Friday, January 31, 2014

Valentine’s Printable + Sweater Giveaway

Today is a happy day. Let me count the ways:

1. Darcy once again rocked it last night, clocking in at 8 consecutive hours of sleep. It hasn’t happened often enough for me to feel comfortable that this might be her new normal, and I know that publicly shouting her sleep success from the internet equivalent of my rooftop means she’ll sleep approximately 4 1/2 minutes tonight, but right now I feel gooooood.

2. I started re-reading The Handmaid’s Tale for the first time since high school, and dang I forgot how powerful and amazing this book is. It is perhaps not for the faint of heart, the easily offended, or readers who really just want a fun book (it is the absolute antithesis of fun), but I am floored by it and can’t stop thinking or talking about it, so look out if I know you and see you in the next week or so, because I’ll probably talk your ear off.

3. My sister Bekah, who did a giveaway here recently to celebrate opening her etsy shop, Ritzy Reba, made a gorgeous Valentine’s Day printable for you guys to enjoy for free! She’s the very best. She printed one out for me and it is even prettier in person.

Beautiful FREE Valentine's Printable!

Beautiful, right? I love it. Just right click the picture above to save/download and print.

4. I crocheted an adorable sweater for Darcy. My mom sewed a sweet little skirt for her, and I wanted to make a sweater to match it. It came out SO darling. I love the wood buttons and sweet little scalloped border along the bottom edge. It’s based on THIS free pattern, and I love it.

Win this sweet little hand-crocheted baby sweater!

Aaaaaaaaand it doesn’t fit Darcy. I could barely stuff her arms into the sleeves, and the buttons were straining over her chest. That’ll teach me to crochet her a sweater while she naps, and not try it on or even grab an item from her closet that does fit her to use as a guide. DANGNABBIT.

But it’s so darn sweet, and I don’t want to just hoard it and never give a sweet baby the chance to wear it, so I’m going to give it away to one of you.

Some specs on the sweater: definitely newborn size, and would probably fit up to roughly 2 months. Laid flat, the chest measures 7 1/2 inches across. I made it with acrylic yarn, and it’s super soft and cozy, and can be washed and dried by machine. If you have a newborn, will have a newborn soon, or know a newborn, I hope you win! I’m keeping this giveaway limited to just US residents . . . sorry for the inconvenience! Enter below. I’ll cross my fingers for you. Have a happy weekend, folks!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Gorgeous sweater! I am expecting a little girl (have 2 boys) and have been hitting up Ravelry like nobody's business for crochet/knit goodies. The color on this little cardi is perfect.

  2. That sweater is so adorable...and yay for some serious sleep time! :)

  3. Such a sweet sweater! It's too bad it doesn't fit Darcy.. But thanks for the chance to win it!

  4. That sweater is SO cute. I clicked on the link you provided but it is no longer available. Can you share the pattern with us on your site? Just wondering.

    1. Oh no! I'm afraid I broke my own rule and didn't print it out :-( I emailed the pattern writer to see if she could send me a copy to share. I'll let you know if/when I hear back from her!

  5. I love The Handmaid's Tale. It's definitely not a fun book, but it is a book I've read three times and gotten something a little different out of it each time.

  6. That sweater is amazing. Wow. Lucky person to receive it. I will not be entering so someone who can actually use it wins. ;)


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