Monday, March 30, 2015

March 2015 Books

Well, certainly not my most prolific month of reading here. Between getting our house ready to sell, listing it, and being constantly in and out for showings, I’m honestly a little surprised to see that I managed to read, period. And I’ve definitely missed it. I’ve got my fingers crossed for a much less dramatic April with lots more down time.

short and sweet book reviews from 

First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen – Last year, I read and loved Garden Spells by this same author (and included it in my Favorite Books of 2014). I was really excited to get my hands on its sequel and see if the magic of the first could last into the second. And I think it was good . . . but I didn’t love it the way I loved Garden Spells. Some of the magical elements felt a little forced, and many of the characters didn’t feel as vibrant as I remember them in the first book. I don’t think it’s as strong as Garden Spells, but with that being said, it was still a fun, light read—I raced through it in about 2 days, and I’m glad I read it.

The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes – You can certainly count on Jojo for a read that’s quick and hard to put down. This historical fiction that bounces between a family in France during WWII and the modern day owner of their treasured (and controversial) painting certainly feels heavier than her other books, and tackled some pretty depressing topics. Like many books that travel back and forth between a modern and a historical storyline, I found myself wishing less time was spent with the modern characters, and more questions answered in the historical storyline instead. Definitely worth reading, though, with a warning that it does include some difficult topics.

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen – When you name your daughter Darcy, you feel a certain obligation to work your way through the handful of remaining Austen novels you’ve neglected in the past. And this is a task I am totally okay with. I have definitely started Sense and Sensibility before, but I’m not sure if I finished it. I downloaded the audiobook and listened to it this month, and I’m glad I can check it off my list. I don’t think it’s my favorite Jane Austen of all time, but of course it’s excellent anyway. And I even convinced Jeff to watch the movie with me (the one with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet), during which he predictably spent the whole time complaining and asking stupid questions like, “Which one is Pride and which one is Prejudice?”

What have you read recently?

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