Maybe Matilda: Romantical

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I have spent the last several minutes trying to think of a way to flesh this out into something truly blog-post-worthy ('several minutes' being far more time and preparation than normally go into this internet grab-bag/wasteland that I call a blog) and am coming up empty. Which probably means this is not worth blogging about.

But riddle me this: what am I supposed to do when my dear sweet husband presents me with an anniversary mix tape full of songs that have "special meaning" (his words) to us as a couple? And when track 3 of said mix tape of romantic sap turns out to be Gold Digger, that quintessential love song by the deep-feeling and ever-emotional Kanye West, am I not supposed to share this precious golden nugget of sentimental drivel with anonymous strangers on the internet?

This is what blogs are for. And such is the idyllic, poetic, romantical nonsense of a 5-year marriage.


  1. Happy anniversary! Our 5th was yesterday, 4/28.

  2. Did he meet you at a beauty salon with a baby Louis Vuitton under your arm?

    Happy Anniversary!

  3. When my now-husband and I were dating, he made me a mix CD (which he titled "The Romantic Period"). "Gold Digger" was track 3. :)
    Congratulations on five years!

  4. Ask him about it. Maybe he loves the way you shake your booty whenever the song comes on the radio. Or maybe he's naive like my husband and has absolutely no clue as to the actual meaning of the lyrics. Either way, it's a great story to share! :)

  5. Wow you are so funny. I love your sense of humor. Happy Anniversary!

  6. Men are silly, this is probably his backwards way of saying, "Baby, I love spoiling you." But don't think it was out of meanness.

  7. LOL! Just the fact that he made you a mix tape is VERY ROMANTIC. Sure, the song choice was a bit awkward, but it was still sweet. BIG CONGRATS on your 5th anniversary. My hubby and I just celebrated 22yrs (holy cow!). Marriage (and parenting) isn't easy. However, making it through the bumps in life together, only makes your relationship stronger. Congratulations on 5yrs! :D

  8. haha that is awesome. I can only imagine what songs would be on one from my husband... I know "put your back into it" would probably make the cut though. hahahaa

  9. I can't imagine what my husband would put on a mix tape for me. LOL He likes Heavy Metal from way back when, and I am just a little old country girl. =) I grew up with Elvis and Merle Haggard and Marty Robbins, and Willie, Waylon and the boys! LOL We will have been married for 23 years this coming December. What could be more romantic than a 2 week cruise and 4 days in Spain for a 20th anniversary gift? OK, so it was 4 months late, but I knew about it on our anniversary. I know, not every one can be as lucky as I am. But as long as we love and are loved, that is all that matters.

  10. This is seriously the best thing I've read all day. I love how husbands think. And I also love that song. So... I think it's cool.

  11. Happy Anniversary! We are coming up on 5 years too, and I have no idea what we're going to do..but I probably won't get a mixed tape, so appreciate the one you've got :-)

  12. lol! Awesome. My hubby presented me with the song "Lips Of An Angel" as a romantic song. "Why yes, dear. It's quite romantic how much the artist struggles to be faithful to his partner while thinking about his ex." "What???!" points for trying...?

  13. I just found your blog, which I love, btw and we just celebrated 6 and this post just cracks me up! My hubby would never make me a mix tape- so lucky you- and he also has no idea about lyrics, even though he's a singer. He used to sing Dirty Little Secret... um, hello hon what did you THINK that was about? It just sounds good. Right. (now it's my fault that I ruined the song for him) I LOVED your nose-in-hair picture, as well as the commentary. Awesome.



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