow it out into a longer short hair style but feeling quite frumpy with what it's grown into now. I totally know about that hair that feels like Elvis sideburns but wont tuck behind my ear unless I have her cut it real short again. Grrr...and the neckline mullet maker hair is maddening. I've enjoyed it short but it's time for a new me with a new look. My husband has been quiet about my short hair but recently told me that I look "cute" with short hair, but I looked "beautiful" with long hair. At almost 49, I'd prefer the latter. I googled "growing a pixie into a bob" and found your wonderful blog. THANK YOU so much for all the detailed text you added to your photos. It really helps me not fear, but rather embrace the grow-out phases to come. You are beautiful in ALL the different stages, by the way!

    Beth Williams

  54. thanks for this wonderful article; you're stunning throughout ALL the phases by the way! quick question - i currently have a pixie that is going through a bieber-ish phase, but with shorter sides, and my greatest fear right now is how to manage my natural wave when it starts to come in? my hair was chemically straightened before i got the pixie, and bits of my natural waves are starting to show at the roots.. is there any way to work them into the hairstyle without having to resort to the flat-iron? my hair is pretty fried from intensive dyeing and bleaching already :(

    thanks in advance! x

    1. Hmmm . . . that's tough! If I were in your shoes, I think I'd try and work with the wave instead of against it. Since you're worried about all the damage already, I'd try to baby it by just letting the roots wave if they want to wave, and using hairbands or bobby pins to tame any crazy pieces that are too straight (I've found that hairbands solve a multitude of short hair problems). Maybe you could twist and pin some of the longer straight pieces while they're damp to encourage them to curl a little more. Good luck, I hope you find a way to make it work!

    2. thanks for the advice! i'll try out the twist + pin and see how it goes :)

  55. Charmaine, have you thought about using a straightener? As in an electric one? This might work. I just had my hair cut in a Bieber-ish style. My hair grows that way anyway, so why not get it cut like that. I do use a smallish curling iron on it to give it some lift and body. My hair is naturally straight, all except for in the back, which has a wave. =)

  56. I came across your blog while searching for how to grow out a pixie cut gracefully. My hair is crazy wavy and stubborn; it won't cooperate with anything - much like its owner. Flat ironed hair looks terrible on me, and it's too short to curl right now (I started off from shorter than your pixie cut and am a little over 4 months growth).

    I must say your blog post answered my questions about growing it out gracefully, because your hair looks awesome. Mine on the other hand will have to remain the hot mess it is until maybe a year from now. but it's nice to see that it can be done :)

    I also read through some of your other blog posts and I really like your style of writing, I've been back a couple times since I found it. Congrats on the new house!

  57. Oh my. I saw this post yesterday and have been meaning to get my hair cut and you may have just convinced me to take it all off! For the past 1.5 years I have had a chin-length bob but have always say that I wish I could pull off a pixie cut. I'm so nervous though! The appointment's tomorrow :O

    1. It was legend-wait for it- dary :) Thanks for the inspiration! I love it!!!

  58. Thank you for blogging about this! I'm inching towards the shorter hair each time I go and it's so difficult to find good pictures online of what style I want! You're grown out length/style is exactly what I have been wanting and just didn't know how to explain it to my stylist! Thanks so much!

  59. Hey, firstly love the blog - Ive been trying to grow out my pixie and this has inspired me to get the mullet cut finally! Hoping to get it into a bob! I was wondering if you could let me know your styling routine? I see yours and think wow thats amazing....but I know mine will never turn out that way. Its quite flat...thick but thin at the same time if that makes sense! Usually just looks a bit blah. I was wondering how you get the messy/spikey pokey-outey bits! I have read here about dry shampoo which I am willing to give a go as I wash mine everyday while at work...seriously after 24 hours it looks awful! Any advice would be brill!

    Thank you :)

    1. Disclaimer first . . . I really don't know much about hairstyling at all, so take everything here with a grain of salt. One of my biggest concerns once I got to more of a bob stage was volume--I felt like it looked very "mom-ish" when it was flat, so I mostly focused on volume in styling. I use Aquage Uplifting Foam before I blow it dry, then blow dry with my head upside down to give it extra lift. I usually tease it a little and hairspray around my part and at the crown to give it extra hold. And sadly, the pokey-outey bits have disappeared completely--I never tried to get those, it just got kind of 'spiky' on its own on the second or third day after washing it, but as it's gotten longer, it's stopped doing that. I miss it, and it just doesn't look the same if I try to get it to 'poke.' I also think dry shampoo helps with volume (sorry, I'm jumping back and forth between topics--just typing as I think of ideas!)--I've noticed that when my hair is too clean, it goes completely flat, so for me it helps to get it purposely dirty with products even after I've just shampooed and blown it dry, so you might try spraying some dry shampoo and/or hairspray at your roots after blow drying. I also think that, for me at least, using the straightener too much kills my volume. After I blow dry, I try to just use the straightener on the pieces that are really wacky instead of on EVERY section--I think that straightening makes it too slick and fine so it can't sit up higher. All right, that's all I've got :-) Good luck!

    2. Oh, one last thing . . . again, I'm not a professional and don't know much, but if you're new to dry shampoo, I'm not sure the more expensive brands are worth the money. I've tried quite a few brands--some drugstore brands, some a little pricier--and I've never noticed a difference in quality or results. So, just based on my experience, I think this is one product you can definitely save your money on and just go with a cheap brand. Maybe someone with more experience or a professional hairstylist would be able to tell a difference between a cheap vs. expensive can of dry shampoo, but I can't, so I'd recommend just a cheap one like Suave or Batiste (at Sally's). Okay, that's all.

  60. Hey, Thanks SO much for the advice...I will have to give it a go! Mine tends to start flat then get flatter, so fingers crossed I can get my hair looking decent! :) If not fabulous like yours!! Also...sorry to be a pain, but a bit of a random question - how do you prevent the products clogging up pillows? LOL I ask because I used to use wax and washed my hair every 2 days and after about a week I could just roll my head on my pillow and it'd be all waxed without having to put any in!

    Thanks again :)

  61. This is amazing!! I've had my hair pixie short for a little over a year now and I honestly can't see myself ever going back to long, but this definitely gives me hope for when I cross that bridge! I definitely know what you mean about waking up with Frankenstein hair though, I never have a day where I roll out of bed and my hair looks OK.

    But I do love my short pixie!



  63. I just cut my super long hair into a pixie. Told the guy at the salon to "chop it off!" :D nd short hair has to be the best feeling EVER! :D
    It's been 7 months since nd i've gotten it trimmed twice so far, but am to grow it out a little for a few, small experiments :)
    I absolutely LOVE that cut on you. But i feel the initial cut looked the best. Still, you look really beautiful in all of them

  64. Hi there! I got a pixie cut recently because I wanted to get rid of my damaged hair. I showed a photo of Michelle Williams to the hairstylist. Although the cut wasn't exactly like the photo I showed, still I was very pleased with the results. Now, I'm very excited to grow my hair again especially after reading your blog. I'll definitely bookmark the link and show your photos to the stylist every time I get a trim. Thanks for sharing your experience. The rest of us can have a worry-free time as we go through the growing out (and dreadful) mullet stage.

  65. I can't even thank you enough for posting this...I have just recently decided to grow my pixie cut out (I'm sick of being called tinker belle) and I desperately need a guide! Thank you...I will be looking over this for the next few months.

  66. Thank you for the play-by-play on getting a pixie cut. I've been one of those people who always wanted one but am too scared! I love the hair length pictures to show each stage. Helps ease the fear of just doing it! I love your hair in all stages! Looks so great right now too.

  67. I just stumbled on this post on Pinterest, because I was trying to grow out my pixie. WAS trying! Your pictures convinced me into getting my pixie back! Thank you! I realized I didn't want to grow it out, and I missed the ease and style of the super short hair! :)

  68. A friend just shared this with me, and I'm so glad! I am growing out my pixie right now (which I loved so much! but I'm just ready for long hair again). Your tips are great, and I just ordered a hat!

  69. I actuallu googled "how to grow out a pixie" and ran into this gem of a blog! Thank you for the tutorial it was much needed as I am nearing a "mullet trim" I am glad I am not alone in that stage!

  70. THANK YOU THANK YOU! I am currently in the "growing out" phase again, and am finding it considerably more difficult than the last time I did it, about 5 years ago...or maybe I've just blocked it out. Either way, I needed this inspiration, as I've started to look like an awkward middle schooler with my weird in-between growth. I had to keep checking to make sure that I didn't actually write this post though, because I kept finding myself saying "OMG exactly!!!". Also, same as you, my husband and I both LOVE my short hair, but after he finally told me he'd like to see it long again, we both decided it probably was time for a change. Thanks again...your hair will definitely still be way cuter than mine through this journey, but at least I found someone who has been through almost all the trauma that I have!

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. you are just adorable! i am in the "in between" stage and can not wait til it grows!!!!!!!!! thanx for the hope!!!

  73. hi rachel,
    after my long-time hairdresser ruined my hair (went home crying and cursed her everytime I looked at myself in the mirror), I stumled upon your pics and loved them!
    so I printed your pic and voilá I feel pretty again ;)
    so thank you for sharing your hair-story with us all :)

    one last question: the lipstick. the one you´re wearing in the pic you sent your sister?


    1. Sorry about your bad haircut, but I'm so glad you feel pretty again!

      I believe the lipstick was Revlon Fire & Ice (I hope I'm remembering right . . . this was over 6 months ago now, but I'm probably 80% sure about it). I'll warn you though, the color was a LOT more intense in person. I actually ended up returning it, even though I like the way it looks in the picture there, because it was just too much for me in real life. But then again, I am kind of a wimp ;-)

  74. Hi Rachel,
    I just stumble upon your website when I googled growing out a pixie. I have a short pixie that I have had probably for 4 years and still love it but go thru the maybe I'm ready for a change stage. You gave me so ideas to deal with it while growing out but just don't know if I'll have the patience to do so. Patience are not one of my virtues but I do love your 6 month style. Thanks for the inspiration!

  75. Okay, I'm sold!! I've been dealing with thyroid cancer all year and finished my final treatment last week. I was looking for a change to show off my slender neck and awesome scar in a fresh and feminine way. I came across your blog post and you convinced me! I'll be showing your picture to my stylist this morning :)

  76. I am totally in the most awkward stage of growing out my pixie I believe you said the Beiber it is totally awkward, and horrible looking and I feel as though everyone looks at it horribly. But I now believe it is long enough to cut the mullet part in the back off so that now I can try and get it to grow back out into an A line so this week is the week to go to the stylist wish me luck, and hopefully it will turn out better than it has been.

  77. I desperately want a pixie but i have a roundish (though still oval, i have a short chin which makes it look roundish) face and i want to get pregnant soon... i' m concerned this will make me look fatter. Anyone know?

  78. I got the pixie cut July 31 of this year, because I was going to a new school in the fall...And honestly i'm one of those people that likes to try new things. I'm so tired of it! I wish it would grow quicker...But you were right about all the compliments. It is ridiculous how many i get everyday. (I actually began to get tired of it)haha...
    But you wrote that you wash your hair every 3-4 days???? I could never do hair gets really oily reaaallly quickly. So i wash it everyday. i'm starting to get split ends, and im really worried. I definitely don't want to cut it! I want it to grow, not cut it! Help?
    And you were right about the back of the neck hair, i just had to trim it this week because oddly, it grows quicker than the rest of my hair.
    Thank you! And by the way your hair is amazing on you :)

    1. Hi Nataly! Well, bear in mind that I'm not a professional, but from what I've always heard, it isn't the washing that is damaging--it's using the blow dryer, flat iron, curling iron, etc. to style it. Can you get away with letting it air dry? I don't think washing it every day is bad for it, so if you can manage to wash it and just air dry it instead of using heat to style it, I think you should be okay! And do you use dry shampoo? I think that helps a TON with hiding the oil. Hope that helps! Good luck . . . I know it's tough sometimes!

  79. Omg! I have been looking for someone like you... this helps me soooooo much. Thank you!!

  80. I'm at the Beiber stage right now, its rough. Do you have any tips to help me through? The cut you have after is super cute, and that's helping me a bit.

  81. I got the pixie cut in February and ILOVED IT!!!!! I didn't regret it for a second! After donating my hair I was set on growing it back so I could do all kinds of stuff on it since I learned to braid all kinds of ways. I can braid it and put it in pigtails too. Everyone says they're so cute and to grow out my hair.I think your blog has convinced me to cut it again! I'm in the mullet range because I haven't bothered to get it cut. Any ideas?

  82. I had what was in this called "the unfortunate transition stage". I was too afraid to cut it any shorter, scared that I'd miss being able to pin my bangs back and such. As much I've loved having short hair, I'm an athlete, and it's hard to fit all of my hair under a swim cap without a ponytail. I'm growing it out now, and have been following your advice. The length I desire is now in sight!

  83. AH! I'm so in the bieber phase right now!! I've had a pixie cut for almost 5 years now and this is the first time I've really stuck to my guns in growing it out. THANK YOU for your pics, they are definitely helping me want to continue with the growth. Also, you have a similar hair texture to mine, so I feel like I can show my stylist these pics and get a similar result. you rock!

  84. Your a-line bob is amazing! Where did you get that headband? I want one...and your haircut! You are so brave for getting that pixie cut. Every style you have posted pictures of looks great on you. I am a ballet dancer so I have to keep my hair long enough to put up in a bun, but otherwise I'd march down to the salon tomorrow and ask for that same bob you have. It looks great on you!

  85. I think all of these haircuts look great! I just had my haircut short today, so you've given me lots of great ideas!! Thanks.

  86. You inspired me to get a pixie cut and I LOVE IT! Thanks for the push!

  87. i never knew that short hairstyles could look this sexy. Rachel u look really beautiful in your hairstyle.

  88. I am so glad I read this! Growing my hair out from a pixie as well, and you basically summed it all up. Thanks for the advice!

  89. With a face like yours, you can go bald and still look stunning.

  90. Thank you so much for this. I am growing out my pixie cut and this is amazing, I loved my hair short, but the upkeep and expense was too much for me .. And it was time for a change. Thanks so much again.

  91. Easy for you to say, your facial structure works for whatever hair style you desire, my hair was past repair, the black dye and straightening murdered it, I had a meltdown and chopped it all off into this miserable pixie cut, hate it, just hate it, hate hats also but now I have a collection, I'm using rogaine and a dozen vitamins to help with the growth, seems like nothing is happening,also a huge downfall is that my hair is very light and the colour I'm outgrowing is jet black, so I'm using this black temporary colour spray to blend it and not to look like I'm balding, not the healthiest idea as it stains everything and stays caked on the skalp but without it ,just looks awful, anyway six months is a long time, I chopped it all off on new years, good thing I work nights.just hate it.....

  92. This blog is giving me some hope, thanks! I got my hair cut somewhat similar to yours about a year ago. I loved it, but I am ready for a change. I am just looking for some way to gracefully grow out my hair and not look funny doing it.

  93. You look adorable at every stage! I feel your growing out pain...I grow my hair long for 2 or so years then cut off 10 inches to donate and then start all over. Makes for lots of awkward in betweens. I love your pixie cut, but if I came home with hair that short, I think my husband would freak out even if the hair is going to charity. Thanks for sharing your process and styles!

  94. Ahhhh I am growing out my pixie, about 2 months in and I cant wait for my hair 2 look like yours! I wanted a bob that's why I cut it short. There are sometimes where I wanna pull out my hair because it looks bad but this blog helps me endure those bad hair days (black people & rain don't mix by the way) & surprisingly people not only loved it but some cut it and said they wanted my haircut!!!?!?!!!! So in conclusion thanks 4 sharing this' :-D

  95. love the different stages of your hairstyle!!! I'm trying to grow out my "semi-pixie" cut, and I happened upon your blog :) I just might have to take one of the pics of your mid-stages when getting my hair trimmed up next time :)

  96. eek! You're giving me courage to go for it! I've always wanted to do it! Though I don't think any of your in-betweens looked bad. Maybe you were just lucky.

  97. I am so happy I found your blog! I LOVE super short hair and I've had my hair really short before! Well today my hairdresser was out and I decided to try someone new. BAD BAD IDEA! She kind of killed my cute cut! I had this asymmetrical pixie cut now its almost buzzed on one side! I'm mortified! Mostly because I know I'm going to have to wait at least 6 weeks for it to show any growth! Anyway looking at your pixie grow out photos made me feel a hundred times better! THANKS! :)

  98. Your blog was really helpful as I am growing my hair out from the easy breezy pixie cut.

    Thank you so much for your insights.

  99. Thank you so much for your insight. I am growing my hair out from a easy breezy pixie cut and your input has given me patience and lots of ideas.

  100. What about styling products as you grow?

  101. As a hair dresser, and a fellow pixie grower-outer (technical term I think!), this is a great read! I always warn my clients about the Bieber stage! But I think you have done all the right things such as cutting the back and continuing to shape it up, and it looks adorable. Keep on trucking and I will too! :)

  102. Can I ask where you got your headband in the lipstick picture? It is so cute!

  103. Sorry if this has already been asked I tried to read through all the comments and see but, where did you get that beautiful headband that you're wearing in the lipstick picture?

  104. So I think I read all the comments and didn't find the answer to my question but if I missed it you can just tell me to look again! :] I actually have a couple of questions for you! First though, I want to say that I love this whole post and the pep talk to stop being a weenie was just what I've needed to finally be brave and make the decision to get a pixie cut! So thank you! Okay, first off I was wondering if you have any tips on describing what you want to your stylist. I feel like sometimes I end up with not so great cuts because I don't know how to describe the style I want. I always bring in pictures but that doesn't always seem to be enough. And my second question is, do you have any tips on finding a great hair stylist when you move to a new place? We moved a few months ago and I've been on the lookout for a great stylist to go to but I just haven't found anyone yet! I have been looking around at people's hair to see if anyone has hair that I like so I can ask them who does their hair but we're in a ward with over 50% over the age of 65 and I really don't want a grandma haircut. Anyway, thank you for your wonderful post and for any tips you can give me! :]

  105. So I've typed my same comment up a few times but I'm not sure if it has ever gone through. I just wanted to say thank you for your pep talk because I am now on the search for someone to cut my hair into a pixie cut! :] I had a couple of questions for you and I'm sorry if they were already asked! I looked through the comments and I don't think that they were but you can direct me to them if they already were! First, do you have any tips on how to find a great hair stylist? And second, do you have any tips on describing the cut you want to your hair stylist? I feel like sometimes I have ended up with hair cuts I don't love just because I don't know how to explain what I want. I always bring in pictures but that doesn't always seem to be enough. Anyway, thank you for your blog post and getting me pumped up to chop my hair off!

  106. Wow you look so good in the pixie! I just found you via pinterest because I'm looking for a new haircut (always had bob cuts, now it's long and boring).

    I especially like your hair in the lipstick photo and the 2 photo's above and the one below.

  107. I don't even know you, I searched "growing out a short haircut" on pinny and found you and quite honestly I hate you for being so cute. SO STINKING CUTE!!!!! I will be taking each stage of pics to my hairdresser now please come over (I will bake you cookies) and keep me from jumping off the ledge because unfortunately I don't look like you with "the bieber" mine is more "bieber meets achy breaky heart" THANKS for posting!!!

  108. You are ridiculously cute. THANK YOU so much for posting this and putting your guts out there because you've made me feel so much better about myself and my "bieber meets achy breaky heart" stage. Have scheduled a haircut and will follow your advice religiously. You pulled every stage off with perfection and I might hate you a tiny bit for that :)

  109. I have always wanted to cut my hair short like that, and you are definitely swaying me. But you are so pretty and photogenic, you would look good with any hair style. Me? Not so much! Thanks for the post, it was very helpful.

  110. I'm at the Justin Beiber phase right now with my hair cut, and I have the same problem of it not being exactly wavy or exactly straight. A few sections of my hair curl right up, and the rest does this awkward flip thing that makes my hair almost look like a football helmet, or worse... (you know those boys in high school that have the long wavy hair, but wear baseball caps so the bangs & stuff flip out like a duck bill? Yeah that is a daily occurence with me, unless I layer on the gel, pomade, & leave-in conditioner). But all in all this article was very helpful. I'm not looking forward to waiting a whole year for my hair to grow out, but now I know the best way to do it. Thanks!!

  111. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair! I was getting the same way with my own lazy ponytail and you inspired me to cut it off! Although my hairdresser talked me into going slightly longer. I like it, but wish I would have done what I originally wanted. Going back tomorrow to do it! I do have a question for you, as a fellow crocheter, I was wondering if you could recommend any cute hat patterns to compliment a pixie cut? The cold weather is here where I live and I need hats! Thanks!

  112. Is your hair super straight or wavy in general? Mine is very fine and thin and wavy at the ends.. I am thinking of getting a pixie but worried if I will have to straighten it to look the way yours looked.

  113. Omg, I just cutt off so much of my hair, like just a few days ago. I am kind of loving it and kind of in shock. Lol. Thanks for this post!

  114. I am going for it! I have had an extremely short pixie cut since 1996, growing it out only twice since then. I get a gazillion compliments on my hair, as you said you did as well. I have been inspired by Jennifer Lawrence's new short hair cut (which is WAY long to me!) and so I'm going for it! I'm so glad I came across your site on Pinterest. Love all the pictures along the way. * we go!! It's gonna be a LONG road!

  115. This was SO helpful! I'm pretty lazy with my hair...I just let it grow for a year or two, chop a foot off, wait a year or two, chop a foot off. Never shorter than my shoulders. Great for donating but I've wanted (the bravery for) a pixie for years. You've inspired me! It's haircut time this week and I think...deep breath...I might be brave enough to give it a go.

  116. First, I want to ask if you took all the pics of yourself. If the answer is yes, are you a professional photographer? Because the look AMAZING! Seriously, I wish my pics were that good. Also, I LOVE every single stage of your hairstyle. They are adorable.
    I have super naturally curly hair and will soon be getting a reversed perm. This is a big change for me, because my curly hair is how people recognize me, and I've never made a change this big before. I've also been debating getting a pixie cut, which would be a ginormous, mountain-sized change, as I've always had long hair. After reading this blog, I have decided to go all the way and get a pixie cut. It is to adorable of an opportunity to pass up. Also, I like to do things people would never, EVER expect me to do, and I have so far only told my best BFFs of my newly inspired plans, and after doing so sworn them to secrecy. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I am so excited about my new hairstyle, and can only imagine the looks, expressions, and comments people are going to give me when I walk in with a super straight, super pixie haircut.

  117. Love all the looks, and especially thought you looked amazing with the pixie! I just cut off 14" of hair into a short A line bob with layers and find I still have plenty of styling options...super straight and smooth, wavy, deep side part to make it look assymetrical,etc and I love it short but also wonder about if men like it short or not (many have told me they loved my long hair better but all the women seem to love my cut). I agree with the not being able to hide behind your hair...I did that for sure and the fact that I had gorgeous hair...very thick, full and one that just takes to styling easy, made me keep it long, but I think I actually look better with it short...shows my face off better than I thought it would. The difference now is I wear my hair, not my hair wears me. Now if only I could get use to my neck feeling so cold not having tons of hair on it, lol, but that will be a blessing come summer and when hot flashes start! lol

  118. Thanks so much for the awesome tips! I will for sure use these :) But I will more than likely just chop it off again! Need the hair change all the time! :)


Thanks for commenting!