Monday, August 5, 2013

Summer Fun (+ Wyler's Light Giveaway!)

This post brought to you by Jel Sert. All opinions are 100% mine.

I can't say this has been the absolute most exciting summer of our lives . . . I didn't have huge plans to start with, but sweet mercy, it's been so hot, and I'm so pregnant, and I just want to take naps all the time. And that's a teeny bit sad, right? That poor Forrest doesn't get a fun summer because I'm hot and pregnant and whiny? So in these last few weeks of summer, this family (diagnosed with terminal homebodiness) has been trying to get out and have some fun--we've made plenty of trips to the pool and visits to the playground these past couple weeks, and Forrest loves getting out of the house and racing around. And since I was sent some Wyler's Light recently to try out, a picnic seemed like a great idea for a Saturday activity. To say that Forrest was excited about our picnic is just a tad understated . . . picture him running laps around the kitchen while I made sandwiches, dragging a blanket to the car by himself, and spending the entire car ride asking, "Where picnic? Picnic time? Picnic time TODAY?! Picnic time WIGHT NOW?!" This boy gets excited to lay out a dish towel on the kitchen floor and sit on it with some crackers, so a real picnic just about blew his little mind. Poor kid obviously needs to get more interesting parents.

When he gets excited, he gets smoochy. I don't think anyone minds. We went to the This is The Place Heritage Park for our little outing, and in our typical genius manner, didn't realize you have to pay to see the cool little pioneer village and historic buildings they have there. Luckily, Forrest is young enough to not realize yet that he has cheapskate parents, and had an awesome time just racing around on the greens outside the village. 

I'm not sure how this happened, but somewhere along the road these past few months, he went from hating the camera to becoming a little Zoolander. He loves getting his picture taken, and I'm so happy about it. He even posed himself for this one, complete with the adorable little hand-on-my-cheek action. I hope this sweet phase never ever ever ever ever ever never ever ends. Ever. 

And he even loved the lunch we packed, and actually sat down and ate it rather than being distracted by being outside, which was a surprise. Such a picky kid, this one. I think he ate his weight in Cheetos today, and he really loved his 'pur-poh juice.' We were sent 3 flavors of Wyler's Light to try, and I can honestly say I loved all of them, and would absolutely buy them again. They are low-calorie, sugar-free drink mixes, and come in convenient little single packs so you can just slip a few in your purse to add to a water bottle while you're out and about. Great way to stay hydrated while drinking something delicious and passing on the calories and sugar that come with juice and soda (or, in my case, just saving those calories for later and using them on ice cream instead). My favorite was the Iced Tea with Peach flavor, and Forrest guzzled the Cherry Berry and declared it 'de-wish-us!'

Still on our summer fun to-do list: definitely another picnic or two, since this one was such an unexpectedly huge hit, and we're planning to take the little nugget to the zoo for his birthday later this month. Any Utahns out there with additional ideas for me? (Preferably cheap or free?)

Want to try some Wyler's Light yourself for an easy, tasty way to hydrate during your outdoor summer fun? They are doing a great #JustAddWater giveaway with all sorts of prize packs including their easy singles packs, full boxes of products, water bottles, and more. You can enter the Wyler’s Light “Just Add Water” Giveaway by liking their Facebook Page, then clicking the Just Add Water image and submitting your email. Easy peasy!

What'd I tell you? Easy peasy.

Be sure to follow Wyler's Light on Twitter and Facebook to stay in touch and enter the Just Add Water giveaway!

And, if you're still here . . . I'd love to hear your most fun activity you've done this summer. Go!

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  1. oh his little face just makes me smile, and you with your cute pregnancy glow.... so cute!

  2. Hahaha, Terminal homebodiness! We've got that too. Every time I talk to my Gramma she yells at me that my kids never get to see the sunshine.

    And Forrest is just too cute with those red little cheeks! He's lovin' on your crochet, eating his food, taking pictures...He Totally Rocks! I sure hope he keeps it up until after the baby arrives, cuz he could be a super helper!

  3. Your hair is crazy long. #jealous

    Your kid is super ridiculously cute. #sortofjealous (He's still a kid. ;))

  4. Oh sweet Forrest! He's such a doll.

    Glad to know I'm not the only parent who tries to pull things over on her kid like a picnic on the floor or eating outside of the real attraction. We have to take advantage of these things before they realize what's going on!

  5. I also have terminal homebodiness! Love all the pictures and he is definitely a little cutie!

  6. Hi there! I just discovered your blog because I typed into my search engine "how to grow out a pixie haircut"...and you popped up! :)
    I have just decided "today" I am going to grow out my pixie. Thanks for all of your pictures "along the way". I am dreading the "awkward" growing out stages, but you've given me hope on lots of fun styling options! Thanks again!

  7. Love this kid. And you look just like Rebekah in that last picture of you. Beautiful! -Elisse

  8. Wait, was this a while back? Because where's the belly? You guys are ridiculously cute!


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