Saturday, June 1, 2013

Catching Up + June Goals

Oh, hi there, old friend! Did you forget about this blog? It’s been a while. I almost forgot about it myself. I guess I have some catching up to do!

I’m not one for big flashy announcements (blogger fail spoiler alert: sorry, no cutesy projects, themed photo shoots, or announcement cupcakes here, but to be fair, I’ve never led anyone to expect such things from me--minimal effort is key), so I’ll just say it plain and simple: baby #2 is on her way!

Look at that, it’s an announcement BOGO today! We’re having a baby, and it’s a girl!


(She’s cute already!)

So there’s the reason for my recent absence. Maybe someday I’ll share the first trimester drama in all its unwanted detail, but for now, suffice it to say that I’m doing well, baby looks great, and I’m glad to have some energy back. I’m 19 weeks along, and she’s due in late October. We’re very excited, and even Forrest seems to be kind of into the idea. (Although, to be fair, he gets excited about almost everything, and I kind of doubt he really has any idea what we’re talking about when we tell him a baby sister is coming. But no matter—”Baby sistoh! Wow! Yay! I yuv baby sistoh! Baby sistoh kiss!” are the cutest things I’ve ever heard him say, period.)

That being said, I didn’t bother with my goal of setting goals for the past monthish . . . when my biggest goals were ‘don’t stay in bed all day’ and ‘consider exchanging pajamas for real clothes sometime this week’, they hardly seemed worth sharing. So here we go for June!

June goals

1. It’s been so long since I used my sewing machine for anything besides hemming pants. It’s time to dust her off, choose something fun to work on, and get sewing.

2. I don’t even want to explain to you how awful our house is right now. And I’m not trying to be cute and act like it’s a mess when really it just needs a few toys picked up. I literally cannot recall the last time I did laundry or cleaned my bathroom, and it’s downright embarrassing when someone knocks at the door and I’m forced to open it and expose them to what appears to be tornado destruction ruins inside. Now that I’m feeling mostly normal again, it’s time to get a grip and start cleaning up.

3. I’ve been trying to eat healthier these past few months, and a big part of that is putting on my big girl panties and eating some vegetables. I could eat fruit all day and night, but I’m not the world’s biggest veggie fan. So this month, I want to try a few new side dish recipes and add some more vegetables to my diet.

4. Almost all of my photos lately are cell phone pics, and while that’s fine and dandy, I think maybe someday I’ll regret not using my real camera more and having better quality photos to look back on. I’m going to get out the camera this month and capture some memories.

5. We’ve been “planning” (“air quote that one”) (“’”heavily”””) a basement makeover for months, and have never even gone so far as looking at paint colors or carpet or anything. We have such a great (potentially great) space down there, and it’s going completely to waste right now. We’d really like to have our big basement room converted to a multi-purpose craft/chiropractic/play room before this baby arrives. Speaking of which, my craft room needs to start making its journey to becoming a baby’s room instead. So this month, I’d like to take some steps forward on those two room makeovers, even if it’s just gathering ideas and putting a little money aside.

There we go! Hopefully these are do-able. What are your goals for June?


  1. OH WOW! Congratulations :) How exciting. .... I am imagining all the possibilities for baby makes.
    Glad your feeling better those fisrt 3 months can be really tough.
    Kate xx

  2. Ha! I love ya. My June goals can be summed up pretty concisely enough to fit in a comment, so I'll do that: 1) Have a baby 2) survive (and try to be pleasant about it) a drive to California a weekish after having a baby, a 2 year old, and in laws. Then staying at their house for a week and still not having a mental breakdown. 3) Survive the airport and a one hour layover with the baby and 2 year old. (I just might have to break down and buy a monkey leash) and 4) move into a new apartment/house and try to achieve a level of normalcy. I CAN'T WAIT!!! *cry*

  3. Congratulations!!!!! I honestly can't wait to hear all of your first trimester drama mainly because I am going through the same thing at the moment. Having the hardest time getting out of bed, making the big decision to wear actual jeans, learning when to eat & how little or I'll be making a date with the toilet lol I'm very grateful for it all but man... my husband & I need the old me back real soon ;)
    Good luck with your June goals!!!

  4. Wow big congrats to you guys!!! Excited to see frilly pink things in your future :) -Jen

  5. Congratulations!!!! So happy to hear about your little bundle of joy!

  6. im so happy and excited for you and your family! a little girl :) the absolute perfect addition! i hope and pray you are feeling well. and no worries about "us"--we will check in with you whenever you share things but no pressure whatsoever to keep blogging a lot..i may have taken a nice 8 month break from blogging regularly for the exact same reason :) it happens! keep up the good work making your baby girl and take care!!

  7. Awww, yay!! CONGRATS!! Not to sound all, "I KNEW it"... but when I finally got back into checking my favorite blogs and noticed your little hiatus, I kind of had a hunch that this might be the reason. ;) Hope you're feeling better as you're halfway there now (yeah!!!), and oh MAN are you going to love having a baby girl!

  8. Congrats to you and family for baby #2 and a girl to boot!. Just wait till the nesting energy kicks in. I'm sure the sewing machine will be whirling.

  9. Congratulations!! & welcome back! Can't wait to see/read some of your goals for this month! And some baby ideas too! :) Have a great weekend! xo Holly

  10. Congratulations Rachel!! So excited for you!!!

  11. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! I can totally relate to the house being a disaster. I keep thinking one of these days I should break the habit I started while pregnant/sleep deprived with a newborn/...mother of two? Good luck with the veggies. Salads were my best friend for eating healthy while pregnant. I found that a totally loaded salad with some really good dressing could make me feel very satisfied. Your baby girl is going to be beautiful!

  12. Woohoo!! That is super exciting, friend! Glad you are feeling a bit better... can't wait to "meet" the little chica. :)

  13. Congratulations! I can relate to not wanting to do anything around the house since I'm due with my first child November 7th. I'm just starting to feel more normal. The first trimester is rough! Have fun planning your baby girl's nursery. Looking forward to seeing what you do :)

  14. Congrats on having a little girl.
    I love sewing for my daughter, although at 10 she doesn't like anything I make now. She used to let me dress her in adorable homemade outfits.
    Have fun!

  15. I'm so happy for you! A very good reason to not be blogging as much. Hope you are able to do all that you want with the downstairs room - sounds like a great place. You will love having a playroom on a different level than your main living area - it can stay as messy as the children (or you with your craft area!) can make it. Upstairs can be kept up with much less effort. Welcome back!

  16. Congratulations on the new little one on the way! How exciting!

  17. That is so exciting!! Congratulations!! I don't know if you're into Scentsy products but we have cute nursery themed warmers that would be perfect for a little girls room! I'm kind of disappointed I don't have more girls (; but if you want to take a look my site is

  18. That's fantastic news!! Woohooo! Congrats to you and your family :)

  19. Yay! I'm so excited to finally see a picture of her! I had no idea that she was taking over your craft room though. Hopefully there's room in your basement makeover for a new area for you!

  20. Yay yay yay!!! I'm so happy for you guys! And your goals are perfect for you. I'm with you in that I need to eat more veggies. I'm a major fruit lover, but veggies...not so much! Good luck with everything!

  21. What??? You're pregnant??? ;) Your social media absence was beginning to make me worry that you went and got a non-internet life without me.

  22. Hurray for that baby girl! So happy for you!

    Great list! I'm sure you'll be extra productive. Not like you are busy growing a HUMAN or anything. (That should be on the list.)

  23. Whhaaaaat?! I wanted to see a pic of you guys holding up a chalkboard sign with Baby #2 written on it. Or a photo of everyone's feet/shoes and little baby shoes off to the side. Really, where's your originality?

    That's a very doable June list. Eating more vegetables is super easy-- just drench them in cheese.

  24. Congratulations--always exciting!!

  25. First trimester drama details are very WANTED :)

  26. Oooo! Congratulations! I can't wait to see all of the cute girl projects you come up with. :)

  27. Congratulations! I wondered where you disappeared to. I was miserably sick with my little one so I can totally relate. Glad you are starting to feel like your old self!

  28. Congrats on the girl. Somehow I already knew you were prego. I think. Instagram maybe? I dunno. Congrats again, anyways. :)

  29. Yay! That is so exciting! Sorry to hear that you have been feeling sick :(. Hopefully it will be uphill from here on out! I can't wait to see what darling little things you will make for your baby girl!

  30. Oh HAPPY DAY! Congratulations!! (Matilda?) ;-)

  31. Congrats! We're also expecting a baby, but don't know the gender yet. We're trying to figure out how we're going to haul two babies around though, plus the occasional guest- car upgrade?

  32. So excited for you guys! I can't wait to see all the girly things you do! I'm thinking you should name her Matilda...?? What do you think? :)

  33. Congrats!!

    Fab list of goals too. A lot are the same as mine right now. The clutter under control one seems to be kicking my trash. :)

  34. Congrats! So does that mean Matilda is back on the table for names?


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