Maybe Matilda: Eight Deep Thoughts

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Eight Deep Thoughts

1. Have you noticed the 5 or 10 or however many Silhouette giveaways happening on various craft blogs recently? I did not enter a single one, but I’ve read all the “Silhouette Winner Announced!” posts and felt disappointed when my name wasn’t listed.

2. I pretended not to hear Forrest when he woke up talking and giggling after his nap today because I really wanted to finish the crochet project I was this close to completing. He either went back to sleep or is still moping silently over being ignored, two hours later. Parenting win? Or fail? Never mind, don’t tell me.

DSC_0524 (photo from a different nap)

3. Have you tried Kellogg’s Krave cereal? I protested the purchase of this cereal at the grocery store and now, a day later, the box is empty. Jeff had one bowl. I polished off the rest. Sad part: it wasn’t even that good. Definitely no Chocolate Chex.

4. Have you ever had that awful experience in the gym when someone gives you a strange look and for one horrifying moment you wonder if you were singing the Party Rock Anthem out loud without realizing it because, if you were, you wouldn’t have been able to hear yourself over your own headphones?

5. I watched Yo Gabba Gabba with Forrest for the first time ever today. Dude, that show is weird. But at least I finally understand this custom-order hat that I made 3 months ago:


6. One of my Christmas gifts from Jeff was a really nice, really dangerous new kitchen knife. He predicted I would injure myself with the new knife the first time I used it. But I didn’t slice my thumb open until the second use. Ha! I showed him! (And this was only 2 days after losing a copious amount of blood from my other thumb in a salad tong-related incident. Don’t ask.)

7. I dreamed the other night that I was married to Nathan Fillion. My first feeling upon waking wasn’t guilt or remorse for marrying myself off to another man, but regret that I had dream-married the slightly older, still lovable but undeniably aging Rick Castle version of Nathan Fillion rather than the young, trim, and dashing Malcolm Reynolds version.

8. Are you tired of hearing about New Year’s Resolutions? Here’s mine: eat more Chocolate Chex. Also, more Nathan Fillion dreams.


  1. You rock. I like your resolutions. And I once had a dream like that, too.

  2. You never cease to make my day happy. Despite being sicker than a dog I'm laughing my butt off.(I sound like a 93 yr old smoker too!)

  3. gosh you make me laugh! and a total win in my book, although it may be a lose tonight when he just wont go to bed due to a well rested nap:)

  4. uh....I entered probably every single one of those Silhouette giveaways and was still disappointed that my name wasn't listed....maybe it's because there was 50,9843bajillion entries.
    I'm pretending not to hear my baby sing and talk to himself right now...does that answer your question? hahahahah

  5. Parenting win! Sadly we just converted to a toddler bed yesterday and the munchkin can escape when ever she pleases. I contemplated telling her the floor was lava, but figured that would hinder the potty training progress ;)

  6. Love Nathan Fillion! And I've also pretended not to hear cries while finishing a project... "Just a minute!" and then 45 minutes later I might go in if they're still awake :)

  7. Yo Gabba Gabba is really weird. I keep thinking about what those people are thinking as they dance around inside those thermos-insulator-fabric costumes. We've just started watching Bob the Builder on the Kindle. Josh has now made up his own sign for "I want the Kindle"....a swiping sign...

  8. I love that dream. The Mal version, I mean. Oh don't get me wrong, I'll take the Castle version, but Mal. Oh, Mal.

  9. Haha! I leave my son to himself all the time if he wakes up chatting to himself. No harm in spending time by yourself and discovering :)

    p.s. Yo-Gabba-Gabba is toootally messed up!

  10. Hahahahahaha! Oh, Malcolm Reynolds. Love that man. :)

    I like to listen to audio books sometimes when I work out, and I'll occasionally catch myself making facial expressions along with the characters. Oops!

  11. Man, this made my rather difficult, teething baby day much better. And him falling back asleep was totally a parenting win! :)

  12. Fabulous thoughts. Yo Gabba Gabba is weird. "There's a party in my tummy. So yummy, so yummy." Weird.

    I almost cut my entire thumb off with a cheese knife this summer. Scary business I tell you.

  13. I got new knives too! And although I didn't draw blood, I did cut myself. I'm in love with them, though!

  14. I bet Jeff has the same Nathan Fillion dreams too.

  15. I love Yo Gabba Gabba! Takes a few episodes to get used to it, but it's my favorite kids show to watch with them.

  16. This post sums up why you are one of my favorite reads each day.

    I'd say you and Forest are even. He was ignored for awhile but he made you watch Yo Gabba Gabba. I'd call that a tie.

  17. I think either Nathan Fillion version is good!

    I skip over those silhouette giveaways everytime I see the blog title, I used to get excited and then annoyed by seeing the tiny "only open to US residents" line. People really should list those things at the beginning of a giveaway!

    and also, I have done the ignore thing with all of my kids!

  18. This post is exactly why you are up there on my favorite blogs. Yo Gabba Gabba is the weirdest. Look up Elijah Wood singing Puppet Master on it! Also, Nathan Fillion is h.o.t.

  19. Oh my gosh the Nathan Fillion comment is cracking me up! I love him! Though admittedly I did not know who he was until I married my husband (still don't really love Firefly & Serenity but LOVE Castle!).

    Love it! Made my day a little more enjoyable! =)

  20. Those giveaway posts fill my Canadian heart with the blackest rage so I vengefully click 'next' before the page even finishes loading when one comes up. That'll learn Silhouette for not even letting me pretend I might win something.

    I totally don't go in if the baby is jabbering to herself. If I let her out she tries to climb onto and jump off of the kitchen table, but if I leave her there she cheerfully takes off her shirt and socks and throws them on the ground.

  21. I also neglected to enter any of the Silhouette contests and for some odd reason I didn't win any, either, and I am sad. :)

  22. Ah, Nathan Fillion. I definitely wouldn't mind dreaming about being married to him! Haha! I entered one of the silhouette giveaways, even though I hardly ever enter giveaways because I never win and it just compounds my low self esteem.

  23. Parenting WIN!! You rock! I am so glad to hear that you are like me and not ALWAYS perfect! :)

    Love the blog,
    Blessings in 2012!

  24. Haha... okay, I TOTALLY feel relieved after reading your second items on this list... because I completely pretend to not hear Emma when she wakes up from a nap just around the time I am hands deep in the middle of a crochet project. I always feel SO terrible! But, she usually plays, cries a little, then gets happy and plays again... and I eventually do get her. ;)

    By the way, I am going to try making Emma that cute bobble stitch blanket you posted a while back!! I just made her an ear warmer using that stitch for the first time and she LOVES playing with it. I can see why you said it's the perfect stitch for babies!! I'll definitely post pictures when it's complete and link back to you. :)

    Kim @ Little Rays of Sunshine

  25. OH. MY. GOODNESS. I think I just about died reading this. You are so funny. I appreciated the read!

  26. You are the funniest blogger ever. Loved reading. And I never comment. So I must say, you're a hoot

  27. I'm not really sure what a silloutte is, I can't buy Chocolate Chex (they make me stay up all night eating them and watching Dog the Bounty Hunter), and the best man at our wedding is now the editor of Yo Gabba Gabba.

    Oh and in my dream last night I was wearing a pioneer dress and fighting alligators on a bike. Why can't I have dreams like yours?


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