Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our New Business!

You know how we like to keep busy around here with all sorts of little projects . . . sewing something here, a little crochet project there, maybe painting something every now and then. Well, we really stepped up our game this time. We decided to pull the ultimate DIY project: starting our own business.

You might know that my husband is a chiropractor (see our chiropractic FAQ post HERE). His long-awaited dream (and now mine, too!) has always been to open his own clinic. After a few years of working as an associate in other doctors’ practices, the time felt right to get moving on that dream and start his own chiropractic practice. So we started making plans, took a few baby steps forward, then a few giant steps forward, and we’re ready to go!

Foundation Chiropractic in Orem, UT

We want to invite you to the grand opening of our baby, Foundation Chiropractic, this Saturday (December 7th). The event will take place from 10-4 at 608 North State Street in Orem, UT. We’ll have free massages, yummy food, giveaway prizes, and awesome deals and specials for new patients!

But before I tell you more about the office, the opening, and why we want you to come, how about a little before and after? Everybody loves that. The cute little building you see above wasn’t always as sweet and charming as it looks now. It used to be quite the sight . . .

2013-10-14 14.04.59

Oh yeah, baby! A rockin’ pink tattoo parlor! Despite its gaudy appearance, we saw a lot of potential (don’t we always?). It was the perfect size, we loved the layout and location, and who could resist that eye-catcher of a pink awning, right? Let’s venture inside and I’ll show you what you used to be able to find behind that great pink sign.


Amazing! It’s purple, it’s green, it’s covered in dripping paint vines! I can hear you begging for more!


Fantastic! MORE you say?!


YES! The brightest pink walls you’ve ever seen!

This may have worked great for a tattoo shop, but we had a slightly different vision for a chiropractic office. Bear in mind that I was about a zillion weeks pregnant when we (“we”) started working on this, so poor Jeff had to do everything on his own (with the help of my awesome brother’s carpentry skills and my mom’s interior design advice!).

We started with a slightly less in-your-face color scheme including some beautiful browns and a soft, soothing blue accent wall. Then replaced the floors and put up a few new walls. Toss in some great furniture and you’ve got yourself one chic and inviting waiting room . . .

Chiropractic Office waiting room

A fun and playful kids space . . .

Chiropractic Office Kids Area

And an open, organized reception area . . .

Chiropractic Office waiting room/reception area

Quite the improvement, don’t you think? I love how it came out! And of course, this is where the magic happens. The adjusting bay and traction areas:

Chiropractic Office Adjusting Bay


Although that shot above may look like the beginnings of a sweet tree fort, it is actually our traction area, where Jeff utilizes Chiropractic BioPhysics—the most published, scientifically validated technique in the chiropractic field—to improve and correct long-term spinal and postural issues. That means that when you visit us, you won’t be getting just pain relief (although you will get that, too!), you’ll be receiving a personalized treatment plan (uniquely formulated to meet your specific needs) that works to actually correct spinal problems at their source, fixing issues that may have been present for years and preventing a multitude of problems from cropping up in the future due to problems you might have today.

Oh, and the hot pink room you saw before? Not the most dramatic ‘after,’ but we subdued it to become an in-office x-ray suite, so you won’t have to travel elsewhere to get x-rays taken. Everything you need can be done right here.


What do you think of our office before and after? I have to say, I think we did a pretty nice job! We’re so excited about the office, and even more so to get started with our own business. We can’t wait to open our doors this weekend and start this new phase of our lives.

Now, a little more about that grand opening . . .

grand opening

If you live in or near the Orem area, we hope you’ll swing by this Saturday and visit our new office! Find us right on State Street next to Allen’s Cameras (608 N. State). You can call us for more information at 801-226-2606.

We’ll be there from 10-4 meeting people, talking about chiropractic care and how it can help you, munching on tasty food, and giving free massages and prizes. And we’ll have some grand opening specials, too, so make sure to come by, say hello, and find out what we can do for you!

You can visit the Foundation Chiropractic website HERE, and also make sure to like our facebook page and follow on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with office news and find out about health information and patient specials!


  1. Congrats!!!! You did a beautiful job transforming that building. Wow. And as a huge (HUGE) believer in the power of chiropractic, I'm thrilled that your community has your office available to them.

    I hope Saturday goes well!!

  2. Look at you guys! Congrats! Although I think a combo tattoo/chiro combo clinic would be pretty sweet too. Keep that thought in mind as your grow your practice. :P

  3. Congrats on the new business!!! I totally remember driving by that pink tattoo sign all the time! Y'all's sign looks way better ;)

  4. This is so awesome! The space looks amazing now - looks like so much work but well worth it. Eyesore no more.

    Hope the event is super successful. And congrats!

  5. Wow, great job! Congrats! Very exciting!

  6. What an amazing transformation! It looks great!

  7. So happy for the two of you realizing your dream! What an accomplishment... Best wishes and if we didn't live across the country, we'd be there!

  8. This is such an amazing venture for your family!!! Congratulations and I wish you guys much success!! :)

  9. Congratulations on the new venture! That hot pink wall was pretty awesome though. Many many best wishes for lots of success!

  10. congrats on your new adventure! and I cant believe you didn't want to keep the hot pink awning! ;)

  11. I have followed your blog for a few years. I am so excited to know you are in Orem, Utah. I love your crochet articles. I'll have to look for your new business on State Street. Congratulations to you and your husband in your new business. I really enjoy your blog.

  12. Congratulations! many blessings on your new enterprise

  13. I hope the Grand Opening went well! I wish we were local I need a good Chiropractor... I haven't found one since we moved (3years ago...) and I need one badly but I'm very very picky. haha

    So excited for your new adventure :)


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