Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hey Girl.

So you know the whole Ryan Gosling ‘Hey Girl’ meme, right?

Of course you do.

What with Valentine’s Day approaching and all, I present to you two Hey Girls I sure wouldn’t mind hearing on that blessed day.

Hey Girl crochet

(Scarf blogged HERE. I’ll go ahead and let you guess precisely how many times he’s worn it.)

Toddler Hey Girl

*fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!*

Joining the Valentine’s Day Hey Girl Link Party with View Along the Way, Decor and the Dog, Domestic Imperfection, Bliss Ranch, and Two Twenty One.


  1. I dare say that Ryan Gosing only wishes he were as dapper as Forest!

  2. Super cute! The scarf is soon to be a classic staple, I bet!

  3. He's worn it 8 times. Right? Right?

    That Forrest. He's a lady killer. Fingers crossed for that nap. Or maybe I'll take a 4 hour nap for him. Totally counts, right?

  4. Jeff is such a trendsetter. I think you should crochet raccoon scarves for the whole family. And Forrest is adorable. As always.

  5. Oh I remember 4 hour naps. Few and far between- but oh so great, when they happen :) LOVE that scarf. I bet he LOVES wearing that to work :) hahaha

  6. LOL........ not only is your husband a good sport to be Hey Girl'd, but to wear a raccoon scarf!


  7. Funny. I definitely think he should wear that scarf out with the guys.

  8. That scarf is adorable, but I am guessing he has worn it twice.nonce for the pic and we nve because you asked him why he never wears it on your way out one day lol

  9. HAHAHAH! Forrest is a nice guy! I wish Max would hop on that wagon. Your husband looks dashing in the scarf ;) By the way, Forrest is his minime.

  10. These are too funny! I am making a fox version of that scarf so I know how time consuming it is!

  11. lol These are great! I'm loving this party, so many wonderful links here! Thanks!
    Debbie :)

  12. That scarf should be a staple!

  13. That scarf! He's pretty cute. I think he can pull it off. Which is probably exactly what he did right after you took the picture!

  14. Hi Rachel! Your guys are both adorable! I have been in a crochet group of ladies for two years but have not gotten a single project finished...I'm glad I found your blog through the "Hey Girl" party. I am following you now...maybe I can shock my friends and actually crochet something that I learn how to do from following you.

  15. I may have just died laughing at Forrest's hey girl. Every mother's dream. The funniest thing is his face is just screaming not a chance lady. Love it!

  16. That's hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!

  17. HAHAHA! I loved these!! And actually the second I clicked the button to comment, I heard my little one wake up from his nap. Sigggghhhh... a four hour nap sounds amaaaaazing. :) Thanks so much for the laughs today!

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  18. ha ha ha! i hope that 4 hour nap really happened! :)

  19. Oh gosh. Forrest is so big now!! I haven't checked in on your blog in a while! Although I creep on your shop from time to time. Have a good one!

  20. A 4 hour nap would be awesome, huh!?!? Cute post!

    Linking from Bliss Ranch,
    Ricki Jill

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Now, Ryan will be hunting down one of those scarves so he isn't outdone by the new meme! LOL

  23. BAHAHAHAHA!!!! You crack me up....and these fantasy memes seem oddly familiar to me, for some reason....

    Oh yeah.
    'Cause that what I'd be wishing, too.


  24. Oh those are great!! Cute scarf, cute guy , cute kid and hilarious Hey Girls!

  25. I'd say he's worn it twice. The first time it was kind of fun, but the second time got him a nickname he hated, so he stopped wearing it. Am I right? ;-)

    Anyhow, I think that scarf is awesome =) And those pics are hilarious!

  26. Love that Forrest is on the adjusting table...from one chiropractor's wife to another!

    1. Haha! You know it! He is not crazy about getting adjusted, but he thinks it's so funny to lay there as if he's getting an adjustment :-)

  27. Hahaha! These are the best! Cracking me up this morning, thanks for the giggles!

  28. LOL, your scarf pic cracked me up!!!!! Great party:) Swing by

  29. BwaHahahahaha! 4 hours of in your wildest dreams!

  30. I can't imagine having 4 glorious hours all to myself! A girl can dream though, right?

  31. Oh man! I love that raccoon scarf! I think my husband needs one ;)

  32. Love it! I'd totally make a Hey Girl post...but don't think all my dreams could fit in one photo.


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