Friday, November 2, 2012

Scentsy Giveaway!

I'm pretty sure everyone has something relating to their home that they're a little paranoid about. I have some friends who hate the idea of guests arriving to find a family room littered with toys, or others who despise the idea of someone spotting dirty dishes in the sink or bikes and toys left in the front yard. Mine is smell. I just cringe at the thought of someone coming into my home and thinking it smells like old garbage or yesterday's dinner or a certain someone's dirty diapers (hint: not mine). And the fact that the previous owners of our home let their pets do their business anywhere and everywhere--which obviously led to a house reeking of pet stink--just added fuel to the fire. Needless to say, I'm a big fan of candles, wax warmers, air fresheners, etc.

If you're a tad worried about how your place smells, too, and hope for a home that smells warm and fresh and inviting, then you've come to the right place today.
I was sent a nice big box of Scentsy bars to try out, as well as a cute little warmer to test them out in. Scentsy's signature scent for the year is Pink Pepper, a spicy, deep smell that can be mixed with any other scents to create a warmer, richer scent for the fall and winter months. (I feel utterly uncreative now, as it has literally never occurred to me to mix scents before to come up with something new. I'm a clever one!)

I tried out combo after combo and, although many bloggers also participating in this promotion are far more fancy and creative than I and loved mixing 3 or 4 different scents together, I am a simple girl. My favorite combination was just 2 blocks of Amber Road (a masculine, cologne-y type scent) mixed with 1 block of Pink Pepper. I loved these two together--deep and outdoorsy and a bit manly, with a good kick of spice from the Pink Pepper to really make it feel like autumn. Mmmmm.

And the Whoot warmer looks adorable in my fall decor:

I love that it lights up as it warms the bars--like another little lamp on my table--and looks cute even when it's turned off.

So, would you like to win a Whoot warmer just like mine from Scentsy, as well as the bars I used to come up with my favorite fall scent? Just help me come up with a name for my signature scent using the Rafflecopter tool below (if you're reading this in a reader or email, you'll have to pop over to this post to enter), and you're on your way.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The road less peppered! (p.s. that owl warmer is the cutest thing I've EVER SEEN!!!!)

  3. Love the owl warmer!! He's so cute!! :) I would like to try that Pink Pepper and Woodland warmth :) xo Holly

  4. HOW DID YOU KNOW I WANTED THIS WARMER??! Call it Rachel Spice. You know, like the Spice Girls. Mwa ha ha ha

  5. Pepper Spice? I always feel so uncreative when it actually counts! :) *sigh*

  6. Spicy Autumn


  7. Maybe Spicy!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  8. Since all the names I thought of are already on here. I vote for the one I didn't think of Melesa's Lumberjack Lust! Love it

  9. Pink Pepper Rose, my fb is Michelle Trump and my email is

  10. Falling for Pink! So un-creative. Haha!

  11. Essence of Masculinity. However, I have to say I love Mele's Lumberjack Lust! ;) Just saying...

  12. I like the name "Boy Meets Girl" (Cologne Scent meets Pink Scent)


  13. Pepper road... I'm not creative :)

  14. "Pink October", "Giva Hoot", "Owl Always Love You"

  15. i say Pink Woods :O)

  16. I say Pink woods :O)

  17. I would also go with Pink Autumn Spice

  18. pink pepperlicious,

  19. pink pepper road (I'm terrible at naming things :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Fall's fragrance

  22. Maybe's

  23. Pink Amber

    Entered the Rafflecopter form as "Wild Orchid"

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  24. I would call it Fall Bliss :)

  25. I got a Whoot warmer a few months ago and I love him! He's especially perfect for this time of year :)
    Don't feel bad - it has never occurred to me to mix scents either! But I maybe have to play "mad scientist" now and try out some out!


Thanks for commenting!