Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Living Room Idea Board

We decided shortly before closing on our new house that our collection of mostly hand-me-down living room furniture was going to look a bit shabby in such a pretty new build.

I don't think our old furniture was bad by any means -- it was pretty neutral and in decent shape, but definitely starting to show its age, and not well suited for this new space. You can see our old living room setup in THIS post. (Bear in mind that everything always looks nicer in blog photos than in real life!)

With the new house being so open and light, we want to go for a new look. Here's our idea board that I very inexpertly pulled together just now. Thanks to my mom for always working for me for free :-)

white living room idea board
- I've wanted a white couch FOREVER but have never felt like it was a practical choice with our little monsters. But after reading roughly 4000 reviews of the Ikea Ektorp, I think I'm ready to go for it.

- For some reason, light colored chairs don't sound half as terrifying to me as a light colored couch (maybe because my kids always, 100% of the time, opt for sitting on a couch instead of chairs). I already purchased THESE chairs from Joss & Main (which were at least $50 cheaper a few weeks ago!) and Scotch Guarded the crap out of them.

- The coffee table and sideboard on the right we already own (not those exact ones, but similar). My sideboard is a dark walnut color, and I want to do something to it -- paint? strip? I can't decide. It looks great in the room, but the color just isn't right, and I don't know what to do with it. Suggestions welcome.

- The sideboard on the left is just a dream at this point. We have one very large, very long, very empty living room wall that would look great with a long, impressive sideboard. And of course, I chose a very expensive one to set my heart upon. I actually couldn't find a picture of the exact one I want, but the one shown is the same maker and style, just a smaller version of the one I want. I'll need to save up my pennies for it.

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