Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Queen Bee Market

The day I've been looking forward to and dreading, in equal parts, is almost here! Are you coming to the Queen Bee Market at Snap Conference this weekend?

It's going to be cool. Let me count the ways:

1) All handmade goodies. You know how sometimes you go to "craft shows" and they're mostly cheap jewelry or somebody selling maple syrup or flea market booths with sellers who just wanted a space to get rid of the crap in their basement? Well. All the vendors at the Queen Bee Market had to apply and be personally approved by the organizers, so it's all handmade goodies, all quality items, no unrelated booths that have no business being in a craft show.

2) No door charge. Who wants to pay before they've even picked out any treasures? The Queen Bee Market is free and open to the public, so just waltz on in and only part with your money once you're good and ready and have some fun new stuff to show for it.

3) I'll be there. Yes sirree Bob, I will. I might be quivering in fear since I've spent the better part of two months procrastinating and worrying about this, or I might be completely overshadowed by the bigger badder booths who make a living out of events like these (while I, a mere frumpy hobbyist mother, am just doing this for fun), or giddy with excitement over all the fun items I plan to buy. Whether quivering from nerves or excitement, I will be there. And there will be quivering.

4) Check out the vendors ahead of time . . . get excited. There are so many awesome vendors lined up! You can see a full list of vendors right HERE and browse some of the merchandise ahead of time. I'm honestly a little concerned that I'll spend way more than I make. 

So if you're in Utah and up for some fun shopping this weekend, mark your calendar and head out. The Market is at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi,  in the show barn, from 7-9 PM on Friday and 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday. Visit the Queen Bee Market's website for more info. And leave a comment if you're coming . . . I want to know who to look for!


  1. Yeah! Will it totally creep you out if I say hi and ask for your autograph? ;)

  2. That's awesome Rachel!! I so so so wish I could go. Everyone is talking about the Snap conference and I'm slightly envious. Have a great time my dear.

  3. I really really want to go, if I wasn't a nation away. I'll just have to be jealous and take it out on my yard (weeding already!) this weekend.

  4. WOOHOO! You're going to need some big pockets because you'll be makin' that cheddar at the Queen Bee Market! I wish I could be there to help you count your money. Next year!

  5. I wish I was closer, this sounds amazing! Have a wonderful time! I know you'll be awesome!

  6. You're totally going to rock this thing. No sweat!!

  7. Dang it!!!.... I wish I could just jump on a plane and come see the event!! Have a great time :D You'll do great!

  8. We're going to come up to the Market on Friday night. Do you think it will be crazy? I'm super excited!

  9. I'm so proud of you for doing this! it is always scary to do your first one. you will do great! I wonder if you know how many lives you touch? I emailed,my sister in Lehi to go over and find you!

  10. I'm so glad I got to meet you at the market, Rachel! You make such adorable things :)


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