Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mid-Week Pick-Me-Up

In case you’re having a mid-week slump, a little treat for you. A treat you will hopefully enjoy as long as you like adorable children doing hilarious things. (Who doesn’t?)

Forrest’s favorite way to spend his time lately is to watch (and imitate) Just Dance videos on YouTube. I’m not even 100% sure what Just Dance is (a video game? I think?), but he loves them and requests to watch the “dance guys” about a thousand times a day (and when he isn’t watching them, there’s still a 75% chance I’ll hear him quietly singing to himself, “Oooooh sometimes . . . [mumblemumble] feewing, feewing, feewing” as he does the Flo Rida dance).

Anyway, without further ado, enjoy this video of Forrest and my sister Bekah doing the Just Dance Gangnam Style video. (I know, that internet trend is so over. Forrest is a little behind on his weird internet culture. Give him a break, he’s only 2.)


  1. OH MY GODDDDDDDD that put the biggest smile on my face!!! The little cute!!

  2. Your little guy can bust a move! SO cute! (And great blackmail footage years from now for when he's being a petulant teenager! ;D)

  3. Oh my gosh that was hilarious! He's so cute! But I totally would have paid to see Bekah filming you and Forrest together!

  4. Hahaha, SO awesome, loved it! What a cutie!

  5. Really cute!!! Just what I needed.

  6. Absolutely adorable. Two year olds and dancing is an awesome combination. Kudos to your sister for having the guts to be filmed :)

  7. What an adorable baby! Good Auntie to dance with him :)

  8. ok that was hilarious! Exactly the mid-week pick me up I needed.
    Your sis is a good dancer too!

  9. That was awesome! He has some great moves and your sister wasn't too bad either :)

  10. Those are some nice moves Forrest! So cute to see him do all the parts!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  13. Thank you! Awesome! Wish I looked that good when I play that game! Its fun and really good excersize! Love you guys!

  14. He is so absolutely adorable! I love it!!

  15. That certainly is a good work out. I particularly like when Forrest Keeps stamping his foot. The ants don't stand a chance in your house! Good job Becca!

  16. OH MY GOD. I don't usually comment (because I'm a horrible blog reader, sorry!) But I just came back from vacation to read/watch this and I about fell out of my chair! Best thing ever :)


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