Monday, November 19, 2012

Dare to DIY: Be Thankful

Here we go, folks—week 1 of the Dare to DIY link-up! (In case this is news to you, visit this post for more info.) Over 60 people signed up to participate, and I’m really excited to see what you’ve been working on.

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This week’s theme is Dare to Be Thankful—we challenged you to create a Thanksgiving-themed project to remind you to be grateful during this season.

Michelle of Décor and the Dog made a Thanksgiving sign to display in her home, Forrest and I made a Turkey Handprint shirt and dishtowels, Kim of NewlyWoodwards made a turkey gobble sign, and Chelsea of Two Twenty One decorated with a Give Thanks banner.

Each Monday, the link party goes live for that week's Dare to DIY challenge. You can link up as many projects as you wish, as long as the posts correspond with the theme of the week.

You can link up on any of our four blogs listed above. The linky below will stay live through Wednesday. This Wednesday, each of us will spotlight at least 3 projects we loved from the week on our blogs. We'll also pin those projects on our shared Pinterest board.

The only rules:

1. Please follow the Dare to DIY theme of the week (this week is Dare to be thankful).

2. Please link back to Dare to DIY on one of our blogs.

3. Please go to at least one other blog and comment. This is a party. So get to know a few other bloggers!

I’m excited to see what you’ve been working on!


  1. Thanks so much for co-hosting. Looks like tons of great projects!

  2. I'm so lame. I totally planned on linking something up...I really did but as I just mentioned, I'm lame. So I've got nothin.
    I'll try for next I can hang out with you and the cool kids.

  3. Ok, I had to get a blogger account, just to comment here :) I love your turkey print. It is so darling. I love a good project where you can get the kids involved :).

    Off to delete my blogger account again...


Thanks for commenting!