Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday Tidbits

1. I made caramel dip with apple slices yesterday for a snack. It was amazingly delicious. I usually ruin homemade sauces, but the gods smiled upon this simple recipe and now I can’t stop eating it. Heaven forbid a season or holiday pass without me taking full advantage of the opportunity to gorge on seasonal baked goods. And in my mind, fall = spoonfuls of caramel sauce, with or without apple slices for dipping. Makes perfect sense! You can find the caramel dip recipe I used over here at The Bungalow Boutique blog.


2. Lest there be any confusion, the little psycho (pictured above) and his triumphant glee (also pictured above) were not rejoicing over the caramel sauce . . . no no. He was that thrilled about the apples. Just the apples. He wouldn’t even try a taste of the sauce. I suppose I should be happy that he loves apples so much, but I’m kind of annoyed that he is such a firm believer in his list of 10 approved foods and absolutely refuses to vary from it, even to sample something as delicious as homemade caramel dip. Picky boy.

3. I’m really excited for the Dare to DIY series to begin. (If you haven’t signed up yet to join in, you can do so HERE.) I got started on my project for our first week’s theme this morning, and was not terribly surprised to find that Forrest inherited his father’s facial expressions and enthusiasm when faced with my craft ideas:


(The line of doom that accompanies this reassuring, trustful face when it’s on my husband is usually something like, “I guess I can’t picture how this will turn out,” or “How much did you spend on those materials? Hmm.” Shame on them both for their lack of vision but heaping servings of skepticism.)

4. Did you all have a nice weekend? The highlight of mine was getting a manicure, something I rarely to never do because I’m such a cheapskate and can’t help feeling guilty for spending money on something so frivolous, but deeply love and want to do all.the.time.


5. And the highlight of the manicure experience itself was a fellow manicurian (real word, just trust me) spending the entire appointment trying to figure out where she knew me from. We definitely did not know each other, but she rattled off no less than 30 different suggestions of places we could have run into each other or passed by or met briefly, none of which were very likely. She finally glanced around, leaned in toward me, and said softly, “Are you famous? And you just don’t want word to get out?” Imagine the temptation here, people, imagine it. I fought the good fight and answered no, but oh what a missed opportunity! I could have been famous. Even if just in her mind, just for a few minutes, but wouldn’t that have been nice all the same?


  1. Maybe she reads your blog, and recognised you from here?!

    1. That's what I thought, but I told her about it and she'd never heard of it. I'm guessing maybe she saw a picture on Pinterest and couldn't remember . . . or I'm just secretly famous and playing it cool.

  2. Next time say "I'm famous, on the internet!"

  3. where did you get your ring? I have been trying to find a ring but it is hard to buy fake that is good quality.

    1. Agreed, it's tough! I've been very happy with mine. I got it from emitations.com. I just searched for mine on their site and maybe they don't make this style anymore, I couldn't find it (it was the Mariah Carey engagement ring, I don't see it there anymore) . . . but if you look under the Rings tab, in "celebrity rings", there are quite a few that look very similar. I've had it for over a year now, with daily wear, and have no complaints about it at all. I love it!

    2. Awesome!!! Thanks! I will definitely check it out!!

  4. You are totally a big deal on the interweb. She should know that.

    I'm off to check out this caramel dipping sauce. I actually just bought some at the grocery store but I'm sure that will be gone in no time and I'll need to replenish.

  5. Bahaha. So sad when your kid won't try something delicious. I just want to force feed it (which in my mind would end up with him realizing, OH! This IS good mid-spitting it out and I could say, I told you so!) But that doesn't work. (tried it once.) Anywho, I have never had a manicure...maybe one day. I love your nails though! And I totally thought that was your legit wedding ring (it's not, right?? I'm a little confused), and I was like FREAK that thing is GORGEOUS...

    1. Oh and P.S. do you like chewy caramel popcorn? I made a batch of that last night and can't. stop. eating it!!!

  6. I'm guessing she's seen you on Pinterest too! And those nails look great!

  7. You are a celebrity! Why else would I check for new posts all the way over here when you're all the way over there and we've never met?

  8. Was one of her options of where she possibly knew you....your blog? I suppose that could be considered famous too, right? Or she could have seen you modeling your crochet work somewhere on-line. I think it is safe to say that you ARE famous! ;)

  9. Uh, I love how you called your child "little psycho". He'll love reading this blog when he's older. Just kidding. He's a boy-- he probably won't be interested. I'm excited to see your Dare to DIY project. I still don't know what I'm doing.

  10. The last time I got my nails did I didn't have time for a full on manicure and just wanted them painted. And the manicure-er was all "You sure? Your cuticles look really... bad."

  11. The best reply to the woman who asked if you were famous. "Well, I don't like to talk about it but I did star in a few "films" in college to pay the bills. You didn't really see much of my face, if you know what I mean."

    Looking forward to seeing your Dare to DIY project!!! Super excited about it.

    Also, you have pretty nails. I have the ugliest nails in the world, I'm certain. Even with a manicure, they are horrid. They are short and stout and never get long. Plus, I bite my cuticles, which doesn't help. I used to get acrylic nails, but I quit a little after getting married because we were trying to cut expenses. Plus, the time!

  12. I would have totally claimed to be like Honey Boo Boo aunt or one of the sister wives or something classy like that :)

  13. HaHa, I think I was probably mimicking Forrest's expression when I got down to your manicure. "Oh sure I never do this. I'm so cheap...blah blah blah" with a giant ROCK on your finger! LOL I know it's not real and all, but still...makes you look "famous". ;D


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