Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hello again (and hello chocolate!)

This post brought to you by Sam’s Club. All opinions are 100% mine.

Gosh, I never blog anymore. I don't even hardly know what to say . . . hi! As a refresher, my name is Rachel. I like to crochet. It's this thing I do, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before. And apparently, I also really like to eat, because 99% of the offers I get to do sponsored blog posts are food-related. Not sure if this is something I should try to change . . . I think I'm okay with it. I'll just continue plodding my way toward becoming the binge-eating, chocolate-hoarding, crocheting queen of the internet, a goal that is, I'm sure, not only worth pursuing, but totally attainable.

Things are going well over here on my side of the computer screen. I've been crocheting up a storm (I have a few projects to share, as soon as I can find my battery charger for my camera and charge 'er up for some pictures) and general baby prepping. Guys, I only have 4 weeks to go here. 4 weeks until there is a real live baby in our house again. It's kind of freaking me out. Exciting, but scary.

Which made the subject of this post a delicious retreat from the stress and panic of having our lives upheaved (in the most joyous of ways, but still, upheaved nonetheless). I got to try out some Brookside chocolate and, oh, what a tasty, tasty way to spend my evening.

I know, I know, you are blown away by my photography skills. Here's the thing: it was like 8 at night and we decided we couldn't wait until the next day to get our chocolate on, so blurry, dark cell phone pictures were the best I was willing to do.

loved the Dark Chocolate Goji with Raspberry--deliciously creamy dark chocolate surrounding a chewy, fruity center. Amazing. Forrest was a fan of the Acai and Blueberry--a more subtle fruit flavor in that one. I liked the stronger punch of the Goji. I would totally recommend running out and trying it yourself (especially the Goji flavor--yum!). And you'll have your chance to taste it for free on October 5th--Sam's Club stores will be having in-store demos and handing out samples, so head that way on 10/5 to discover Brookside.

Make sure to like Brookside Chocolate on Facebook to keep up with any news.

And stay tuned . . . I'll be back shortly with some new crochet projects to share!

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  1. I can't wait to see your new projects! I have been going through all your posts about crochet. Thank goodness someone can explain this stuff without killing my excitement about my new hobby!! :)

  2. OMG. I am so addicted to those things. I forgot where I had them, and I think I had to share, but I really really didn't want to. Now you have me wondering if I can order those in bulk without driving down to Walmart.


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