Thursday, September 26, 2013

Grandma’s Lacy Ripple Crochet Pattern

*My apologies if you have pinned this post and are returning to it and finding that it looks different than you remembered -- I tried to update it with an easier way to download the PDF, and accidentally deleted the entire thing. Genius level blogger over here!*

I've made two blankets using this pattern and have absolutely loved working with it. The pattern comes from an older book, and it used to be available as a PDF online. But after I posted about the pattern, it mysteriously disappeared from the internet and I haven't been able to find it online since then.

I'm happy to share my copy of the PDF, and restore the internet to its proper state, with this PDF floating around and ready for use. To see the blankets I've made with this pattern, click HERE and HERE.


  1. I'm so glad that I immediately read new entries in the blogs I follow. I was able to snag a PDF before it went down. Matilda, if you want a PDF instead of a scan, I can send it to you.

  2. So glad you shared because I could have sworn I saved a copy but I must have opened and forgot to save it! Thank you!

  3. There is an internet crochet conspiracy. I'm sure of it. I think I missed commenting when you first posted (that will teach me to read from my phone). I do love that blanket. A lot. I need your skillz.

  4. After I read your post about organizing patterns I actually took your advice and printed all the patterns I wanted to make someday! I'm shocked, too. So thank you for the advice, and the link to the pattern. Maybe I'll actually make it someday :)

  5. Woo! I committed the cardinal sin and didn't save the pattern the first time round, then wanted to cry when the link wouldn't work! So thank you!!

  6. Haha - seeing that blasted error on the screen 14,368 times when I checked it made me sad enough to do another 3,971 Google/Pinterest searches to try and find something similar! So I'm happy to say that I found something really similar but SUPER EXCITED to have this printed out!!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  7. Such a pretty blanket!! Thanks so much for sharing and glad its working now!! :) Happy Saturday!
    :) Holly

  8. I'm sure this question has been asked a zillion times, but where is that rug from? It would be perfect in the playroom in progress at my house.

  9. This is an amazing afghan and I am so very keen to make it but I am struggling with the patter, there is so much dialog within it, its not funny! Also I keep getting to end and am a chain short all the time. I'm only a pattern follower and probably only just at an intermediate level crocheter, can anyone help with a simplified version of this pattern?


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