I'm Rachel, and Maybe Matilda is a blog about the daily joys and frustrations of life at home: voracious reading, delicious cooking, and the good, bad, and ugly truth of life with young kids (look elsewhere for angelic mothers and their cherubic children).
If such a thing as an average day exists in our house, it might find me setting aside a crochet project to help my son find a missing Lego piece (why do they make those things so damn small?), baking something that contains too much sugar with the help of 4 messy little hands, and desperately seeking an hour or so alone with a great novel.
The bright side? Five years later, I still love the name and am not offended in the slightest when readers call me Matilda. My husband's complaint about it was that it is (in his words) a granny name. But my ideal day consists of quiet reading, crocheting, and handing out warm cookies to my sticky children--classic granny activities. So I say it fits.
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I'm always excited to work with brands that fit my vision for this site. Contact me for information, examples, and pricing for sponsored posts, product reviews, giveaways, and banner space: rachelfbrown@gmail.com
Located in Vineyard, UT.
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