Maybe Matilda: A Non-Decorator's Fall Vignette + Autumn Harvest

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Non-Decorator's Fall Vignette + Autumn Harvest

This post brought to you by Glade Fall Collection. All opinions are 100% mine.

I've mentioned before that I don't really decorate for holidays. It's not that I dislike holiday decorations or anything, I've just never really had the essential combo that seems to go into seasonal decor: money + inspiration + holiday spirit (+ optional elementary-school aged kids). I guess I'm grinchy. But autumn is my favorite season, and since we're in our own house for the first time ever, I've had a change of heart . . . I wanted to do at least a little something for our first season in our first house. I'm still missing almost all of the components for my holiday decorating equation (no money, no inspiration, very little holiday spirit except excitement over pumpkin bread), so this is the best I could do. Having never decorated for just about anything ever, though, I'm inordinately pleased with my little fall vignette.

I made the hurricanes using Chelsea of Two Twenty-One's thrifty hurricane tutorial, and the little pumpkins and gourds were post-autumn markdowns at Walmart a few years ago that I picked up for ten cents apiece (and--ready?--they've been in a box ever since. THAT is how grinchy I am. I even bought seasonal decorations, then put them in a box and abandoned them for years). All the elements for the hurricanes were from Dollar Tree and Walmart, so she's not kidding with the thrifty title. All things considered, the most expensive part of this display was the candy corn. Not bad, and very pleasing to a cheapskate like me. (Although, be warned: I've been told by a reliable snitch source who tried to sneak candy out of the display that it now tastes like candle wax.) There are actually a few more items I was planning/hoping to add to my vignette, but to be honest, I think I'm too cheap and lazy to pull it all together, so I may just channel that money/energy toward Christmas decorations in a few months. So, for now, and for what is just about my first attempt at holiday decor ever, this is a pretty big triumph for me. The crowd goes wild!

One little item that helped bring the autumn-y spirit into our home (despite the 80+ weather we're still having) is the last little member of the vignette . . . the candle off to the right. I was sent the Autumn Harvest candle from the Glade Fall Collection (available at Walmart) and tossed it into my little fall area . . . I give that scent a hearty and enthusiastic two thumbs up. You know how most fall/winter scents smell mostly like cinnamon, or ginger, or just spices in general? So it basically smells like you're constantly brewing up a batch of hot cider? Well, I love that smell, don't get me wrong, but this Autumn Harvest scent is very different from those. It has a touch of that spice scent you normally get in fall but there's also kind of an earthy, smokey scent in there, too, and I love it. Very different from anything I've used before, but such a nice change from what I tend to gravitate towards. Their fall collection also includes a Rosemary Sage scent that I'm very curious about . . . it sounds just weird enough to potentially be amazing. Anyway, there's a coupon available at Walmart for $1.50 off two Glade Fall Collection products if you'd like to try out the Autumn Harvest scent that I know and love or any of the others.
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  1. Super cute! I'm impressed. =) That candy corn would not last long in our house though, I'm afraid...

  2. Cute! I'm not really into decorating for each season myself... lack of money & motivation have a lot todo with that. Love decorating for Christmas though especially now with kiddos to enjoy it all :)

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  4. I didn't get that much into decorating until I had kids either. Most of my decorations are hand-me-downs from my mom or made from fun foam. Oh well. Looks great!

  5. This turned out great! I love using candy corn and the hurricanes are so cool. Now, I want to recreate this exact thing in our home. I have t even considered fall decor yet. Bad me.

    Also, I love those Glade candles. They seriously smell awesome, are affordable and when the burn down, you are left with a cute little case. I have oodles of those.

  6. Super cute. The candles are awesome and I like the shiny gourds. If you are going to add anything, I think some fall leaves might add to your vignette--you can usually find these at Dollar Tree too. Other than that, not sure I'd change a thing. :)


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