Friday, December 21, 2012

What I Read in 2012

I set myself a goal this year (on Goodreads!) of reading 50 books, and I finished just in the nick of time! I love to read, but it’s something I often need a little push to do . . . if it’s been too long since I’ve read a really really great book, I tend to get discouraged about it and kind of give up for a few months and not want to read anymore. So this goal really helped me to keep reading and searching for new books, even after a lousy one would creep in (and they always do).

Here are the 50 books I read this year, organized by how many stars I rated them on my Goodreads account. (If you’re seeing this in an email/reader, I think you’ll have to click over to the actual site to see the book lists.)

5 Star Books (loved it)

4 Star Books (really liked it)

3 Star Books (liked it)

2/1 Star Books (it was ok/didn’t like it)

What was your favorite book in 2012? I’m always looking for suggestions!


  1. You are a reading machine! I thought I was doing good reading 37 books this year.
    I am always looking for good book suggestions, I will have to check out your list on goodreads.

  2. I wanted to read The Snow Child. Not good? I think it was the birch trees on the front. They called to me. I'm about to start Gone Girl since everyone seems to rave about it.

    1. I was probably overly harsh on The Snow Child. Honestly, the writing is lovely and the story is interesting. But I never cared about any of the characters--not even a little bit--and that really ruined it for me. And I thought it spiraled downhill toward the end. But a lot of people love it, so you should give it a try!

  3. Oh, I'm so happy you liked Rebecca. It's one of my all time favorite books. You should watch the movie--it's super old and creepy and wonderful.

    Now that you've read The Wednesday Wars, you have to read Okay for Now. I think I liked it even more than The Wednesday Wars.

    1. I've put off reading Rebecca for years because a teacher made me read it when I was in like middle school (way too young to appreciate it) and I hated it. But I'm glad I gave it another chance, it's wonderful! Okay for Now is going on the list for my next library trip. Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. Good job Rachel! I think this is something I want to do in 2013. I love reading but since having kids I go through long periods of not reading at all. You've helped motivate me! :) I have a goodreads account but haven't really done much with it. How can I find you on it?

  5. there's a few up there that i've read-i was just saying that my favorite books of the year were the night circus and the age of miracles. below that would be gone girl. i didn't love half broke horses nearly as much as the glass castle, and daughter of smoke and bone, and i concur on mindy kaling's book.

    sigh, it's good seeing someone who loves reading as much as i do!

    happy holidays!

  6. oh, and room i LOVED but i don't think i read it this year...? i convinced my mom's book club to read it, and they loved it, too.

  7. You didn't like Baker's Daughter?? I LOVED it!! I've recommended it to everyone I know and they all love it too!

  8. 50 books, you maniac! ;) I will have read 32 out of my goal of 36 this year (reading #32 now). It was a new years' resolution. I didn't quite make it to 36, but after last year's whopping *3*, I'm extremely pleased.

    I liked the Snow Child, but couldn't get into the Night Circus, and put it down.

    My all-time favorite book I read in 2012: The Book Thief. And if you're up for a series to get totally sucked into, I thoroughly enjoyed Francine Rivers' Mark of the Lion trilogy. I neglected my family & home for a solid week, reading these!

    1. Neglecting family and home is always a sign of a great book ;-) Thanks, I'll check that series out!

  9. Wild by Cheryl Strayed was one of my favorites of the year!

    1. Just read the synopsis of this one--sounds so interesting! Thanks!

  10. I love love to read...I even keep a book journal because I'm a nerd like that. I just barely finished reading 84, Charring Cross Road. It was so charming! I totally loved it to.

    ps---I read Rebecca against my will book club made me do it...and I really enjoyed it...and I watched the old movie, which was pretty awesome to.

  11. Super impressed by this goal. You go girl. And I'm excited to see what you liked so I can shamelessly steal them for my to-read list.

  12. Have you read any BettY Smith? A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is famous and I like it, but my favorite is Joy in the Morning.

    1. I read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn a loooong time ago . . . I'll check out Joy in the Morning. Thank you!

  13. There's a sort-of sequel to Austenland. It happens in the same place, but with different main characters. I was hesitant to try it because I didn't overly love Austenland, but I thought it was definitely better. More mystery and excitement. It's a good quick read when you're in the mood for something light.

  14. Mauve Binchy is an amazing author as well. her books make you feel lie you are inside the story and are one of the few non fantasy books I race out to get :)

  15. Ooh yay, I love me some good book recommendations! You didn't like The Good Thief?! I loved that book. And I loved The Thirteenth Tale and Half Broke Horses, too. The Glass Castle is another good one by Jeanette Walls.

  16. Some of my favourite reads of 2012 were:

    A discovery of witches by Deborah Harkness - this is the first in a trilogy.
    The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

    Solomons Oak by Jo Ann Mapson.

    I have just got the new Barbara Kingsolver book to read over Christmas.

    1. Oh how I love Barbara Kingsolver--you lucky lady, getting her newest. Those other titles sound interesting--thank you for the recommendations! As a fellow Kingsolver fan, I can trust you have great taste ;-)

  17. I've been reading your blog for about a year now but I don't think I've ever commented. But as a fellow reader who would also 5 star the books you have five-starred (The Road?? C'mon, how great was that!! And the Guernsey Potato Pie and Literary Club (probably manged that title, but you know what I mean), I feel good about giving you my recs from the last year or so of reading. Zeitoun by Dave Eggars, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, and my all-time favorite (I actually have a tatoo based on this book) East of Eden by John Steinback. Happy New Year of Reading!!!

  18. I'm cheap when it comes to books, partly because I read fast and nothing really stays in my head for very long, so I read either free Kindle books or whatever I can get at the library (which aren't usually worth sharing). I also love classics, so I re-read a lot (aka Pride and Prejudice). Anyways, here's a recent stunner: Catherine the Great by Robert Massie. Extra points for it being non-fiction and educational! There was also The Stumpwork Robe by Prue Batten. I'm just really impressed that you kept track of them all!

  19. Ooh, yes! Ready Player One and Daughter of Smoke and Bone were EXCELLENT! As was The Help! I have Half-Broke Horses, but still haven't read it, though I did really love her other book, The Glass Castle. I also have The Forest of Hands and Teeth, but I'm hoping I like it since I have the other two books in the series as well!

    Good for you reaching your goal for the year! I hope you can reach it in 2013. :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. You have to read the Glass Castle. If you loved Half Broke Horses then you'll love the Glass Castle even more.


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