Thursday, December 17, 2015

Deep Thoughts with Forrest #16

deep thoughts with forrest 16

Forrest: Now that I'm 5, I am the most smart!
Me: Yeah! You'll just keep getting bigger and smarter as you grow.
Me: Well, some people never get much smarter.
Forrest: Like Daddy.
Me: ???????

As you may recall, I trimmed my pixie up a bit with the idea of styling it in a faux hawk . . . which I ended up feeling a bit awkward wearing. It's growing on me now that I've done it a few times, but I was asking the family what they thought of it.
Forrest: Your hair makes you look like a man.
Jeff: I like it. I think it looks cool.
Forrest: No, Daddy is lying to you. He is just saying that to be polite.
Jeff: No I'm not! I really like it.
Forrest: . . . You look like a man.

deep thoughts with forrest 16

Relayed to me from his preschool teacher.
Forrest: (at school) Miss ___________, did you know you are my buddy?!
Teacher: Thank you, Forrest! You're my buddy, too!
Forrest: I know.
Forrest: But you are not my best buddy. And I can't tell you who my best buddy is, because it would hurt your feelings that you are not my best buddy.

At his 5-year checkup with his pediatrician.
Doctor: Forrest, do you have any questions for me about your body or your health?
Forrest: (without even a second of hesitation) Yes. How did Jesus make my brain?
Doctor: How did . . . how did Jesus make your brain?
Forrest: Yes.
Doctor: . . .

I forget what we were talking about here, but I jokingly said . . . 
Me: Are you crazy?!
Forrest: No! I'm not crazy! But I actually am a little bit toot-ish. *farts*

deep thoughts with forrest 16

While I'm scurrying around, getting dinner ready.
Forrest: Are you tired of doing all this work?
Me: Yes.
Forrest: Do you wish you were a little girl right now so you wouldn't have to work anymore?
Me: . . . yes.

I tried a new foundation and knew that Forrest's brutal childhood honesty would be a good indicator of whether or not I picked a spot-on match for my skin color.
Me: Hey Forrest, come look at my face. Does it look okay? Does anything look different about it today?
Forrest: (inspects) It's fine.
Me: Okay, thanks.
Forrest: You look nice. Today you do not look like a man.
Forrest: Sometimes you do look like a man, but not today.

deep thoughts with forrest 16

Jeff and I have noticed that Forrest has pretty much no resiliency or self-motivation . . . if he wants to do something and he finds it hard, he gets upset and gives up immediately. He's been enjoying his karate classes until the last few weeks, when he's been complaining that they're too hard and he wants to stop going. We don't really want him to give up on it just because it's difficult, so we've been talking to him about giving his best effort and not giving up on things. 
Jeff: So, do you understand what it means to try your best and not give up?
Forrest: Yes.
Jeff: Ok, awesome.
Forrest: And do you know what?
Jeff: What?
Forrest: I am going to not quit. I'm going to eat my whole breakfast now and not even give up until it is all gone!

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