Friday, April 6, 2012

My eardrums are bleeding.

I’ve said it before: I’m not much of a captions-on-baby-photos person. I guess I should say I never thought I would be, but here we are. There’s a big fat checkmark next to this one on the list of Things I’d Never Do As a Mother. That embarrassing list keeps getting shorter and shorter.  But heaven help me, this ridiculous boy keeps giving me pictures that are just begging for captions. Truly, how can I not stick some goofy quote onto a photo like this?

DSC_0541-001 If I knew anything at all about sports, I’d try to come up with a funny basketball caption to pop on that one, but I’ll save myself the embarrassment. It would probably say something about a touchdown and a basketball costume (can’t figure out why Jeff acts annoyed that I think they’re called costumes, by the way) and maybe a home run.

I bought Forrest that little basketball outfit at a garage sale when I was pregnant, shortly after we found out he was sporting boy bits, and have been waiting all this time for it to fit him. Worth the wait. He looks so stinking cute I almost can’t stand it. DSC_0520-001 I thought I’d have to be satisfied with boring reading photos until he picked up that phone. This boy may not have a lot to say yet, but what he does say must be said at full volume.

DSC_0537-001 If you have a caption suggestion, I’d love to hear it.


  1. Sorry, no caption, but he is CUTE.

  2. "I TOLD YOU TO SELL THOSE STOCKS YESTERDAY! YOU'RE FIRED!" I'd like to think that Forrest is a billionaire basketball team owner...

  3. I wish I had a good caption mine are always cheesy or nonexistent. He is adorable!

  4. If there was a smile to that look I'd say "Show me the money!" Love the passion!

  5. "SERIOUSLY DUDE. My dad does love my mom. That talk about other dudes being good looking was just my dad being sensitive." I love stalking you via multiple social networking sites and tying them all together.

  6. "What do you mean he missed his freethrow?! Get him on the phone RIGHT NOW - I AM NOT going to lose one more sponsor!!"

    I started following your blog & it is so cute & fun. I just started crocheting this last year, so I really love it - especially that ravelry tip! I also appreciated your post about postpartum depression. It helped me realize what I was beginning to deal with & try to nip it in the bud. (an article about it in the ensign was actually super helpful too as a sidenote)

    Anyhow, I really enjoy your blog!

  7. I love these pictures, I dont normally do captions either but there is one of my grandbaby on my blog I had to share.. it was like she was telling us she knew what NOT to do in her new pool. as for your handsome lad, I agree with the others he is millionare basketball team owner and yelling about a player.:)

  8. I agree with "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!" from Jerry Maguire :)

  9. I agree with "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!" from Jerry Maguire :)

  10. "He wants to what?! Renegotiate?! Tell him his bonus is in my diapie!!"

  11. hehehe I always call "uniforms" "outfits", it drives my husband crazy! How old is Forrest?

  12. "I told you to SELL SELL SELL! You're completely ruining my stock portfolio! I need a cold bottle of milk...."

  13. oh, funny! The 'show me the money' from Jerry McGuire is what popped into my head too! :o)

  14. I know nothing about sports and have no quippy captions. But Forrest is darling and I think I have the same trunk in my family room.

  15. I WANT MY MONEY!!!! Reminds me of this video (*there is much foul language to be had in this video):


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