Monday, January 20, 2014

Granny Obsession

Who doesn’t love a nice granny, really? So classic and timeless and snuggly.

We’re all on the same page, right? We’re talking granny stripes. Everyone loves a human granny, too, I’m sure, but the granny variety I’m currently obsessing over is the crocheted version.

It started with Darcy’s baby blanket. I wanted to make her something very simple and sweet, so I went with a traditional granny square blanket in a pretty sage green (a lovely color that is, sadly, completely butchered by this crappy cell phone picture) and tossed a few cream stripes in to keep it interesting.

Green and cream granny square blanket

I worried that maybe I’d get bored with this blanket over time—it is a very clean, simple look—but in the months since I made it, I’ve really come to love it more and more. And I needed more granny goodness in my life.

So I started on this little brown and cream number, and it was such a delight to make.

Brown and cream crochet granny stripe baby blanket

There’s just so much to love about granny stripes and squares. They’ve got that simple, classic look. They have endless variation possibilities. Depending on the colors you choose, they can be bold and dramatic, or soft and sweet, or modern and edgy. They’re quick to work up, and don’t require a vast amount of knowledge or experience. What’s not to like?

A simple and sweet brown + cream granny stripe blanket.

I love how the brown and cream blanket turned out  . . . the colors are understated and simple, but it has such a great classic look. I added a scalloped edging, and I love what it adds to the blanket. I’m really happy with how it turned out. (If you’re interested, it’s in my etsy shop now!)

I also loved the idea of a simple granny square blanket in a neutral color, with a bold punch via a cool and unexpected border. So I played around and came up with another baby blanket.

A simple granny square blanket with a bold mixed stitch border

I love this finished look. Starts out as a simple, standard granny square blanket, but BAM. That’s an exciting border if ever I’ve seen one.

Fun mixed stitch border for a crochet baby blanket

It was surprisingly liberating to just start out a mixed stitch border without a plan in place—I just picked whatever color and stitch felt right at the time. I normally really plan things out before I begin, so it was very different for me to just wing it here. And very gratifying to have it turn out nicely, too! I can’t wait to make another with a set of brighter colors for the border—I’m picturing springy pinks and greens.

And a work in progress—after the chocolate and cream granny stripe blanket, I thought it might be fun to do one in a single color scheme. I dug all these purples out of my stash and am making a conscious effort to be a little more random than usual and not plan out the stripe sequence.

Purple granny stripes!

It’s shockingly difficult to not stress about how the overall stripe pattern will look and just choose a shade of purple for each row without worrying if it’s too soon to repeat that shade, or if another shade might look better there . . . but the effect has been fun so far. I clearly need to loosen up, if total control over something as ridiculous as stripe sequence is this difficult for me to give up.

I’m thinking of writing up patterns for the mixed stitch border blanket and the granny stripe with the scalloped border, so you may be seeing more of them in the future. If you love grannies as much as I do, hopefully you won’t mind.


  1. Lookin' good! I've never actually tried granny stripes or squares before, but they're definitely on my massive to-try list... Once I finally finish Corbin's blanket of course. (Only 10 more rows. I might actually finish it this year!)

    1. 10 rows to go! You're right there! Can't wait to see it.

  2. I LOVE that brown and cream blanket. You're my crochet hero.

  3. I've been in love with that mixed stitch border blanket since you posted it on Instagram. And the brown and cream granny stripe is gorgeous! You are so talented!

  4. Love the mix stitched border! I'm totally granny obsessed too. It's in my blood. Purple is one of my least fav colors but that granny stripe blanket totally appeals to me! It looks rich and cozy... Using all shades of one color is a great idea... One I may need to try.

  5. I too am obsessed with granny stipes right now!! I just finished a large blanket for a friend who's having health issues and also a baby blanket for a family friend. I love how they came out too!! I have trouble with "winging" it when doing stripes as I plan out the sequence. One of these days I' just grab and go like your purple stripe one as I love how it's coming out :)

    1. It's surprisingly hard to wing it, isn't it? But it's been kind of fun to just let it happen on its own. Stressful and fun :-P

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Would love to see the pattern for all the stitches you used for your bold border - it's so pretty!!!

    I'm definitely not good with doing a random pattern with colors either - someone my relaxing activity of crocheting becomes filled with anxiety!!

  8. I would LOVE to get a pattern for the granny stripe blanket!! Love it!! You are so talented! :)

  9. I have just started crocheting and would love for you to share the patterns!

  10. I love the granny. And we love our Maybe Matilda granny stripe blanket. We snuggle in it just about every day.

  11. Lovely blankets!! I would love to see patterns for these.

  12. I'm totally into granny stripes now too! I would love love love it if you share the 2 patterns for your blankets :) I'm needing to work on orders so I can get back to my granny stripe blanket ASAP oh and the other 3 WIPs I have going on.

  13. I just made a Granny Stripe table runner for my mom. It went so fast. Love all your blankets.

  14. I love all of these! Especially the last two! I am joining in on a crochet along this year, doing a 'crochet mood blanket'. There is a great facebook page for it too. You might like to give it a go (althought it looks like you are pretty busy with all your other projects!), it might give you some inspiration. I am working on a mixed stitch striped blanket at the moment. Finding it so addictive! Check out my blog if you are interested.

  15. I'm just teaching myself to crochet again, after learning at my granny's knee. I love these blankets! I am reformist fond of the purple one! I am adding it to my to do list! Maybe in people, or maybe a blue/aqua.

  16. i love these! love the cream ones with the more colorful borders!

  17. I love the granny stripe in purples! I'm working on one in purples and grays and trying random stripes for the first time...I found that it was easier to do random colors if I also alternated the number of rows for a stripe! Can't wait to see your finished product! =]


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