Wednesday, January 15, 2014

5 Things

1. Forrest more or less ignores Darcy most of the time, which is fine with me (I know he’s not going to mess with her or try to pick her up or do anything to her when I’m not looking, because he rarely even notices her existence), but every now and then His Highness deigns to notice the poor little thing, taking a precious moment out of his busy schedule of changing his pants 30 times a day and asking me every 5 minutes when we’re going to see the Lego movie that he saw a poster for once and WILL NOT FORGET ABOUT, and she loves getting attention from him. Totally lights up when he looks at and talks to her, which is so adorable and also really sad, because he almost never pays any attention to her. Poor neglected baby. But he did ask to hold her the other day, and I managed to catch the sweetest photo of the two of them. She couldn’t stop smiling up at him, and I think he was pleased to see that she was so adoring. His Grinch heart grew 3 sizes that day.

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2. I got a gift card to Sephora for Christmas and am 49% excited to spend it, 51% scared to set foot inside the store. I’ve still got the middle school dork mentality of being super intimidated by glamorous girls and I’m worried the employees will laugh at me and I’ll cry and run off and eat my lunch in the library. You know, just like middle school. Anyhoo, I’ve never used fancy makeup before—drugstore cheap stuff is my jam—so what would you recommend I spend my money on, as a Sephora newbie? Please and thank you.

3. Forrest has graduated—if such a lofty term can be used for not actually accomplishing anything except getting older—from nursery at church (which is pure fun . . . nothing but toys, snacks, and songs) to Primary (which is for the very mature 3-12 crowd . . . there is an actual sit-down class involved). His first week in Primary went great, so I smugly thought I had dodged a bullet when he didn’t seem to miss the barrel-o-laughs that is nursery. Just look at the smugness.

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And then this past week, he kept mentioning going to nursery. Like, he couldn’t stop talking about nursery, all weekend. We kept reminding him that he is a big boy and goes to Primary now because he’s so grown up, and he kept reminding us that, no, he likes nursery, he’ll just go to nursery instead, thank you very much. So I’ll just leave it at that and let you use your imagination to envision the epic meltdown that ensued on Sunday when we arrived at church and headed towards not the nursery room.

4. Speaking of riotous successes, my unique talent for ruining baked goods’ good looks reared its ugly head in the form of a bundt cake disaster last week, and you just know I tried to smash the broken pieces back on and of course that didn’t work so I was forced to flip the whole stupid thing back over and frost the bottom of it instead of the top. I shock myself sometimes with just how great I am at this whole Susie Homemaker thing.

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5. I finished my first book of the year—Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. Not a life-changer by any stretch, but it was sweet and cute and funny, and I really enjoyed it. It’s nice to be off to a good start for the year after realizing there were quite a few ‘meh’ books in 2013’s reading list.

(Some of the pics in this post are from my Instagram . . . feel free to follow me there if you’d like! My username is @maybematilda)


  1. The picture of them together is too darling. Nat was always entirely disinterested in kina, too...until the day he decided to pick her up. And dropped her, because, of course.

    Now he likes to be in her business as much as possible, so yeah.

    1. Also, hilarious with nursery and now I'm scared, especially coupled with the disaster that is afternoon church.

    2. Seriously--it is a lose-lose situation. No nap + no nursery? The perfect storm.

  2. "His grinch heart"...too funny! I imagine the other end of him always wanted to be around her could be rather much so maybe you have the better end or else it could be a lot of " can I hold her," "can I feed her," "can I touch her!"
    As far as Sephora goes, speaking as a makeup artist I love that place but can easily drop major bills! If you want to get an item I would recommend either a good high end foundation (Makeup Forever HD or Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation are my favs) or a great eye shadow palette...Urban Decay has the Naked Palette 1, 2 and the newest which is obviously 3...I am a fan of the 2, very neutral colors!

    1. Awesome, thank you for the recommendations! I've heard a lot of good things about the Naked palettes.

  3. Awesome post today -- totally made me laugh. The fact that you even TRIED making a Bundt cake (Bundt cake! That is like the graduate school of cooking) is impressive. Did it taste good, at least?

    Don't worry about Sephora. You are a lovely person and they will be swarming over you trying to dab makeup samples on you. Truly. They will love you :)

    1. Ha! "The graduate school of cooking." Now I don't feel like as much of a failure . . . I'm the equivalent of maybe a trade school certificate in cooking. Definitely not grad school material ;-) But it did taste great anyway! Just not pretty.

      And thank you so much--you are so kind :-)

  4. I feel you on the whole Sephora thing, very intimidating! I'd get perfume.

  5. Whether it's intentional or not... You make me laugh. :)

  6. Sephora make up suggestions:
    Urban Decay eye shadow - they're amazing!!
    Bare Minerals foundation, blush and/or mascara (the weather anything waterproof mascara is the bee's knees!)
    Clinique All About Eyes under eye cream - best I've ever found to help with any puffy circles

  7. Lol, Forrest's ignoring of his sister may be a very positive thing, indeed, compared to the second-mommy syndrome that may-or-may-not occur in my home. Poor neglected Darcy! (BTW, have I said how much I love that name?!)

    SO glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way in Sephora! I usually order my makeup online (BareMinerals) through them, but last Spring I went into the store instead. No joke, the girl told me I was applying my makeup with the incorrect brush and pretty much laughed at me, and I in turn spent $80 (for the record I have NEVER spent that much on makeup at one time before) because I felt like I had to prove something to this girl. How dumb is that? I bought a $30 makeup brush. $30?! I kick myself, but I'm sure it's nice--I just am not the kind of person to appreciate that niceness. I guess you were looking for encouragement, though. I'm just saying, the older I get the more these 19-year old shimmery-lipped twerkers intimidate me. I just can't compete. I mean, shame on me for being practical and living in tennis shoes and mousey brown pony tails, with two kids and bags of cheerios in tow. The Sephora store brand products are fun and priced at drugstore prices. ; )

    Good luck with this whole nursery thing. Sometimes when I'm at church I think people should be patting me on the back just for making it and looking somewhat put together--and don't even mention fighting losing battles like class placement. Shoot, you deserve a medal.

  8. I love that picture of two of the cutest kids on earth. Seriously - my heart is exploding.

  9. I found this awesome cooking spray that has flour mixed right in it! Maybe everyone knows about it, but I just discovered it! It's white and fluffy looking right out of the spray can. I made a bundt cake on Sunday and it came out perfect! It's Target brand and not very expensive. I highly recommend it! You also have an excuse to go to Target which is a win win in my world :)

  10. I'm intimidated by those Glam Gals at Sephora too...which is why I'm a total cheap drug-store make-up fan. :) I got a gift card to Sephora last year and made the amazing discovery of eye shadow primer. It is amazing. Makes your shadow last all day w/o creasing. Such great stuff!
    By the are my inspiration. Growing out my pixie (about 1/3 the way there). I have pinned all of your "in between stages" to keep me motivated, LOL! Your hair is GORGEOUS at every length...super short and lovely long. Thanks for the inspiration! Love your blog!

  11. Love that picture of Forrest and Darcy. So precious! As a drugstore makeup girl myself, I went to Sephora to look for foundation and even though I was intimidated, the sales girls were super nice and helpful so definitely get their advice

  12. Cute pictures and funny blog! I always enjoy reading it.

  13. I absolutely LOVE the picture of the two of them :)

  14. Love it! I'm almost done with Attachments. Eleanor and Park was my first book crush of 2014, and I had to download Attachments and start reading that. I'm really liking the lighthearted books right now.

    And I feel the same way about Sephora. Does anyone ever actually feel comfortable going in there?

    1. I'm waiting on the library hold list for Eleanor and Park . . . can't wait to get it!

      And I'm thinking I need to forward these comments to Sephora--they ought to know we're all scared to set foot in there! ;-)

  15. Middle school intimidation does, indeed, equal many lunches spent in the library. However, as I reflect in these experiences, I'm glad I spent my time reading books instead of spending time with a bunch of girls who were just plain mean. By the way, they are all pretty fat now. My, how the tides have turned.

    Sephora - find a great BB cream. I use Clinique and I love it. I have oily skin and it provides great coverage, doesn't break me out, SPF 30(?), and I never have to wear foundation. And one will last you quite a few months. I prefer Ulta because they have high end AND drugstore brands in a one-stop shop. Good luck!

  16. I would recommend the Bare Minerals foundation and the Urban Decay Naked Basics palette(it is very small with 6 very basic matte shades). I use both all the time.

  17. the NARS multiple stick!!! best thing ever. i've never been a blush girl, but i totally use it on my lips and cheeks and love it! i have it in the color "orgasm". yikes i know, but seriously, it's so great.


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