Friday, February 8, 2013

February 2013 Goals

Want to know a secret? I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. It’s seriously been years since I sat down and thought up goals for a new year and wrote them down and actually intended to keep them. I gave up on them when I realized a few years back that in my lifespan of 20-some years of making goals for each year, I had never once kept a single one of them. Nary a one. Kind of puts a damper on your goal-setting spirit to know that there’s not a chance in hell any of them will actually come to pass, don’t you think?

So I thought I’d try something else, inspired by some blog friends who do a monthly goal post. I really enjoy seeing what they plan to do each month, and then tuning in a few weeks later to see what they accomplished and how things turned out. Since I’ve proven to myself time and time again that yearly goals are sooooo beyond my capabilities, I’m just going to make and try to tackle goals on a monthly basis. And I skipped January, because really, making January goals? Totally overdone. So mainstream. Over it. (More like we all had the flu in January and my main goal was no puking on the carpet. Check and check, off to a rip-roaring start in ‘13!)

February goals

I think these are do-able. I guess we’ll find out come the end of the month. It’s going to be embarrassing when I have to admit to completing none of them, eh? And I suppose if I were really on top of things, I would have posted this on the first of the month and not, oh, the eighth, but it took me 6, count ‘em, 6 tries just now to spell ‘eighth’ correctly, so I’m clearly not firing on all cylinders.

I’ll recap at the end of the month to see how I did. Do you have any goals for February? Lay ‘em on me, maybe we can keep each other motivated.


  1. I think clean and organise craft room should be an ongoing one month to month because I don't know about you but my craft room stays neat for as long as it takes for me to start a new project! :)

  2. You will be all over this. I have no worries.

    One correction. You forgot a word in the "clean and organize craft room" goal.... You forget to add "Michelle's" before craft. Don't be too embarrassed. I make silly mistakes like that all of the time.

  3. First, I admire your spelling tenacity. I'd have given up and written 8th. :-)
    My goal for February is to finish the counted cross stitch project I started 9 years ago for my Godson but has been modified to give to my daughter (who will be 2 in June). Nothing like staying up-to-date with craft projects!

  4. Heck, at the rate you're going you'll have those 4 books read by the end of this week! So you'll definitely have at least one thing to cross off. The rest can just wait til next month, Right? ;)

    1. Haha! I don't know, I think I'd need another dose of the flu to knock everyone on their butts so I could get some reading done. I only read so much last month because it was the only thing I could do without getting out of bed!

  5. I made a year long set of goals for myself, a 30 before 30 list.... Ill be 30 in less that a month. It's maybe 50 percent complete. Hrmmm. Maybe for 31 Ill go to monthly goals. I am proud of my 50 percent though. Some of them were huge hurdles for me, like "audition for a play"

  6. I started the monthly list too in January. I posted my results for Jan, but I keep forgetting to post my February goals :) Need to do that this weekend!

    1. Okay, they're posted :)

  7. -Pick out homeowner's insurance and complete all paperwork necessary to close on our new house by Feb 28th!!! (Any suggestions?)
    -Pack like crazy
    -Plan out exactly what our kitchen remodel will entail and start by March 1st.
    -Strictly stick to our eating out, clothing, and grocery budget this month, which we've been failing on repeatedly. (Nothing like forking out a down payment to motivate you to save more).

    1. Oh yes, and
      -Buy the fabric for the 2 car seat covers I need to make (for me and Dani)

      I like this, I may start doing this each month.

  8. good goals! i hope that you carve out time to complete them :)

    come say hello MOCCASIN RUN

  9. Good luck! I've not done February goals, but I did 2013 goals. Only 3: buy a house, declutter, become mega-organised!!! I've got a year to do them (although the first one is pretty major!) so we'll see!
    Maria x

  10. wow that should keep you busy! I should do something like this...I might just sit back and watch you this month and let you guinea pig it for me because I'm a little intimidated by it. After all, most of my "new years resolutions" were pretty lack-luster: graduate high school. get my braces off. etc. :D

  11. Love the idea of monthly goals! I don't think I've ever kept a New Year's resolution, either. A monthly re-evaluating of what you want to do with your time seems so much more do-able (and forgiving).

    Hmmmm, what would mine be? I think finish at least two of the knitting projects that have been languishing in my knitting closet, mocking me softly every time I open the door.

  12. drink coffee.... check.
    Living the dream here.
    I also would like to completely potty train Olivia but that child kicks my ass on all sorts of levels so I'm not entirely sure I would like to commit to that in any way.

  13. Brilliant on all sorts of levels. I always get super fired up about goals toward the end of each year (anticipating the new) but I lose interest about the 2 week in every year.

  14. You're going to own February, my friend. These seem like very attainable goals. I like how you categorized them in your fun graphic (and included fun photos with your offspring).

  15. Great idea to post your goals on your blog... YOu have some good ones. I think you can do it!

  16. Hey, exercising 3X per week is one of my goals too! So far, I think I've been doing ok. Unfortunately, the pounds are no longer falling off, so maybe I need to bump it up to 4...


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