Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March Goal Recap

So, in an effort to be more productive and not get bogged down by yearly goals that heaven knows I’ll never accomplish, I’m trying out a monthly goal system this year. It has worked decently so far, and I’ve found it really motivating to have a smaller list of specific tasks rather than a huge yearly system. You can see my March ambition HERE, and now that we have entered a new month, it’s time to review my wild success. Ready?

This is going to be embarrassing . . . .

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march goals grade


That’s a big ol’ fail for the entire month. What happened, you ask? Idunno. Forrest spent the first week of the month puking, I had some last-minute travel, then I wasn’t feeling so hot myself, then Jeff ended up having to cover two offices for a week instead of just his own office, plus the weather was nice enough that Forrest and I spent about every spare moment riding his trike outside and visiting the park (where, of course, I interacted nonstop with him because I am an all-star mom hahaha #goodone) . . . phew. I’m tired.

In my defense . . . March wasn’t a total flop. At the very least, I did brainstorm some jewelry storage ideas, and did one or two of the multiple small touch-ups I had hoped to do in Forrest’s room, and although 1 dessert per week was a long shot to start with, I definitely did cut down on my typical treat consumption. And sure, I only made my bed once (that’s right! one time!) all month, and the ‘inviting someone for dinner’ was partially fulfilled when I threw a birthday party for my brother (counts, right?), and my sewing machine is gathering dust . . . but I read some books this month! One goal out of eight: check!

March Reads

Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore: 3/5 stars. It was quick and pretty enjoyable, but in the end, a little too much for me to take.

The Round House: 3/5 stars. Definitely impressive in terms of the writing and construction and delivery, but not one I necessarily loved reading. I respected it, but I didn’t love it.

The One and Only Ivan: 4/5 stars. Adorable and so sweet. I’ll admit: I cried a tad at the ending. So lovable.

March Reads 2

Something Missing: 3/5 stars. Quirky and different and endearing and fun. It’s sure not going to change your life or anything, but I read it all in one day while feeling under the weather and it was quick and fun and had a few cute laugh-out-loud moments.

Clockwork Angel: 4/5 stars. I’m a little behind the times on this series, but it’s new to me and I actually really liked the first book! I tend to stay away from YA, and fantasy, and YA fantasy, but I thought this book was really engaging and exciting and unique. I’m working on the second in the series now.

So March wasn’t a total bust, but I can’t say I got many important things done. Oh well, we all need some time off every now and then, right? Right.


  1. I think you accomplished plenty. Just taking care of a puke-y kid should bump you up to at least a B-.

  2. I've made my bed once since we moved into our house February 1, so you're way ahead of me! And dealing with puke definitely moves you up a few grades.

  3. Heck, you traveled across the country and visited me. That should count for something! But even if it doesn't, you know how I feel about the books. Clockwork Angel is on my night table right now patiently waiting it's turn right beside daughter of smoke & bone (& 4 others). Glad to see you're warming up to the YA fantasy section.

  4. F is way too harsh. Especially since you read 5 books when you aimed for 4. That's basically extra credit. You either spend a lot of time reading or you read really fast. Or both. I've been reading a somewhat boring business book the past couple days. I feel like I'm in college again. You should make one of your goals for this month "hang out with an amazingly awesome blog friend".

  5. Honestly, getting ANYTHING done is an accomplishment with a 2 year old. Heck, if you managed to get dressed in the morning I give you props!!

  6. Considering most bloggers only post their successes, it's refreshing to see you post that you didn't accomplish what you hoped to this month - but you did try and it's not like you weren't busy! ;D

  7. F!?!?!? No way! I think it sounds like you had quite the busy month...got to spend some QT with your family and read a ton of books! Totally A+ material to me! :)

  8. How could you improve if you were perfect?!

    LOVE your chick in bunny suit. Like it better than the original. Can you remember your changes? LOVE. Like LOVE it!

  9. No way on the "F" on your report card. If you are able to juggle Forrest and read 5 books - boost that grade to an "A"! I juggle two kids and my reading is still a big zippo! - except when I read to my youngest. Having play time is more fun than making your bed anyway :)

  10. You read the books! That means you most certainly don't get an F.

    I read no books last month. So, you totally win.

  11. Dangit! I've been eagerly anticipating the jewelry storage solution that you were going to come up with so I could copy it instead of coming up with my own idea. (I'm out of breath..) My necklaces are in knots right now. Thanks. ;) hehe

  12. Reading books while having a Toddler around is a huge accomplishment. Don't underestimate that. All the other fun things you have planned can wait. Mommy time is important.

  13. coming over from Decor and the Dog, as you are one of my assigned blogs. But, really, I'm already subscribed to you and have been for awhile, so I kind of feel like I'm cheating ;). Anyway--love your blog! And I'm very impressed that you can get so much reading done....that's a perpetual, rarely accomplished goal of mine. Must make baby nap longer!

  14. Found your blog through the link up today :) I think staying with only one dessert a DAY would be a stretch for me, but I love the idea of monthly goals, especially fun ones like hanging art or inviting a friend to dinner, or small ones that make things nicer, like making the bed each day.

    Some Snapshots Blog

  15. Awesome book suggestions. I am totally putting them on my to read list.

  16. Well I ordered two of your headbands and ADORE them! So A+++++ on that, sista ;-)



  17. I think you're onto something with setting goals as the month arises. I've been awful at my yearly goals the last 2 months! Oh well sounds like you had lots of fun with Forrest, so that's really all that matters.

    Thanks for the books suggestions. I placed a hold for The One and Only Ivan, but Clockwork Angel isn't available for kindle at my library. Jerks.

  18. You inspired me with the monthly goal setting idea! I even used it for a post and a set of monthly goals for myself! I started in March and I felt horrible because they were an epic fail! Not that I am delighted at your "failure" but I don't feel so bad knowing that I'm not the only one that did not accomplish as much as I wanted. It still sounds like you did a great deal of work!


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