Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Free Feature on BB Daily Deals

Just a quick post to let you know about a cool promotion happening right now at my mom’s Boutique and its online deal site (if you aren’t familiar with her site, BB Daily Deals, you can read a full post about it here, but I’ll give you the sparknotes version: twice a week, subscribers are emailed awesome deals on boutique products from the Bungalow Boutique and other fantastic sellers, all at a sweet markdown from in-store/online prices. Check it out!)


So here’s the deal for the cool promotion happening now: you can enter to win the chance to sell your product FREE on the site. No commission, no sales fees, nothing. Just an awesome free feature for you and your fabulous product, sent out to hundreds of subscribers who are searching for great items at great prices.

To enter to win, just head over to the Bungalow Boutique’s blog, use the linky list to enter YOUR product(s) that you’d love the chance to share and sell, then head back on Friday to vote for your favorite product that you’d like to see shared on BB Daily Deals.

The item with the most votes will win a completely free feature on BB Daily Deals—you won’t hand over any of your earnings. So if you make and sell handmade items, run an online store, or are interested in getting your foot in the door to sell a great product, go enter! You can link up an item from your online shop or blog, then tell your friends/fans/followers/etc. to vote for you to win!

Head over and enter your product! Go! GO!

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