Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Kids Craft: Easy Ornaments

This post brought to you by Duck Brand provided by ShurTech Brands, LLC. All opinions are 100% mine.

We finally got around to decorating our Christmas tree last night (a tad late, I know, but at least it happened, right?) and I couldn't believe how into it Forrest was. He had a blast. I loved watching him having so much fun--he'd put so much thought into which ornament should go on the tree next, and where it should go, and if it wasn't just right, he'd take it off and choose another ornament and start over. It was pretty precious, and gave me an idea for a little craft he and I could do together to "decowate for Chwistmas!"

I was sent these cute Duck Brand® Holiday Designs tapes to play with, and after seeing Forrest having so much fun decorating the tree, I knew just what to do with them. I don't love the idea of him tinkering with our Christmas tree, but since he had so much fun decorating it, I know he won't be able to resist. And he already asked me if he could "climb the Chwistmas twee, pwease?" Um, no. Please don't climb the tree. So I figured he needed a little 'twee' all his own that he could decorate to his heart's content, without me having to worry about him breaking ornaments, or injuring himself, or pulling the whole thing over, or anything else. So we used our tape to Duck the Halls . . . and made our very own kids craft together: festive child-safe ornaments for his very own mini-tree.

Duck Tape kids craft . . . make easy ornaments!

We started by putting rows of the tape on a piece of cardstock. You can do this just on one side of the paper (leaving the back side plain--would make great gift tags this way) or put tape on both sides of the paper so your ornament is patterned no matter which way it turns.

Make simple ornaments with duck tape

Then use a circle paper punch to cut your ornaments. (My favorite is the little snowman tape--isn't it sweet? We decided to use just the Snowman and Penguin tape for our tree, but the Holiday Bows and Seasonal Sweets prints are fun, too!)

Then use a little hole punch to add a smaller hole to string them. Tie some thread through each one and they are ready to hang! 

Make simple ornaments with your kids using Duck Brand holiday tape

Of course, you could buy one of those little mini-Christmas trees for your little one to decorate . . . but I used a 'branch tree' like this in my Christmas decorating last year and really liked the rustic look, so we just gathered some sticks from the yard and stuck them in a pitcher to make Forrest's 'tree.' He is delighted to have his very own little tree to decorate, and thinks his ornaments are so fun. And don't let the tank top fool you--I just checked the weather, and it is 14 degrees outside. Not that my little fashionisto would ever let that deter him from wearing his "vewy favowite shiwt." I regret ever buying that stupid tank top--it's like pulling teeth to get him to wear anything else.

Make a kids' tree with Duck Tape ornaments

I think his little tree is awfully cute, and he has had a blast with it. I even resisted the urge to rearrange his ornaments for the picture. Go me.

I'm also planning to make some little gift tags this same way--just stick the tape on some heavy paper, punch out a shape, and bam, easy seasonal gift tag. It would also be great for wrapping presents or packaging treats to bring to neighbors, don't you think?

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