Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 2013 Goals

Since sharing my February goals seemed to keep me at least partially motivated, here we go for March!

march goals

I didn’t even come close to finishing my 1 big project from February, so I’m just going for multiple littler projects this time around. I desperately need to figure out some sort of jewelry storage solution (my current method is tossing everything on a shelf in my closet until they all transmogrify into an amorphous blob of tangled chains and lone earrings), and my family room walls have been very bare for a very long time, so it’s probably time I addressed that. Forrest’s room has had about a dozen tiny touch-up needs that I’ve ignored for, oh, 6 months, but would probably only take about 10 minutes each to complete. And it’s been such a while since I sewed . . . I don’t even have a particular project picked out, I just think I need to sew something this month.

So there we go! My goals for March. I’ll be back at the end of the month with a recap.

Do you have goals this month? Hit me.


  1. One dessert a week huh? Go you! I need to make a "one dessert a day" rule lol -Jen

  2. I think I have Jen's goal too - one dessert a day :) As for goals for March, hum I would say finish at least two more traditional type drawings and get the ball rolling for more illustrations for my cards & website. And yes, finish my painting, my one painting for the living room. And perhaps start on decor for my boys bathroom. Geez, I need to make a list. LOL! Let's hope March is more productive for everyone :)

  3. Great goals! I really need to get mine written down instead of just floating around in my head...maybe then I'll actually finish some things! ;)

  4. Wow! You are super ambitious! I have been working on de-cluttering, spending time with my husband after our little one goes to bed and finishing up some long overdue projects. This month I want to tackle 10 pages of my dissertation proposal and laying my things out the night before so I'm not running around like a wild woman in the mornings. :-) Good luck!

  5. I love that you have personal goals and house related goals! I really need to set some of those myself. I've got a few things in mind this month but I'm not sure what goals I should set, dont want to be unrealistic ;)

  6. Ooh! ooh! We just implemented a new dessert rule: one dessert a week, AFTER family home evening. So that means that we actually have to do FHE in order to get our dessert. Win!

  7. No dessert and making the bed? March sounds hard.

  8. Only one dessert per week? Oof. I'll come over for dinner but I demand dessert.

    Excited to see what you have up your sleeve for jewelry storage!

  9. good luck! I really like that you're setting these for the month - seems much easier to "bite off" when not overwhelmed by the entire year!

  10. Can't wait to see your sewing project! Only one for me - finish my taxes!

  11. Doily in an embroidery hoop. Earrings stored!


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