Monday, November 26, 2012

Dare to DIY: Entertain

Here we go, week 2 of Dare to DIY! I loved seeing your projects last week, and I can’t wait to see your entertaining projects this week.

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And don’t forget, I’m not doing this party alone. I’m co-hosting with Décor and the Dog, NewlyWoodwards, and Two Twenty One. And even if you didn’t sign up to participate at the start of the challenge, feel free to include your project here, as long as it’s related to the theme!

This week’s theme is Dare to Entertain--DIY something for your table. This could be something from last week's Thanksgiving table or a new Christmas look. Get creative and use things in new ways. Or go true DIY and make something totally new. Ideas include place mats, table runners, place cards or centerpieces.

I shared my Dare to Entertain project on Friday—a signed ‘grateful’ table runner for Thanksgiving.

Make a Grateful Table Runner for Thanksgiving

And my co-hosts created inspiring Christmas tableaus . . .

. . . from Décor and the Dog

. . . from NewlyWoodwards

. . . from Two Twenty One

Now, it's time to share your projects!

You can link up on any of our four blogs listed above. Link up as many projects as you wish, as long as the posts correspond with the theme of the week. The linky below will stay live through Wednesday. This Thursday, each of us will spotlight at least 3 projects we loved from the week on our blogs. We'll also pin those projects on our shared Pinterest board.

The only rules:
1. Please follow the Dare to DIY theme of the week (this week is Dare to entertain).
2. Please link back to Dare to DIY on one of our blogs.
3. Please go to at least one other blog and comment. This is a party. So get to know a few other bloggers.

1 comment:

  1. I love your runner!
    I just noticed the writing on it, that makes it even better!
    What a great way to memorialize who was there and what everyone was thankful for!


Thanks for commenting!