Friday, January 17, 2014

Giveaway! Happy Baby Wrap

When Forrest was born, a friend of mine let me borrow her baby sling to use with him, and I never got the hang of using it. It always felt awkward and uncomfortable, and his head would just sink down into his chest and I would worry he wouldn’t be able to breathe in that position, and I ended up giving the sling back to my friend without ever using it for more than about 2 minutes at a time. Then another friend gave us a backpack-style chest carrier, and I liked it better than the sling, but it is absolute TORTURE on the back and shoulders, so we still didn’t use it unless we really, really had to. I actually used it this past Halloween to carry Darcy while we went trick-or-treating, and ended up with a plugged milk duct from where the straps dug into the girls, so that was super fun. To sum up, my past experiences with ‘baby-wearing’ have not exactly been what I’d call successful.

But I was sent a {free} Happy Baby Wrap recently to try out, and it has changed my mind totally about the discomfort and awkwardness of wearing a baby like an accessory. The cutest accessory ever. Worlds apart from my earlier experience with the awkward sling and the torturous duct-squashing backpack carrier.

Happy Baby Wrap review (

Let’s pause here and take a moment to admire Darcy’s scalp-ilicious bald spot, made even more noticeable by her glorious mullet beneath and peach fuzz above. Such a feminine look! The blame for her baby baldness falls squarely on Jeff, whose reflective baby scalp was graced by nary a hair until his first birthday.

This wrap is totally comfortable to carry her around in—the fabric (organic bamboo) is so soft and stretchy, and her weight feels like it’s actually evenly distributed instead of just bearing down on one spot (a la backpack carrier with the awful straps digging into my shoulders and boobs).

Win a Happy Baby Wrap at Maybe Matilda!

I had wondered if she’d feel secure enough to carry around in a wrap—like, would she just slip out the bottom? Or jiggle around as I walk? But she definitely feels tight and secure, and she seems to be comfy in there. It’s easy to put on, slip her in, and walk around or do chores without worrying about the wrap coming loose or the baby moving positions. I only wish she’d actually relax her neck and just lay her head against my chest, but she is intent on leaning back and staring up at me while she rides along. Adorable.

Happy Baby Wrap Giveaway!

Pay no attention to the costumed child racing through the pictures.

Want to win your own Happy Baby Wrap? Enter away, my friend! I hope you win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love those stripes! I had a similar wrap but I never got the hang of it...I may have tried harder if it was as cute as yours. Love the broken neck trying to get a glimpse of mamma! Funny how at that age how they just can't get enough of you.

    1. Isn't that cute? I love the stripes. This girl has the most flexible neck on the planet . . . and she seems to prefer it being at a bizarre angle :-P

  2. Loooooove the stripes. I had a really similar style that Henry pretty much lived in for the first few months. It was such a luxury to have two hands.

  3. I would LOVE to get a free wrap! I need one. Im due in 6 weeks with #3 and I will have 3 under 3 for a few months! I know, I know, Im crazy which I am reminded of constantly, but its where we are at for now and in a few years Ill be out of the diaper/wearing my baby, chasing after another one stage.... right ;)

    1. Wow, you could definitely use it! Congratulations on the new baby :-)

  4. Meh, it's been way too long since I've read blogs at all, so I dunno when you changed the look, but it's very cute! I have a wrap similar to this (although it is a SCREAMING pink color) and It was wonderful to stick my tiny baby in there while we were flying to Texas. So of course I can't in good conscience enter to win, but I have to agree, I like these wrap thingies!

  5. How does it feel on your shoulders? Can you still move your arms? I like my bjorn but it does start to hurt after a while. Glad to read your review, maybe I will try this one!

  6. Following you on twitter as @SmartAnnSavvy. Thanks Julie

  7. This is so cute! i had a similar style wrap with my son, it was the most comfortable thing ever! I carried him in a carrier constantly, I miss baby wearing!

  8. You look absolutely amazing!! Cannot believe you gave birth a short time ago!

  9. Is this giveaway closed? I never saw who won. :)

    1. Yes, it is--sorry! I just emailed the winner and didn't post it. (I always wonder which people prefer . . . is it better if I post the winner?)


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