Monday, December 9, 2013

Dare to Give Handmade (Super Easy PJ Pants)

Today is Dare to Give Handmade in our Dare to DIY series! Did you make something fantastic to give as a gift this season? If so, I hope you’ll head over to Décor and the Dog to link it up! The cohosts and I were busy making goodies . . . check it out:

Give handmade(Vintage mug planters via Primitive and Proper, Winter knit infinity scarf via NewlyWoodwards, Simple pajama pants via Maybe Matilda , Good dog treat jar via Decor and the Dog - TODAY'S HOSTESS )

I waffled forever on what to make for this challenge. I couldn’t make up my mind on anything, and I knew I wouldn’t have tons of time to pull something together, so whatever I made would have to be simple and quick. Then inspiration struck while shopping at Walmart. I stopped in my tracks when I spotted this adorable reindeer flannel fabric:

2013-12-06 08.44.13

I loved it. Those little silhouettes are so cute and classic, and I instantly pictured them as a pair of Christmas PJ pants for Forrest. (And as a bonus, this fabric was under $4 a yard, and I only needed 2/3 yard! Can’t beat a price tag like that, nosirree.) That sounded like it would fit my quick + simple project requirements, and he happens to be outgrowing all his current pairs of pants (I can barely keep this kid clothed, he is growing so fast; we’re dangerously close to just cranking up the heat and letting him wander around in his undies all day for lack of anything better to wear), so it seemed like the perfect handmade project for this week.

Quick and Easy PJ pants!

And boy did they fulfill my requirements. These PJ pants were SO quick and SO simple, and I love how they turned out! I wish with all my heart that I could take credit for this awesomely easy tutorial myself, because it was honestly one of the fastest, simplest, most gratifying projects I’ve ever sewn. I love to sew, but I love enjoying the finished product even more, so I like my sewing projects to be really fast and easy. These were less than 30 minutes from start to finish. I’m not kidding. An under 30 minute sewing project, and it came out so darling! I used THIS tutorial from My Cotton Creations and can’t recommend it enough. A perfect, crazily simple way to cut and sew PJ pants so you’re done in no time at all.

Quick and easy DIY PJ pants for Christmas!

And although they are technically a Christmas present, I had to get pictures of them in action, right? I figured he needs to wear them in the weeks leading up to Christmas, you know, so we don’t ‘waste’ that cute Christmas print . . . and I had him choose another fabric that he liked so I can make a second pair that really will be a Christmas present for him to unwrap in a few weeks. No big surprise when he picked out a rather wild monster print for me to make into a second pair of PJs.

Super easy PJ pants

You’ve got the idea with these pants, right? You don’t really need MORE pictures, I’m sure. But here’s the thing. For once, I ended up with more cute pictures of him sporting his pants than I actually needed for the post (usually it’s like pulling teeth to even get ONE usable picture of this wacko), so you’ll be subjected to just one more, okay?


There. I’m done now. Thank you for your patience. Now go visit Décor and the Dog, link up your project, and check out all the grand handmade gift ideas you’ll find there! And very fitting that this week’s giveaway (that you enter by linking up a project) is all awesome handmade products from amazing etsy sellers! Head to Décor and the Dog to link up and check them out.

Next week is our final stop on our Dare to DIY series, and the theme is Deck the Halls. Get busy working on a DIY project to deck your halls so you can link up with us for the final week!


  1. Adorable! I love that fabric for PJs!

  2. Such a cute print and such a cute boy!!

  3. adorable pants and that is one cute model!

  4. Darling. Also, holy smokes is he getting big or what?!!

  5. Forrest the heart breaker. Those pants are darling. Good work team Dare to DIY.

  6. I really need to get my act together and make my tykes some pj pants - would be so cute to have coordinating jammies ever Christmas!

  7. Oh my word, this boy is too cute. And the pants are adorable. And 30 minutes? I AM IN!!!!!

  8. He is so cute. I can't stand it. I keep saying I am going to make some of these for my little man also, but if it only takes 30 min I just need to do it! ~Kelly @ Corner of Main

  9. I love the pics of Forrest, he is so cute in them and looks so happy, whilst not fun for you, I do enjoy seeing the pics of his alter ego too, they remind me of my boys when they were a bit smaller - sometimes I wish I was younger so that I could throw a spectacular tantrum without any embarrassment! Of course the PJs are lovely and a great Christmas idea, just got a bit distracted by your lovely model.

  10. Yay! Forrest loves something that you made him! Looks like that's happening a lot more lately, and what's not to love? I'd definitely make a pair of those for myself if I had seen those adorable reindeer. Did you make a matching pair for Darcy too?


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