Monday, October 21, 2013


This post brought to you by Arby's. All opinions are 100% mine.

(You know what's annoying? That I HAVE to have that little disclosure thing up at the top, which you'll see and go, "ugh, sponsored post, pass!", when my plan is to try and make it as normal of a post as possible with just a sponsored blip at the end. The trials of blogging. Read it anyway, my friends, I'll make it as painless as possible!)

Lately around here, there has been:

- Last-minute crocheting! From a pair of adorable baby booties (of which I have only completed one bootie, which I promptly lost and cannot for the life of me find anywhere in the house--it can't have walked away on its own, but its unexplainable disappearance sure does point to it becoming sentient and making a break for it, which sounds crazy, I know, but what other explanation can there be, really?) to a not-totally-necessary last-minute baby blanket (not necessary in that I have already crocheted 3 baby blankets for the little miss but my hormonal brain convinced me that a fourth smaller and more portable blanket was an absolute necessity), I've really enjoyed crocheting for this baby. And since she will be here in just a matter of days (!!!!!!), I guess this would be a good time to also finish up the other 1 or 2 hats I wanted to make for her. Sadly, time is never on the crocheter's side. 

Crochet Baby Bootie and Granny Square Baby Blanket

- Nursery prep! Remember how I was full of all sorts of big talk quite a few months ago about how I was going to get the nursery completed far in advance of the baby's birth so I didn't have to spend my last few weeks/days of pregnancy stressing over an unfinished nursery? Feel free to point and laugh at me for my big talk, because here we are just days away from bringing a new baby home, and I am just now, just barely, beginning--middling--and finishing the nursery. It might be finished before the baby is born? Maybe? If not, I guess the baby won't notice or care. And if it is finished in time, it will be due 100% to the selfless and gracious efforts of my mom, who volunteered to do basically ALL the hard stuff to get it ready. She is an angel, I tell you. The nursery will get its own full post later once all the last little elements are completed (we're almost there!), but in the meantime, here's a picture of the fabrics I chose for the nursery, as well as an adoooorable quilt made by baby girl's grandpa, my father-in-law, who is so creative, and talented at everything he touches. He did a beautiful job on it (it is hand-quilted, folks!), and matches the nursery colors and my fabric choices perfectly.

Nursery Fabrics and Matching Bird Quilt

- Speaking of in-laws, Forrest enjoyed a visit from his grandparents a few weeks ago! My husband and his family are from Pennsylvania, and I'm sorry to say we don't make it out there terribly often, so we were really excited to have Grandma and Grandpa fly out for a visit recently. I was slightly worried Forrest might snub them or be confused about who they were since he hasn't had the chance to get to know them as well as he has gotten to know my parents (who live a whopping 20 minutes away), but he was madly in love within minutes of re-meeting them. And it was so nice to have them here at this time in particular . . . they were so, so, so helpful not only with Forrest, but also with housework and baby prep (they helped stock the freezer with some goodies to enjoy after the baby is born, entertained Forrest nonstop for a week, and Jeff's mom even cleaned out the fridge for me--so sweet). We loved having them here. Some of the highlights of the trip were taking a drive through a scenic mountain pass to enjoy the fall leaves, and visiting the Salt Lake Library, where Forrest loved this neat outdoor water wall thingie. 

Fall Foliage

One other fun event from Grandma and Grandpa's visit was eating out . . . every day. Seriously. Every single day, we picked a new spot for lunch, and it was so fun to try so many different places (not to mention not have to cook as much--hallelujah). One of our visits was to Arby's, where we tried out their new Smokehouse Brisket (a sandwich featuring slow-smoked beef brisket [smoked for 13 hours!] with Gouda, crispy onions, and BBQ sauce/mayo, on a toasted bun). 

Arby's Smokehouse Brisket

(Um, is it weird that the only 'professional'-looking photo in this post so far is of an Arby's sandwich? I clearly need to bust out the DSLR a little more frequently and not rely on my cell phone so much for pictures. Anyway, it sure looks pretty, eh?)

Jeff and Grandpa loved this sandwich, and pointed out that it had all the tasty flavor of a brisket without being greasy the way brisket often is. I thought it was pretty good . . . but my one true love is the fries at Arby's. I could eat them every day. It is sometimes hard not to. Whether for fries or the Smokehouse Brisket, you should Find an Arby’s near you and make a visit sometimes soon. 

And since I had my real camera with me that day to make sure I got a good shot of the sandwich, we ended up with two nice-looking family pictures from our lunch out that day. Maybe I should make Arby's our next professional family photo shoot spot. Mark my words, this will be the next big thing in photography. Move on from your railroad track family pictures, your poses in front of chippy barns or graffitied brick walls. Restaurant family photos are going to be huge. Keep your eye out on Pinterest--I'm calling it now.

Now enjoy this little video while pondering your love of Arby's (friiiiieeesssss . . . mmmmm) and tell me what you like best there?

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  1. I have been trying to figure out for the last 6 months how to crochet that baby bootie!!! I have the pattern, but it is so confusing for me. I know that you're baby will be here VERY soon, but I was wondering if you would be doing a tutorial or video on the bootie??

  2. Ah yes. Arbys. They make a mean french dip! Also, I'm so super excited for you to bring your little lady home!!! Good luck friend.

  3. Dude. I hate the disclosure too. Dumb.

    When is this baby coming? For some reason, I feel like you've been pregnant for a long time. Is that weird?

    That quilt is amazing. I'm beyond impressed. And the baby booties aren't helping my baby fever.

  4. Your sponsored posts are the best I've ever seen because they are totally normal like the rest of your posts! And honest. :) Anyway, I can't believe your little girl is going to be here so soon! I can't wait to see her! And that quilt is gorgeous! Your father-in-law has skills!!

  5. Love your crocheting and quilt. Just gorgeous! Can't wait to hear more about that suite baby.

  6. I found your blog through Pinterest while looking for ideas on how to grow out my faux hawk. I'm a new mom to my beautiful 8 month old daughter and I love photography (although I don't give it anywhere as much time as I should) and to get to the point you have a new follower lol. Congrats on the new baby!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8.'re right, whenever I see "This post brought to you by ...." I think exactly that and move on. But you convinced me to read this one. I used to love the $1 shakes at Arby's, but I think they raised the price and the nearest Arby's to us now is 40 miles away. Probably a good thing.

    That's amazing that your father-in-law quilts! The quilt is awesome. Congrats on your new little one.

  9. Oh shoot, I'm logged in as my husband again. Oh well.


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