Maybe Matilda: Handmade Crochet Owl Amigurumi: Howdy, Simon

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Handmade Crochet Owl Amigurumi: Howdy, Simon

There’s a new cuddly friend in our house . . . meet Simon the Owl. (Fun fact: I love the name Simon. I really, really, really love it. I’ve fought hard to name a boy Simon, but Jeff refuses. He’s such a monster. The most he’s given me is the promise that if we have all boys--like, say, 5 of them--and try one last time for a girl, and even that one is a boy, I can name him Simon. How generous--I only get a Simon if I give birth to 6 boys first. So we named the owl Simon. This may be the closest I’ll ever come to a son named Simon. I guess I’ll take it.)

DSC_0525-1Isn’t he handsome? Simon’s interests include composing free verse poetry, gazing thoughtfully out of windows, and engaging in lively political debate with friends. I made him from the same colors that I used for Forrest’s Christmas blanket—I like that these two make a matching set.

DSC_0529-1  I’m sure you remember Fresh Stitches, one of our great crochet along sponsors? Well, when I was showing Jeff the sponsors’ shops and patterns, he insisted I buy this adorable owl plush pattern from Fresh Stitches to crochet for Forrest for Christmas. Gotta love an enabler! $5 later, the pattern was in my inbox and I was ready to go.

Then Stacey, the designer behind Fresh Stitches,  asked if I’d like to try out her Craftsy workshop . . . step by step photo tutorials and in-depth instructions to make this very owl. Heck, why not!

I would definitely give her owl workshop two—nay, three—thumbs up. It was chock full of helpful tips and tricks that I hadn’t known before, like how to make sure you get a seamless transition when switching colors, special instructions for starting and finishing individual pattern pieces, time-saving shortcuts, and a picture for just about every step of the way. If you’ve wanted to try amigurumi but haven’t been sure where to begin, I think you’d really find the workshop helpful. It costs a bit more than just the pattern alone, but would be money well spent if this is your first attempt at amigurumi and you want to make sure you end up with a great-looking piece, like my dapper Simon. My favorite feature of the Craftsy workshop was the ability to ask questions at any step throughout the pattern . . . any questions you ask are attached to the page where you ask them, and Stacey comes back and answers them there as well, so if you hit a bump in the road, you get a personalized response from the designer, plus your question stays on the page for other crocheters to learn from, too. The pattern alone is very well-written and detailed, so if you’ve already crocheted an amigurumi or two, it would probably suit your needs very nicely, but if you’d like that little extra boost and help along the way, the workshop would be well worth the extra few dollars.

Although Simon is going to be a Christmas present for Forrest, I couldn’t resist seeing what he’d think of the little guy. Forrest is generally not a huge fan of the gifts I make for him (for proof, see this post about the crochet blanket I made for him, pictured below), so I was nervous he wouldn’t be that fond of Simon. Definitely did not need to stress about that. Exhibit A:


He definitely likes his new buddy. Simon was welcomed with hugs:DSC_0531-2

And with kisses:DSC_0541-1

  I thought I could take advantage of his excitement over a new toy to get him to love that darned blanket without even realizing it. So I slipped it over his lap while he was busy smooching on Simon:DSC_0534-2

No dice. He was not fooled, nor was he happy about it. I wish you could hear the angry grunting as he tried to pull the blanket off his lap:DSC_0536-1

And his blanket-fury was taken out on poor unsuspecting Simon. Owl up:DSC_0545-1


Whatcha gonna do about it?DSC_0547 

Despite the abuse poor Simon had to deal with, I think there are a few victories here:

#1. I finally feel pretty confident at crocheting amigurumi. Yes!

#2. I finally made something for Forrest that he loves. YES!

#3. I finally have someone in the house named Simon. Huzzah.DSC_0527-1


  1. He is so adorable! Will you add him to my link party?

    I love following your blog!

  2. Simon is adorable!!!! As is your son. I'm going to look into the craftsy workshop.

  3. Simon is amazing! Love that he coordinates with the blanket.

    Also, we're expecting our 2nd child and if it's a boy... the name is Simon! It has been our name of choice for a boy since we found out we were expecting our first baby--who happened to be a girl that we named Elliott. And just because I always share too much, if we have another girl we're naming her Bennett. I love to gender bend with little gal names!

    But back to the post... it's nice to see your kiddo play with something you make, even if it is slammed on the ground. ; )

  4. I don't know what I loved more, your adorable owl or your commentary :) Love how you try to "force" your child to like something you made. I must confess I've done that too ("Wear the pretty dress, see, Mommy made it! No, don't rip it off. Here try on the hat Mommy made").

  5. Simon is awesome! I want to check out the workshop and learn how to make one for myself! Hehe. I loved your commentary below your pictures of your son. Haha, I hope that if I ever have children that they like the things i make for them.

    <3 Jenn

  6. Simon is fantastic! I'm sure as he gets older you'll be making him more and more things he loves. My son is 5yrs old and loves me making him different themed hats. He now has 7 of them as well as 5 different cuddly toys. I hope you have as much joy in the future and I'm sure Simon is going to be a hit for a long time.

  7. So cute. Love the owl, the photos, and the name Simon. My kids aren't usually fans of items I make either. What's up with that?

  8. Oh my gosh! So cute!!! I love when amigurumi projects look like they have little personalities of their own!

  9. Simon is ADORABLE! And that first photo of Forrest, where he's kissing Simon? Oh my gosh, Rachel...that face...I just want to eat him with a spoon! Cutie-pie.

  10. Oh my goodness! So stinkin' cute! I love the name Simon too. And I know Brad wouldn't go for that name either. Here, I'll go ask him... Ok, this is what he said, "Not a chance in heck". Only he didn't say "heck". What's up with guys? Psh.

    I love Forrest's face and hand position in the "Whatcha gonna do about it?" photo. He's totally mean muggin' you.

  11. I love that pattern and the colors are amazing! I was wondering when other bloggers would discover Craftsy. This project makes me want to give the animals a try (I know I would misspell that word if I tried). I also enjoyed your commentary and pictures of your son :)

  12. haha I love this post. That owl is so cute. So is your little boy. and I love "blanket fury" HAHAHHAH even though it's sad he doesn't like that blanket.

  13. That owl is so much fun he must have been irresistible!

  14. I love your owl. I like your eyes better than the ones on the pattern. How did you do them??

  15. Thank you! They actually are the same eyes from the pattern--I didn't feel brave enough to try something different ;-)

  16. This is so cute! I really want to make a Whale for a friend. Hopefully I can do it :)


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