Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2nd Birthday Photo Tribute

In my grand tradition of waiting at least 6 months to post about projects, I am pleased to present my little boy’s 2nd birthday photo. (His birthday was in August. Procrastinators of the world, unite! Later! Whenever we get around to it! I’ll get back to you with the details! I probably won’t!)

Birthday Photo Tribute

Awwww, such a cutie. I decided before his first birthday that I wanted to make one of these for his birthday every year, and eventually collect them all into a little album together. I like the idea of capturing not just how he looked around each birthday, but some little aspects of his personality that might otherwise be forgotten. And yes, it took me 6 months to make this one, whereas I posted his first birthday’s photo tribute last year just days after his birthday had passed. If this procrastination rate continues, I’ll be finishing up his 18th birthday photo just in time to celebrate his 50th birthday.

And speaking of procrastination, I kept meaning to take actual birthday photos around the big day. I was picturing him holding a giant bouquet of balloons, maybe a big number 2, maybe confetti or streamers falling around him as I snapped photos. I’m sure it won’t require much imagination on your part to picture me putting this off until it was so far past his birthday that it seemed flat-out laughable to plan and execute a birthday shoot. So I ended up just finding the cutest picture on my computer that was relatively near his birthday—this one was actually a photo he took himself with the camera remote and tripod in his Halloween costume, 2 months after turning 2. He looks precious, it’s close enough to his birthday that it’ll do, and there’s plenty of white space around him to add text, so I figured it was a good choice.

Tiny Mal costume

After fiddling with the colors/brightness in Picasa (I have no idea what I’m doing), I added the text with Picmonkey. I’m happy with how it turned out, and resolving to not put the birthday photos off for 6 months next year.

Once more, because I think it’s so cute . . .

Birthday Boy Photo Tribute


  1. Aww he is a cutie!

    happy birthday Forrest!! (For 6 months ago :))

  2. Very cute! Maybe you've inspired me for my little guy's upcoming birthday... :)

  3. Haha I love his dislikes, especially the last one ;) Jen

  4. super cute! I may have to start doing this too. :)

  5. He's so darn cute when he's not "bending people to his will" or rejecting your lovingly made crochet projects! ;D

    P.S. - I'd also love to join your procrastinators club, but I gave it up as one of my New Years resolutions that I'll actually never get around to...Oh Wait, I think that means I'm in!

  6. Awww... very cute! I did some photo tributes for my kiddos too a couple months ago.

  7. This is adorable! I'm trying to figure out what I want to do as a tradition for my little one. His first birthday is quickly approaching.

  8. It really is such a great idea. I'm sure your son will love it when he is an adult and can look back on it.
    Which gets me to thinking... at what age will you stop? I don't know if there's ever a time when I'd want to let that tradition go. :)

  9. He really is ridiculously cute. But who hates footie pajamas. I might need to have a talk with him.

  10. Aw! It turned out great! And I must say, I love how you've trained him to take his own photo. Note to self for future children.


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