Friday, November 29, 2013

Be Thankful Features and Sneak Peek

I loved going through and seeing everyone’s projects linked up to last week’s Dare to DIY! The theme was Be Thankful, and there was tons of great inspiration at the link party of ways to prepare for Thanksgiving and remind yourself and your family to be grateful! Here are 3 of my favorite Thankful projects:

These cookies from Ducks in a Row look delicious, but even better, they are a tradition 9 years strong of baking together with her kids, decorating Thanksgiving-style, and delivering goodies to the people they are thankful for. What a great way to spend time together while spreading some Thanksgiving love! Visit the post HERE to read more and see the tasty recipe.

Mindy from Finding Silver Linings has art skills like WHOA. I don’t even want to think about what my version of Thankful chalkboard art would look like compared to hers. I love how her sign turned out, and what a great quote for this season! Visit her post HERE to see more.

And I love this simple but high-impact Give Thanks sign from Done is Better Than Perfect. It’s the perfect mix of rustic and modern/trendy, don’t you think? And she hand-painted the letters. Like I said, no art skills here. I assumed a Silhouette must have been involved in the making of this sign—nope! It turned out beautifully. Visit her post HERE for more.

On to next week’s Dare to DIY! Next week’s theme is Dare to Entertain. The link party will go live Monday morning, right here at Maybe Matilda, so get busy on your Entertaining projects!

Party Date: Monday, Dec. 2: Dare to… entertain!

(Link goes live Monday morning at Maybe Matilda)

DIY something for your table. This could be something from last week's Thanksgiving table or a new Christmas look. Get creative and use things in new ways. Or go true DIY and make something totally new. Ideas include place mats, table runners, place cards or centerpieces.

Giveaway: One of you will win 50 free Christmas cards from Tiny Prints.

I’m keeping it low-key for next week’s theme, but Forrest and I had a good time busting out some paint and making a mess . . . here’s a peek at my project:

2013-11-26 13.50.48

See you Monday!


  1. Awesome features! Love that chalkboard! I can't wait to see next week's project!

  2. Thank you Rachel!!! There was such a wonderful lineup for this link party. It means so much that you liked mine :) Thanks for the link love!


  3. Thank you Rachel!!! There was such a wonderful lineup for this link party. It means so much that you liked mine :) Thanks for the link love!



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