Friday, June 21, 2013

Striped Crochet Giraffe

So I’ve been brainstorming and collecting ideas for our soon-to-be baby girl’s bedroom, which naturally means I have a new crochet project to share. The first step in planning a new room, as any professional will tell you, is to stop planning the new room and crochet something to go inside it instead.

As I’ve been browsing nursery pictures to figure out the look I want to go for in her bedroom, I keep gravitating to the same sort of style: very simple, very clean-looking white/gray spaces that just have little bursts of color tossed in with wall art/pillows/accessories. And since that room is still packed to the gills and ready to puke forth its mess of craft supplies and discarded projects and miscellaneous crap that gets tossed in when we’re too lazy to find real homes for it, I figured I’d start small (and start far, far away from that scary messy room) with a crochet project that fits into my ‘pops of color’ bedroom plan.

Stripey Crochet Giraffe by maybe matilda

How cute is that? I used this free pattern HERE for my little giraffe, and figured this was a good opportunity to use up some yarn I already have rather than go out and shop for something new. To tell you the truth, mixing colors like this scares me. I don’t mix colors. But I decided to go big for this little project, and I think she’ll make a great pop of color perched on a dresser or bookshelf in the baby’s room.

Crochet Giraffe by maybe matilda

I thought there were a few confusing spots in the pattern (rows that didn’t add up to the right stitch count, or notes added in later that I wasn’t sure how to interpret), but it seems to have worked out (and sadly, if any of you have questions, I’m afraid I’m not going to remember what I did). I need to work on crocheting as tightly as humanly possible in amigurumi—there are a few spots on this giraffe that look like they’re stretched mighty thin over the stuffing, but it is murder on the hands to crochet that tightly. I need a massage, stat.


And amidst all this colorful, baby-hormone-ridden cuteness, let’s not forget the little man of the house and the reality check that his PMS mood swings always bring about. He literally jumped in front of the camera for the picture above, and when I suggested he go stand by the giraffe for more pictures, he trotted over excitedly ("Yeah! Forry pitcho!”) aaaaaaaaaand:


. . . promptly changed his mind about the whole idea. At least this gives you a sense of scale on the giraffe.

Also, this real conversation really happened when he first saw the giraffe.

Forrest: Is nice goat. Pet the goat.

Me: It’s not a goat.

F: Oh. Nice moose. Pet the moose.


Never a dull moment with this one. Let’s hope little missy is a bit more even-tempered.


  1. This is my new favorite blog ever! Crying toddlers are the cutest!!

  2. I LOVE it! It is so sweet. And your Forrest pictures had me laughing out loud. I am due with #2 (opposite of you - we have a daughter, now we're expecting a son) in September, and I'm starting to look for cute ideas for his lovey. My daughter has a walrus, and I'd like something equally unique for him. I think giraffes are getting more popular, but a moose sounds like a good idea! PS - I'm so impressed that you're still blogging and taking on new projects with a toddler and a pregnancy! My blog is on permanent hiatus, I think.

  3. Such a pretty goat. ;) I really like the colors. You are color mixing like a boss!

  4. I have seen that pattern on Pinterest and wondered how hard it was to do. Thankfully I crochet tight anyway, so I don't have a problem there! Yours turned out so cute, I love the colors you chose.

  5. Such a cute striped giraffe I mean too cute! :) Happy weekend! xo Holly

  6. Bahaha! Your little guy cracks me up! The giraffe is's a pattern I've been wanting to try out myself! So cute!!

  7. I love the drama. Covering his eye while he cries! Sarah does the same thing. I love the giraffe. I hate mixing colors just because I hate weaving in all the tails, but then again, I guess they are all hidden inside the giraffe so no worries there.

  8. Good notes on the giraffe. I've been eyeing the pattern for a while, but maybe won't do it until I have a little more patience...

  9. I love the goat. I mean moose. I mean giraffe. I really do love all the colors. Does this mean your room will be rainbow-y? Because I would lurve that.

    Also - I love Forrest. He and I have similar mood swings.

  10. Aw Forrest looks so cute even when having a cry. I just love your giraffe and would love the patience to make one or something similar.
    Kate xx

  11. Oh my so cute!!! I have been eyeing amigurumi patterns a lot lately in preparation for friends babies coming.... but I haven't actually started one yet! Hopefully soon! ~Stephanie

  12. "Come on Mom! Don't you know that giraffes have spots not stripes?" Though I can't recall the last time I saw a striped goat...or moose for that matter, so I'm not sure where he was heading with that. Whatever the critter; It's adorable, and I can't wait to see the style you've decide on for her room!

  13. That giraffe is so cute! It's a great gender-neutral piece, too, so if there's another little one to join you he or she can also love it!

    Your son seems a perfect candidate for

  14. Darling giraffe! I love the little round feet on her. I am excited to see how your nursery will turn out! Forrest makes me smile! He has quite the personality. Such a cutie!

  15. Hilarious! Love the goat and moose conversation.

  16. ADORABLE! Both the giraffe and the crying little man... ;)

  17. Is it bad that I laughed at the "PMS mood swing" comment? Love the goat/moose/giraffe! I'm sure your little lady will love it.

  18. hahaha I love the giraffe, but your crying toddler is just hilarious. :)

  19. Super cute giraffe and Forrest! He's going to be a great big brother. I hear the 2nd one is always better, but that girls are always way more dramatic. Basically who knows! I'm scared either way.


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