Friday, February 15, 2013

5 Crochet Blanket Patterns I Love

I have a problem, and since it’s common knowledge that the first step to recovery is admitting the problem, here we go: *deep breath* I’m addicted to crocheting blankets.

This is probably not big news for you since I thrust them in your face every time I finish one and try to talk you into buying them. And frankly, it’s not an addiction I feel particularly compelled to fix, so there. I’ll just carry on. (Is denial a step in the recovery process?)

I’ve been wanting to make a throw blanket to toss on my living room couch (you can see this room HERE). This probably shouldn’t be all that big of a decision, but since I know it’ll take weeks or months to finish, I’d hate to put all that work into something and end up feeling anything less than wild passionate love toward it.

blue + green living room

While I figure out what exactly I want to make, I’ve had my gray + white zig zag blanket on the couch. I love that blanket, and I do think it fits in pretty nicely, but it isn’t really big enough for the sofa (although I think it would be a great size for a chair), and I’m thinking zig zag blanket next to zig zag pillows might be a little much. So I thought I’d share some crochet blanket patterns I’ve been eyeing. I’m leaning towards a pattern that I can make in a solid color, but that has lots of great texture.

1. Summer Lace Afghan

Summer Lace Afghan free crochet pattern

This is currently the leader of the pack in my search for the perfect throw blanket. I love all the texture, I love that it looks comfy and cozy for winter but airy enough for spring and summer use, and I think it would fit in nicely in my living room. I love browsing the crochet tags on Instagram for inspiration, and I wish I could remember whose version of this blanket I saw there. It was amazing, and I’m glad it pushed me to look up the pattern (which is free, by the way—bonus!).

2. Chunky Cables Throw

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blanket before that made me more excited than this one at the thought of snuggling up with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate. (On second thought: keep your hot chocolate as far as possible from this gorgeous thing. I can only imagine the conniption I would have if someone spilled their hot cocoa all over it.) I think it’s bulkier than what I’m going for (I’d like a year-round, lighter-weight afghan), but would be so perfect and so homey and cozy during the fall and winter.

3. Zig Zag Afghan

Lion Brand Zig Zag Afghan

This one is definitely not right for my room, but isn’t it cool? I love the sort of tribal look, and the colors they used are perfect. I’m not sure where it could fit in in my house . . . but I keep coming back to it anyway. Such a neat look.

4. One Skein Throw

I love the lightweight look of this one, and I bet it would be a breeze to work on and come together quickly.  Although I’m having a bit of trouble believing you could really get a decent-sized throw out of just one skein . . . maybe a baby blanket, but a throw? I don’t know. Somebody try it out and change my doubting ways.

5. Spider and Cobwebs Throw

Spiders and Cobwebs crochet blanket

Although I’m having trouble getting over the horrific name of this blanket—not to mention the cheeseballs with a side of extra cheese photo—I have to admit that I actually do like this pattern. Breezy and airy with lots of great texture. I think it would be lovely in just about any color.


  1. I'm in love with the Summer Lace Afghan. It's beautiful!

  2. You know I love #2. You'll have to make that one eventually anyhow, but it's probably not right for the sofa. I like the texture of #4, but I'm with you about it turning out teeny tiny. Would it entirely defeat the point of the zigzags if you made #3 one solid color? Just for textures sake? I don't know, I'm just not entirely in love with #1...and them I end up browsing ravelry for the next hour,

  3. I'm really liking five and two myself. Although I think number one would look perfectly wonderful on your couch

  4. Your living room is so pretty! I have the same fabric on my pillows except blue :) I like the Summer Lace Afghan the best... it's really beautiful.

  5. I like #1 the best. But really...I love the blanket you have in there now!

  6. I LOVE #3, but #2 is a close second! Looks like I've got some yarn to pick out for my next throw blanket. :)

  7. I like #1 for you and I'd like you to make me #2.

  8. i think the summer lace should be the winner but that chunky cable one... yea that's amazing. make both!!!!!!

  9. I like your choice, but the chunky cable one is gorgeous. But I agree, would be better for winter only, not year round.

  10. They are all so beautiful, but I think my favorite would be #1 Summer Lace Afghan. Can't wait to see what you decide and the color! Blessings..

  11. Whoops--forgot--I love the one you have in there now--the zig zag one.. I even bought the pattern after I saw the picture of both of them on your blog! You do wonderful work and I love your blog! Blessings..

  12. Oh man! You know how easy it is for me to pick out blanket patterns (not). I have to say, though, that I also really love the first one. I can see it being a beautiful addition to your living room, maybe in a light blue color that ties in with your rug? There's another blanket I made recently that makes me think of you because it is SUPER quick and, although it uses a thick yarn, the stitch is very loose and open. I'm actually planning to get pictures up in the next day or two. Even if it's not what you want for your living room, I can definitely see you whipping one up and posting it for sale. ;)

    By the way, love love LOVE your whole decor! I need to hire you and Katie to come redecorate for me...

  13. I'm with ya... I'm addicted to crocheting blankets too, I could make them forever, I just have to figure out "purposes" for them, we can only have so many in our living room :( I LOVE #1, I will be pinning that one for future uses. I just started this pattern ( red for my living room, and I'm really loving how it's turning out. It's my first pieced afghan (instead of back and forth rows). It's funny, I spent HOURS on ravelry trying to find the perfect, lacy one-color afghan to start. If I had seen #1 before, that might have been a close-contender.

  14. My addiction is buying the yarn to make an afghan but never commit to a pattern - ESPECIALLY if it's an afghan for me! One of these days I'll finish one for myself ;-)

  15. Your living room is so cute! I love all the colors. It looks bright, fresh, and happy. =) Also, I love all the blankets. I've only recently started crocheting but I'm longing to make a fun, chunky throw for our bed soon! I just need to finish the cowl that's already taken me 5 weeks...

  16. The one skein throw is based on using a jumbo skein - about 745 yards. However, if you use extra bulky yarn in a normal size skein - it takes about 20 to get a decent size blanket. Don't ask how I know. Lol.


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