Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Giveaway: Better than Perfect (Monster Coloring Totes)

Fun giveaway today, guys! My old friend Katy has opened an adorable shop, Better Than Perfect, selling the cutest monster coloring bags, perfect for letting your little one carry their own coloring book, crayons, and other little essentials . . . I love how colorful and creative these bags are!
Pink Monster Coloring Bag from Better Than Perfect
Here’s Katy to tell you a little more about herself and her shop:
“Hi! My name is Katy and I’m the mother of toddler twin boys. When I’m not chasing them around you can find me hunched over my sewing machine or my computer creating to save my sanity. I have a little shop on etsy called Better Than Perfect where I sell handmade felt coloring totes and personalized car mats for children.”
Better Than Perfect
Blue Monster Bag from Better Than Perfect
“I am so excited to be here on Maybe Matilda giving away one of my monster coloring totes. These fun bags are made of eco-friendly felt (made from 100% recycled plastic) with 8 one-inch pockets for crayons that double as the monster’s teeth. Plus, the boxed out bottom provides plenty of room for a coloring book + a favorite toy or two. Cute and functional, my favorite combination!”
Navy Monster Coloring Tote from Better Than Perfect
Want to win a monster coloring tote from Better Than Perfect? Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Aw what a cute giveaway! I like the purple felt monster tote with three eyes! :) xx Holly

  2. Those are ADORABLE!! Love the crayon teeth - genius. I like the one-eyed guy. :)

  3. These bags are adorable. I was trying to find something to hold my daughters coloring books and crayons just last night! This is much cuter and more functional than what I came up with ;)

    1. After looking at her Etsy shop I LOVE the Purple felt bag with the blue monster that has 3 eyes! So adorable!!

  4. Those are adorable! I checked out the ones Katy has in her shop and I love them all, but my favorite is the one with the mustache!

  5. What a great kids bag! My son would LOVE it! He would probably go for the mustache monster bag!

  6. My favorite is the green 4 eyed monsters with a mustache!

  7. I love the peacock blue one :) & the neon green! (had to pick a boy & girl favorite!)

  8. My favorite is the Neon Green Monster coloring tote. Or I should say I'm sure my son would like that one best. :)

  9. My favorite is the neon green monster coloring tote.

  10. My favorite is the Purple Felt Monster Coloring Tote. My granddaughter would love that!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. My favorite is the blue bag with the blue one-eyes monster!

  13. Oh goodness. How ADORABLE. I love it!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I love the light blue bag with the many-eyed monster. They're all pretty great, though!

  16. It would be so perfect for my niece! I made her a monster hat that would totally match. I hope I win! lol. Thanks for the giveaway :)

    1. There's so much cuteness going on in your shop. The Green Felt Monster Coloring Tote I think would match said hat to a T. Your shop is now a Favorite :)

  17. So awesome. I'm too lazy to make son one. The orange felt monster bag would get lots use from him AND my husband!

  18. Super cute tote! I think I know a kid that would appreciate one ;)

  19. Navy Blue Felt Monster Coloring Tote

  20. I love the Light Purple Felt Monster bag! Such cute things! Thanks for the chance to win..

  21. Love the purple monster bag - cute stuff.

  22. Those are so fun and cute!

  23. Love love love the Green Monster Felt Bag!

  24. Those totes are so adorable and fun! What a sweet giveaway! My favorite item is the Peacock Blue Felt Monster coloring tote. So creative and fun for the little ones!

  25. I love the little monster bags with bows. So cute!

  26. The ones with the mustaches are awfully cute!

  27. I love the car mats! So cute!

  28. I would go for the red felt monster tote. They are so cute and I love that all of them are different. I also need a car mat in my life. Since i'm fairly certain my child will never want to color and instead will only play with cars and tractors. (SOB!)

  29. The pink and purple bag with the bows is definitely my favorite (for my girls, of course), but I also like the car mat! Very cute!

  30. too stinkin cute!

  31. The blue felt monster bag... the one with the 3 eyes is my favorite. So cute!

  32. Oh they are all so cute! I love the spiky haired three eyed one best :)

  33. This will be the perfect addition to the monster backpack we purchased!

  34. I love the Navy Blue Felt Monster Coloring Tote the best!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  35. I love the Light Purple Felt Monster Tote the best! But they are all super cute!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    cameron dot lawracy at gmail dot com

  36. These are darling, as are Katy's other creations!

  37. Oh my stars! The brown guy on red is A-dorable! Love him!


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