Friday, July 5, 2013

Baby Girl Nursery Inspiration

Goodbye, craft room. You will be missed. Well, sort of. I will not miss your constant state of disarray, the untanglable mass of knotted yarn blobs in your closet, and your complete lack of organization. Hopefully I can create in you a state of order, peace, and harmony that was never present there before.

I’ve been checking out nursery ideas, and I have to tell you . . . girl stuff is over. the. top. Whoa. Really, just search ‘baby girl nursery’ on Pinterest. Did you even know there were so many shades of pink in existence? Were you aware that every wall must be decorated with a gigantic vinyl cutout of some sort? (Acceptable choices: owls, huge monograms, quotes in cursive.) That all bedding/pillows/curtains must meet government-regulated minimum ruffle counts? I never realized there were SO MANY WAYS to display a baby’s name/initials. Or that it was necessary to do so. Will I not be allowed to bring my baby home from the hospital unless I can prove she has at least one cutesy-crafty version of her name on display [in pink!!! everything pink all the time always!!!] in her room? It’s overwhelming.

In short: I’m not sure I’m prepared to properly tackle a Pinterest-worthy, blogger-style baby girl bedroom. The ultra-girly, super-ruffly, extra pink with a side of pink bedrooms are cool, and fun to look at, and were probably a blast to design and I’m sure their babies + moms love them, but . . . I’m a simple girl with simple tastes. I like things kind of quiet, and easy, and I think less is definitely more. There won’t be gigantic poufy tissue balls in my baby’s nursery, and I will not spend $4 million to transform this empty room into a pinktastic fairy princess playground. Maybe I’m boring. It’s very possible. But the quiet, subtle, simple rooms speak to me. (Am I sounding anti-pink? I’m not anti-pink. Just getting pinked out from all my nursery browsing. So much pink.)

Nursery Inspiration

(Photo sources, clockwise from top left: Allegra’s Nursery, Herringbone Art, BHG Color Palette, Lily Pad Cottage, Love print, crochet giraffe made by me.)

After much perusing of Pinterest/blogs/magazines, I’ve decided that the rooms I am almost always drawn to are simple and understated, with plenty of quiet neutrals and the occasional burst of color via accessories or fabric or wall art. Which is a very convenient preference, since that room is already painted a soft, quiet gray (woohoo! no painting!). Check out those two bedrooms in the collage up there—I love that they are mainly quiet and soothing with soft wall colors and plenty of whites/grays, and all the color comes from little bursts here and there in the blankets or pillows or wall art. They’re fun rooms and interesting to look at, but I find them very comfortable and peaceful. I could feel at home in those rooms, and hopefully baby girl will, too.

The other photos in that collage are some ideas for color bursts—my little giraffe was made with the intention of bringing a pop of color into the room, to be placed on a shelf or a rocker or a dresser. The LOVE print is fabulous, isn’t it? I don’t know if I’ll use it, exactly, but I love its whimsical, handmade look, and want to incorporate something similar. I’m leaning towards that blue/yellow/magenta color scheme on the middle right, and I might try my hand at some hand-painted art for the room, maybe something like these herringbone canvases.

I’ve got a lot to do.


  1. i bought the LOVE print. must say, i love it! and um i obviously missed that you were preggers and that it is a girl! congrats!!

  2. I love the print :) Love your ideas. And yes Pinterest is so very overwhelming when it comes to baby girl nurseries.

    We kinda did a knock off version of a Pottery Barn nursery we liked with the PB bedding we loved thanks to family. It is bright reddish pink and we did ruffle curtains but the way it all panned out wasn't as over the top as most you see haha unless you count her chandelier as over the top LOL.

  3. Love your giraffe and that color palette! I kept my baby girl's nursery pretty simple too... It isn't anything magazine-worthy but it's cozy and we both love it.

  4. HaHa! I love all your choices, but I can't believe you're pinked out already when she isn't even here yet! We didn't have room for a designated nursery for either of our kids, so I never had to decorate one, but I know by the time Reli turned one I was so sick of the pink frilly clothes that she only wore purple, green, and blue until she turned 2!

  5. Hey, it's your baby and your nursery - you use whatever darn colors you want! Hell, I'm a huge fan of pink (esp. the pale pinks), but my favorite kids/nursery room I've seen is aqua/red, and it's for a girl! ( I'm sure whatever you come up with for your nursery will be perfect and lovely, and I look forward to seeing it!

  6. I love all your inspiration! I would have always assumed I'd paint a baby girl's room pink, but then surprised myself by going pale blue with Reese's room and LOVE it. I feel like it's such a calming color. And Mommy enjoying the space is more important that baby loving it early on. I think it's all about making a space you'll enjoy spending time in since you'll be there so much. I can't wait to see what you do with the room!

  7. Or be like me and make the kids share a room, so there's no redecorating to be done. The first nursery was gender neutral, and I'm just too lazy to do-up another room, at least not while I'm feeling hot, and fat and swollen :-) Your inspirations are beautiful and I hear ya on the understated thing!

  8. I'm sure whatever you do will be girly and beautiful! You and Forrest are going to have so much fun with a little girl. Can't wait to see it all come together!

  9. I got so pinked out when I was pregnant with Camille that I refused to buy or make anything pink. And we still ended up with a lot of pink stuff. It worked out fine since the nursery is simple and gender neutral.

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  11. This is far from boring - I love all your inspiration and know it will be lovely! I love that artwork, too!


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