Monday, February 22, 2016

Family Photos with Jordan Bree Photography

Quite a few weeks ago, I entered an Instagram giveaway for a makeup session and photo shoot. I enter these giveaways all the time (you too, right?), and never expect anything to come of it. And 99% of the time, nothing happens, of course.

I'm totally counting this as a Christmas miracle -- I won! *insert dancer in red dress emoji!*

The lovely and talented Jen of Classy Cosmetics came over one Saturday morning in January to give me the full Disney princess makeover treatment, and I'm begging her to move in with me and make me up every day. She's amazing and hilarious and so good at what she does. Jen, I can offer payment in the form of all-you-can-eat cookies and unlimited laundry services.

After my makeup session, we headed out to meet Jordan of Jordan Bree Photography for our family photo shoot. You know how sometimes you feel incredibly awkward while having pictures taken? You're suddenly hyper-conscious of your every move and facial expression, and find yourself suddenly wondering, "Wait . . . how am I supposed to smile? Is this too much? Too little? What do I do with my arms? Who am I?"

Not the case here. Jordan was amazing and so funny and kept us laughing the entire time (even while Darcy cried and moaned and generally acted like a 2-year old about the whole experience). She made us so comfortable and the whole experience felt so easy and natural. And I am so excited about how beautifully our pictures came out!

winter family photos
winter family photos

winter family photos

winter family photos

winter family photos

winter family photos

winter family photos

I've put some others on my Instagram, so you can visit me there if you'd like to see some other shots. A big, huge thank you to Jen and Jordan for their amazing work! Make sure to visit them at the links below to see more of their talent in action!

Jen @ Classy Cosmetics: blog - youtube - facebook - instagram

Jordan @ Jordan Bree Photography: website - facebook - instagram

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