Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Foundation Chiropractic Office Remodel

The last time I mentioned our business, I believe, was when Jeff was opening the doors of his chiropractic clinic at his first location. You can visit an older post HERE to see the before and after pictures of that office renovation.

That office space had enjoyed a previous life as a very colorful tattoo parlor before we took over (seriously, I'm going to have to insist that you go and visit that post to see the before pictures -- they are so worth a click), and we subdued it into a nice little office space.

2 years later, we had the option of renewing our lease, or cutting ties and searching for something new. That office space was a great place to start, but in those 2 years of business we had taken on a few employees, added some new equipment, and really outgrown that space. It was getting awfully tight, and we decided it was time to relocate somewhere a little bigger and a little nicer.

We found a great space just 2 miles away from the first office, and spent the month of October tearing down walls, installing new flooring, and painting in the new space while continuing to see patients in the old office. We opened the doors of the new location in November, and have been so happy with how the office turned out!

rustic industrial office space

I took these pictures right before Christmas and have been procrastinating this post for weeks! Pay no attention to the holiday decor :-)

We decided to go with a rustic industrial vibe in the office, and I have been loving how it all turned out. The tile floor and reception desk/counter were original to the space, and we thought the colors fit in perfectly with what we had in mind. I really wanted a cool wall feature to be the first things people see when entering the office, so we decided on this awesome reclaimed wood accent wall.

Those boards are actual, honest-to-goodness reclaimed barn wood, purchased from a gentleman who has made a retirement job of traveling throughout Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado tearing down old barns. I love all the character and variety in the boards. You can find our barn wood source on facebook -- Barnwood Recyclers.

reclaimed wood accent wall with metal sign

That amazing sign came out even better than I'd pictured it -- the logo is cut out, and the wood is visible through the letters. It was made by Iron Birch, a local custom metal designer. Deveren, the owner of Iron Birch, made quite a few pieces for the office and they are all showstoppers -- more on them as we head through the office.

chiropractic office waiting room

Across from the reception area is our waiting room. That beautiful coffee table is another creation from Iron Birch, and I love the clean lines and modern design. I'm tempted to hire Deveren to make another just like it for my living room. I think it would work beautifully with so many different design styles!

beautiful metal coffee table made by Iron Birch

This Friday, I'll be giving away one of these coffee tables, so make sure to check back in to enter to win!

chiropractic office tour

To the right of the reception area and waiting room is a small room that we turned into a kids' play area. We used a half door for this space so kids would stay put while their parents are treated, but parents can still see and hear their kids while keeping them contained. It's worked out really well so far.

chiropractic office kids room

The adjusting bay is just around the corner from the waiting room. I love how bright it is, thanks to all the big windows. The wall color is new, as are the lovely gray wood floors.
chiropractic office tour

And that brings us into the main office space. For the technique Jeff uses, he needed the majority of the office to be one big, open space. He uses a lot of traction equipment and exercises with patients, and it made the most sense to tear down walls to create a really large open space in the center of the office. We had to rip out and open up a large conference room as well as 4 individual offices to make this open space happen, and it came out awesome!

chiropractic office tour

His traction equipment above was also built by Deveren from Iron Birch, and it's been fantastic! A huge step up from the equipment Jeff was using at the old office.

chiropractic office tour

chiropractic office tour

Since this is such a big space, we were stumped on wall art. How do you decorate such big, long, empty walls without having any art choice look dinky and tiny?

We found these cool vintage anatomical prints, and had them printed up as huge engineers prints, and used spare barn wood from our accent walls to frame them. I think they came out so cool.

chiropractic office tour

I originally had bigger plans for the massage room, which I wasn't able to finish in time before opening our office doors . . . maybe I'll come back to finish it one day. For now, it's a clean, simple space, and I've enjoyed many wonderful massages in here :-)

chiropractic office tour massage room

Heading down the hall, you can get a peek into Jeff's office, where we continued our barnwood accent wall. IT'S SO COOL, I CAN HARDLY STAND IT.

chiropractic office tour reclaimed wood wall

At the last office, Jeff was using the desk I had in my bedroom as a high schooler. It wasn't a bad desk, but it's getting older and didn't fit the style we were going for, so it was definitely time to upgrade him to a big boy desk. This new desk came out AMAZING. I still just gape at it every time I visit the office. So so cool.

This is another Iron Birch masterpiece. We gave Deveren very little direction here (we totally trust his style!) -- I believe the helpful design instructions we gave him were along the lines of, "I dunno, something manly and cool?"

Nailed it.

chiropractic office tour industrial metal desk

I'm jealous of Jeff for being able to sit there and use it every day.

Just look at the awesome detail and design here. When I die, I want Deveren to design my coffin.

industrial metal desk

We've also got an x-ray room, which looks about like every x-ray room you've ever been in, as well as a large corner room that was being used for storage on the day I took pictures, but is now being used by a physical therapist, who we are super excited to have in the office! I'll have to get pictures of his room and add them to this post another day.

I'll wrap this post up with the wintry mountain view out of one of our windows -- our office is on the second floor of the building, so we get amazing mountain views!

chiropractic office tour

If you'd like to learn more about our practice, you can visit the website HERE.

And be sure to visit Iron Birch's SHOP, FACEBOOK, and INSTAGRAM! See you Friday to give away one of those beautiful coffee tables!

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