Maybe Matilda: Infinity Scarves and Homebaked Goodies with Sweet Verbena

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Infinity Scarves and Homebaked Goodies with Sweet Verbena

I just love Katy of Sweet Verbena. She has such unique, creative sewing ideas and always puts such an original spin on projects. If I wasn't so horribly, horribly awkward in person, and bound to creep people out when meeting for the first time, I'd want to hang out with her and have a sewing playdate. The coolest thing about Katy, I think, is that she's a student and still puts aside time for sewing and baking and crafts--isn't that neat? I believe I spent all my college time being a nerd and trying to flirt unawkwardly (keyword: trying). Anyway, enjoy her handmade gifts she created for friends and family (I wish I was on her gift list!) and tasty-looking treat ideas!


Why hello there. I'm so happy to be guest posting here at Maybe Matilda today! Rachel was one of the first to reach out to me when I first started blogging and besides that she is just plain awesome. She always has me cracking up with her witty posts and she has the best ideas! 

I blog over at Sweet Verbena, where I mostly share my passion for sewing. I'm a junior at Texas A&M University studying education. Christmas shopping on a college student's budget is no easy task. This year I finally feel confident enough in my sewing ability to hand make gifts for some of the people on my list. 

My easy, go-to for the ladies on my list is a Single Loop Infinity scarf (check out my tutorial here). I really enjoyed picking out the fabric with a friend in mind. This one is for my boyfriend's Mom who loves butterflies. 

I even lined it with micro-fiber fleece so that it will be extra cozy and warm!

This one is a soft flannel paired with silky, magenta voile. 

Last, a perfect plaid with my Mom in mind. 

I cranked these out assembly-line style and had 4 gifts good-to-go in no time!

But maybe you're not a sewer or you can't seem to think what  to make for anyone. So try wrapping up some home-baked goodies. I've found that those who don't usually bake themselves really appreciate this gift. 

These thumbprint jam cookies are among my favorite Christmas cookie recipes. Find the recipe here.

Chocolate dipped pretzels are a bit of a chore to make, but such a treat! I love salty/sweet combos. (Here's a tip: If your chocolate is too thick, thin it out with a spoonful of Crisco. It thins it right up and doesn't leave a funny taste.)

Holy moly these are good! Peppermint Oreo truffles are like little drops of heaven! I found the recipe here.

Now just wrap 'em up!

Hooray for being almost done with Christmas "shopping" without even leaving your home! 

Thank you Rachel for having me. It's been such a pleasure (:


  1. I LOVE the sewn infinity scarfs! I've only crocheted them in the past, but this seems like it would make a great project for January when I start in on next year's Christmas gifts! I'll be following this blog moving forward :-)

  2. I just started reading Sweet Verbena a couple of weeks ago. I NEED that plaid to the fabric store!

  3. The infinity scarf is too cool. Love the plaid!!

  4. What great ideas. I love these infinity scarves!!
    Can't believe that you would be smears in person, although I feel the same wayabout myself.

  5. Love those infinity scarves! And those peppermint oreo truffles?! Get. Out.


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