Thursday, February 16, 2012

Organizing with Clipix

I have a personal policy for my blog, and it goes something like this: I try to only write things I would also want to read. This means a minimum of posts about, say, zit developments on my face, but plenty of posts with fun projects or cute babies or nifty ideas or real-life favorite items. This little policy of mine is particularly handy when it comes to paid, sponsored blog posts . . . it's awfully easy to say no to offers to post about something like prescription programs or gardening tools, because I would have very little interest in reading that post. So when I do write the occasional compensated post, I feel okay about it because I only say yes to the ones that I think I'd like to read about, and would have wanted to tell you about even if I weren't being paid to do so. So I hope you'll forgive me for writing sponsored posts every now and then, but I promise, I only write about stuff I honestly use and enjoy and think you'll use and enjoy, too.

Whew. With that little disclaimer behind me, I was pretty interested to learn about  clipix, and I am enjoying myself far too much on this site. It's a new, free organizational website where you can create boards to clip and save favorite images and items on the web. Maybe it sounds similar to another site you've probably heard of, which I am expressly forbidden to use as a comparison in this post? It is similar . . . but here's the honest-to-goodness truth . . . after a day or two of using both, I actually, really, truly prefer Clipix. Didn't see that one coming, didja? (Neither did I!)

Here are my reasons.

1) Private or public clipboards. Whatever it is you feel like clipping, it's nice to know that you have the option of keeping some clips to yourself, whether they're gift ideas for friends that you want to be a surprise, a baby clipboard for a pregnancy you haven't announced yet, self-improvement articles you want to keep personal . . . whatever. A little privacy is definitely a good thing in my book. You can make all or some of your clipboards public if you prefer, but having the choice to keep some to yourself is great!

2) Multiboards.This, right here? This is gold. I love saving style and beauty ideas--cute outfits, skin care routines, makeup ideas, hairstyle inspiration--and they used to end up jumbled together into one confusing mega-board. With multiboards, you can link related clipboards together while keeping separate, individual clipboards for each topic, making it about 10,000% easier to find and actually use individual clips . . . in my case, this means one Style + Beauty multiboard with sub-boards devoted to haircuts, makeup tricks, outfits to replicate, clothing on my wishlist, etc. I still have individual boards for each theme, so the clips are easy to search for and utilize in real life, but they're joined together to make one happy, well-organized multiboard family. Very, very nice. (This would also be perfect for recipe organization--have one Food Multiboard with sub-boards for main dishes, side dishes, desserts, etc. So simple, right?)

3) Syncboards. Get together with some friends or family and contribute together to group clipboards that get updated in real time. This would be so handy for party-planning, group activities, clubs, and classes.

Here's a peek at one of my clipboards--a style inspiration clipboard of outfits using clothing I actually own, part of a bigger Style and Beauty Multiboard:

style clipboard

I've really been enjoying using Clipix--I think you'll like it a lot, too . . . it's definitely worth a visit to sign up and take for a test run! (And although I don't have an iPhone, there's an app for it so you can use it on the go.)

What would you use Clipix for?

(Check out this video if you want to learn more!)

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  1. Can't imagine what the other website that you're referring to might be... ; ) The ability to make some boards private would be awesome--especially due to my constant desire to pin graphic birth stories (what?! I read a lot about birth these days...) I'm checking it out, though I hope I don't like it better because I'm guessing there is no way to import stuff from one site to another... Lol. Yea... Pretty sure that's not a possibility.

  2. Very interesting... I was curious what the difference was. Your 3 reasons are great... I like the synchboard thing.

  3. I like the idea of the private boards. And I also wish there was a way to block people from following on Pinterest. (I'm a wierdo.)

    But, should I truly start another addiction? Riddle me that, Batman. =)

    1. Seriously, that's my one qualm . . . I already have 2000+ pins on pinterest, how am I supposed to start ANOTHER account?! I think I'll just gradually ease over, because I do prefer the setup and organization power of Clipix (I can't believe I'm still pitching it in a comment). And one nice thing I forgot to mention in the post is that private and public aren't the only options--there's also a "friends only" option, so you could set every board as a friends-only board, then only become friends with people who don't creep you out, and everybody else is effectively blocked. Score!

    2. I have those reservations too, plus, I've just gotten all my friends to join the first site, and now I've got to go herd everyone around again!

  4. I'm with Kim. I wish there was a block feature to Pinterest. I never linked my facebook account to Pinterest, but some of my facebook friends found me. So I like how Clipix has that feature.

  5. That's awesome! And I think it's super cool that companies are paying for your super cool words. ;)

  6. Thanks for sharing about this site! The other shall-not-be-named website is great, but honestly, it has more issues than I often have the patience to deal with. It might be nice to try something new. I LOVE the fact that Clipix allows for private boards. There aren't enough options for privacy on the internet, these days, so I definitely welcome that option!

  7. You just blew my mind, batman. (I'm only saying that because I keep seeing similar comments everywhere, and I have NO blicking idea where it came from or why people say it.) The privacy thing was the very reason I didn't want to join afore mentioned similar site. I wanted my own private boards for things I would feel kinda weird for the whole world to see. Sweet. I'm definitely checking it out!

    1. I didn't know that was something I had control over! But apparently I fixed it? pff yay!

  8. Ok, I was skeptical about Clipix in thinking it was just another knock-off website. I liked your disclaimer though at the beginning and I actually do really trust your judgement. I am very interested in the privacy part and wouldn't mind switching over for a better organizational mainframe. I am going to go check it out now!

  9. Hey, looks like the Clipix is linking to Microsoft Internet Services. Anyone else seeing this problem?

  10. I read about clipix on another blog and immediately started using it and really love it. My favorites list was out of control LOL and I definitely wanted a way to compile my favorite blog posts and inspiration, etc but didn't want to join "the other site" because I wanted it all private and don't care to follow others or have others following me, so yeah, clipix is wonderful!

  11. Thank you for this review! I love the "other" site but I have had some interesting not so positive happenings because sometimes I don't want to announce what I am saving. I checked out Clipix and it is great. Now how to transfer my 1000's of "saves" from the "other" site.?!?!?! :~)

  12. Thanks so much for the review. It was an answer to a problem I have with Pintrest. I'm working on ideas for my little girl's birthday party and didn't want all my friends to see my plans before the party. I love the private boards!

  13. Hi Rachel! I read this post awhile back and tried Clipix because of it (sorry, I am more of a lurker than a commenter!). Anyway, I remembered that everyone was concerned with importing material from Pinterest so now I can't help but reach out. Clipix just added an importing feature! It's amazing, you can import all your pins in a matter of seconds by clicking the "clip" button while you're viewing your Pinterest boards. I'm SO excited and thought you would want to know :)

  14. This site is great!!!! I love it!! (another adition is coming!!)


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