Monday, January 28, 2013

Crochet Heart Headband for Valentine’s Day

Last week I shared a step-by-step photo tutorial to make sweet little itty bitty crochet hearts for Valentine’s day. I think there are so many fun ways to use these (and I’ll share some more ideas at the end of this post), but today I thought I’d show you just one way I came up with to incorporate these hearts into a fun Valentine’s project—a colorful heart headband:

Make a Crochet Heart Headband for Valentine's Day

(Behold my baby sister, Bekah. Lovely, isn’t she? I’m so glad she doesn’t mind modeling for me, because it’s so fun to do her hair and dress her up and take her picture. Like a life-sized Barbie, I tell you. Worry not, she is always repaid for her modeling efforts with baked goods and free crochet goodies.)

Won’t this be a fun little headband to wear around Valentine’s Day? And since those little hearts are so quick to make, you could try them out in different non-Valentinesy colors to wear anytime. This is yet another tutorial that is probably unnecessary (not too tough to figure out how I made this one), but I’m so in the habit now of taking pictures while I make things that it almost seems like a waste to not post a how-to. A blogger’s curse. So . . . want to make one? I have photos for you. Of course I do.

Start by making three hearts using my crochet heart tutorial HERE. I stayed in the pink family, and the size variations are due to using different hook sizes. They were all made with the same pattern. You’ll also need an elastic headband (I believe mine are from Walmart or Target—you can find them just about anywhere!), a hot glue gun, and some felt in a coordinating color (or just neutral colored, like white or beige).

How to make a Valentine's headband with crochet hearts

I played around with heart placement and decided I liked the look best with the hearts overlapping slightly, going from largest to smallest (so the smallest heart is near the top of your head, and the largest is near your ear). I think they also look cute clustered, as shown in the picture above, but decided to go with the ducks in a row look for my headband. When you’re sure you like their placement, use a small amount of hot glue to stick ‘em together. Make sure you’re placing the hot glue far enough from the edges so it won’t show or smoosh out the sides of the hearts. Smooshy hot glue is not so pretty.

Crochet Hearts for a Valentine's Day Headband

Then place your glued-together hearts onto the felt and use a pen to lightly trace around them. Cut the felt inside the traced line and place your hearts on top to make sure you can’t see the felt from above—if you need to, go back and trim more so the felt won’t be visible from the outside.

Make a Valentine's heart headband

Lay the elastic headband over the felt backing and attach them with hot glue.

Felt backing + headband

Then use more hot glue to attach the hearts on top of the felt. Make sure they’re lined up correctly so you can’t see the felt.

DIY Valentine's Heart Headband (crochet)

So you should have a headband sandwich here . . . felt backing, then elastic headband, then hearts, like so:

Backside of Valentine's Heart Headband

Once your hot glue is dry, you can sport your new Valentine’s Day headband.

DIY Valentine's Crochet Heart Headband

I think it’s adorable! If you make one, I’d love to see a picture. And if you like the look but aren’t quite ready to crochet one yourself, I put up a listing in my etsy shop to make one for you. Happy Love Day to us all.


  1. Soo cute!! thanks for sharing! :) Happy Monday! xo Holly

  2. Ca-ute! This is why I need a daughter. So I can dress her up like a mini Barbie. I guess I could do that with a boy too, but I don't want him to guilt me into paying for his therapy when he's older.

  3. Very cute! I've been thinking of making some hearts lately... now I really want to.

  4. What a wonderful idea! I'm going to add it to my to do list now!

  5. Adorable!! I was going to write adorbs but then I'd have to punch myself.

    I am going to make these hearts. This week. No excuses.

  6. Super cute. And I'm really glad to get that lingerie info above. Such a relwvent post for that. ;)

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