Monday, February 25, 2013

Chalkboard Flower Pots

My little old lady flowerpot cozy project made me a  antsy for spring. Really antsy. And having a little greenery in my kitchen made me want a lot more greenery in there. So I decided to try my hand at growing some herbs. I fully expect to fail miserably in this endeavor. I cannot keep plants alive (or, incidentally, fish, as we discovered recently when Forrest’s 2 pet fish named ‘Shishie’ and ‘Shishie’ only survived a whopping 2 weeks), but darn it, I’m going to try. I love the idea of snipping fresh herbs right off my windowsill while I’m cooking dinner, so I’m giving it a go. And since my windowsill gets a lot of light and attention and I end up staring at it every night while I wash dishes, I tried to make the pots a little more pleasant, too.

DIY Chalkboard Herb Pots

I generally go for very low-effort home décor-ish type projects, and this one is certainly no exception. I just picked up a few clay small clay flowerpots and a can of chalkboard spray paint at the Walmarts.

How to make chalkboard flower pots

Then gave them 2 coats of the chalkboard paint.

Chalkboard paint on flowerpots

The can said to let the paint dry a full 24 hours before writing on it. Hm. I made it, like, 16 hours. Close enough. You’re supposed to completely cover the paint in chalk the first time, so go crazy.

Making DIY chalkboard flower pots

Then wipe ‘em clean and label your pots! I planted mint, basil, and cilantro.

DIY Chalkboard Herb Pots

And I’m pleased to say the cilantro is growing! No signs of life from the mint and only the teensiest of sprouts that haven’t gotten any taller in the past week from the basil pot, but hey. 1 out of 3 isn’t bad. I’ll take it.

How to make chalkboard herb pots

I think those pots are a little cuter than your standard clay pot, and I can re-label them when my plants inevitably die and need to be replaced. A little bit of cute greenery on my windowsill. I like it.


  1. Low commitment. I like it.

    I have a pot that says "herb" on it. I decided to name the pot "Herb". Herb died. I should try again. Mint sounds fun. Thanks for the start in a few months.

  2. Definitely cuter than plain clay pots. I'm jealous of your cilantro. I planted some outside last year, and it died almost immediately.

  3. haha! i cant keep plants alive either...except when they are in the garden and getting their own water. we built a flower bed last year and i have 3 pots for annuals. they die every year. mind you the hose is one foot away too:) good luck, at least you have cute pots.

  4. These turned out so cute. What is it about chalkboard paint that makes everything cuter? I wish I could grow cilantro well because we eat the heck out of it. So good.

  5. I still love chalkboard paint....a whole lot! These are darling and hooray for fresh herbs too!

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